

中文摘要 本計畫於100年4月1日開始執行,工作規劃內容包括針對離島工業區鄰近敏感點位進行紅外線連續監測(OP-FTIR)共計180天,及針對離島工業區廠內2點位及鄰近之14所學校進行有害污染物檢測作業,有害污染物檢測作業內容包括有:揮發性污染物(VOCs)、多環芳香族化合物(PAHs)、重金屬、酸鹼氣體與微粒等。藉著由本計畫之有效執行,建立離島工業區鄰近敏感點位之背景濃度資料,以作為後續監測資料比對之依據,進而瞭解離島工業區對其鄰近區域之影響程度。 本年度計畫各工作項目執行成果,主要如下: (一)結合離島工業區既有監測資源,以進行污染源釐清作業。 本計畫運用有害空氣污染物檢測作業補足風險評估計畫樣品數的不足,且所使用的VOCs、PAHs與Metal的採樣與分析方法都與風險評估計畫相同,後續所得到的分析與氣象數據資料皆會以電子檔案的形式提供給風險評估計畫使用。另於計畫執行期間,搭配離島整合計畫於離島工業區內的採樣規劃,共執行了3次的聯合採樣,並於首次執行於6/23~6/24以OP-FTIR同步進行監測。 (二)配合VOCs及臭味物質監測作業,精確掌握可能引起臭味事件的物質成分及來源。 本計畫以兩部OP-FTIR於本縣6處地點進行至少180天的監測,並彙整工安事故的發生及陳情計畫的民眾陳情案件,綜合其成果如下: 1.100年5月5日22時36分的民眾陳情資料中,陳情地點為六輕工業區東環路東南門,巡查計畫人員於現場亦有發現異味(風向為東北風),本測點則於23時36分測得乙烯54.19 ppb,風向為北北東,與巡查結果大抵一致。 2.100年5月12日六輕發生工安事件,於火災發生約4 hr後(風向西北~北風;風速約2.1~2.4 m/s),於崙豐國小測點測得氯乙烯(最大濃度高達217.94 ppb),同時段乙烯、丙烯亦同步有高值發生。此外,陳情計畫亦在22時20分於六輕東北門進行鋼瓶採樣,當時風向為西風,檢測結果中即包含氯乙烯389 ppb,顯示在此次工安事件中,確實有氯乙烯逸散至鄰近地區。 3.陳情計畫的資料中,於100年7月1日14時50分接獲豐安國小校區異味陳情,現場風向為西北風。本計畫於新興國小監測結果中,則於14~15時,分別測得2.4~18.5 ppb的甲醇,風向為北北西風,由於新興國小位於豐安國小南邊,對照其風向來源,研判應有相當的關連性。 4.六輕於100/7/26及100/7/30均有工安事件發生,本計畫分別於海豐分校及台西國中架有OP-FTIR監測設備。由7/23~8/3的圖譜解析,主要在於7/27~7/29間有較高濃度的乙烯、丙烯及丁烷,鄰近的海豐分校測點更測得較高濃度的乙烯(172.5 ppb)及丁烷(621.83 ppb)。 (三)利用監測數據配合氣象資料及污染成份特性,鑑別污染可能來源及形式,提供相關管制計畫作為污染管制及輔導依據,以維護良好空氣品質及生活環境。 除本計畫針對離島工業區內及其周界進行環境中有害空氣物質監測外,尚有離島整合計畫及風險評估計畫,本計畫之各項工作執行均會與兩計畫進行橫向聯繫,並將成果彙整以了解本縣整體空氣中污染物的分布情形,後續亦均會提送至環保局以利相關管制計畫作為污染管制及輔導之依據。 (四)建立離島工業區監測數據整合平台,以便有效彙整所有監測結果。 本計畫整合風險評估計畫執行的有害空氣污染檢測結果,共計VOCs檢測96個樣本、微粒態PAHs檢測82個樣本、氣態PAHs檢測68個樣本、重金屬檢測82個樣本及酸酸性物質檢測80個樣本,並彙整歸納於本報告中。此外,另彙整離島整合計畫於離島工業區內執行之六次揮發性有機化合物調查(共檢測72點),其結果總計分析出157種揮發性有機化合物,其中有害空氣污染物種有43種,佔總物種數27%,另由總物種次來看計有358種次,其中有害空氣污染物種數有142種次,佔總物種次數40%,從各次檢測物種數來看以第二次採樣出現96種最多,而第二次採樣區域皆在輕油廠,其次為第四次採樣81種其採樣點分佈於台塑MMA、AN、C4、AE、塑化OL-1、台化AROMA-1、PTA、PS、HAC、台化廢水廠,而各次採樣有害空氣污染物種數檢出最多的則是第四次採樣(33種),其次為第三次採樣(29種)。從檢測濃度分析,除了丙烯醛有三點其測值分別為3.8 ppb、2.1 ppb及29.7 ppb超過管制標準(2 ppb)外,其餘各點均符合管制標準。 (五)於六輕工業區附近區進行空氣中有害空氣污染物(包括:16種多環芳香、揮發性有機氣體及20種重金屬)之監測。 本計畫完成離島工業區廠內2點位及鄰近14所學校共計16點位之揮發性有機物、多環芳香族化合物及重金屬之檢測分析,結果如下: 1.揮發性有機氣體分析結果中,以1,3丁二烯、氯乙烯、1,2-二氯乙烷及丙烯腈為離島工業區之指標污染物,尤以5月份(盛行風為西北風)及9月份(盛行風為西風),麥寮鄉及台西鄉均位於離島工業區下風處,兩地多數測點均有測得1,3丁二烯及氯乙烯;另於廠區內6點次的監測結果中,於甲基丙烯酸甲酯廠(MMA)測得36.68 ppb的甲基丙烯酸甲酯,或於丙烯腈廠(AN)測得26.2 ppb的丙烯腈…等,大部分的數據均顯示有測得測點所在廠區的代表性污染物。如上所述,由廠區內、外的檢測結果可知污染物的逸散問題仍需持續加強管控。 2.多環芳香烴樣品分析結果中,以PAHs/PM2.5來進行解析,可知PAHs佔PM2.5的比例明顯以廠內測點為高,尤其以四環的B[k]F及Chry、五環的DBA、六環的B[ghi]P所佔比例為較高。 3.環境空氣重金屬樣品分析結果中,以金屬成分/PM10來進行解析,可知金屬成分佔PM10的比例以廠內測點最高,其次為高暴露區、暴露組,以對照組為最低;在廠內測點中以Cu所佔比例遠高於其他組別,其次則為V、Ni、Co、Se、Cr,且其比例大小均由內至外逐漸減少,因Cu為工業污染指標,V、Ni及Cr來自燃油工廠及燃煤電廠所排放,Co則可能來自於煉油製程尾氣,故均可視為廠區所排放之污染物之特徵元素。 (六)調查離六輕工業區五公里範圍內之極揮發有機氣體(VVOCs)、臭氧與氨氣之連續監測。 本計畫自99年度於豐安國小、新興國小、崙豐國小及海豐分校執行極揮發有機氣體監測,主要測得氨氣、甲烷、乙烯及乙醚,100年度的監測結果則以氨氣、甲烷及乙烯為主,雖均以甲烷濃度較高,但其特性為無味,仍是以氨氣為主要的臭味來源。本計畫監測結果中,氨之濃度明顯於夜間較日間為高,另由氨連續監測分析儀之結果顯示,亦以夜間濃度較高,由於本縣轄內有多數畜牧業,於各測點所測得的氨,其風向通常來自各方位,並無明顯固定來源。 (七)針對酸鹼性氣體及微粒進行監測,搭配氣象資料,探討異味與微粒對附近校園之影響。 本計畫完成離島工業區廠內2點位及鄰近14所學校共計16點位之酸鹼性氣體與微粒的檢測分析,結果以氨氣為主要測得物種,廠區內最大值為41 ppb,高暴露區最大值為86 ppb,暴露區最大值為100 ppb,對照區最大值為76 ppb,顯示廠區製程雖有氨氣的逸散,但周界外可能因畜牧業的影響,導致周界外或是更遠的對照組測點會測得較高濃度的氨氣。對於校園環境的影響,尚需進行長期性的監測,並判斷異味種類,避免以氨氣作為判斷離島工業區影響的指標。 (八)氣象站設置部分 經局內同意,工作團隊於100年6月30日完成六輕北門宿舍、橋頭國小及尚德國小等3座氣象站設置作業。
中文關鍵字 揮發性有機物;多環芳香族化合物;開徑式霍式紅外光譜儀;懸浮微粒;細懸浮微粒


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 15800 千元
專案開始日期 2011/04/01 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 陳俊能
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 廖俊傑 執行單位 祥威環境科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 YLEPB100016.pdf 76MB

The continuous monitoring of the stinky material and the survey of harmful air pollutants in Yunlin County on 2011

英文摘要 This project started on April 1th 2011 and it contained following working targets including the 180 days' continuously Open Path FTIR (OP-FTIR) infrared monitoring (OP-FTIR) in sensitive sites of the off-shore Island's industrial district, and the analysis of harmful pollutants examination at 14 schools and 2 places in the off-shore Island's industrial district. The harmful pollutants examination contents included: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), heavy metals, acid and alkali gas and particles and so on. The main purpose of this project is firstly to establish the background data in sensitive sites of the off-shore Island's industrial district for the future follow up comparative monitoring and secondly to understand the impact of pollutants coming from off-shore Island's industrial district. Each executed achievements of this plan were listed as below: First, this plan unified the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone existing monitoring resources to carry on the clarification of pollutant sources. This plan utilized harmful air pollutant examination work to make up the insufficiency sample number of risk assessment plan, and all requested VOCs, PAHs and the Metal sampling and the analysis method were the same as the risk assessment plan, following obtained analysis and the meteorological data material all would be provide by the electronic file form for the risk assessment plan to use. In plan execution period, matching the Islands conformity plan in the Islands industrial district sampling plan, there were 3 times complimentary sampling, and in carried out for the first time in 6/23~6/24 using OP-FTIR synchronization monitoring. Secondly, to coordinate VOCs and the stink material monitoring work is to grasp precisely the possible material ingredient and the origin which causes the stink events. This plan carried out at least 180 day-long monitoring by two sets OP-FTIR in 6 places of this county and collected the labor safety accidents and the populace appealing cases. Its achievements were summarized as follows: (1) on May 5th at 22:36pm, populace stated one case in the material, i.e. the place was in the southeast gate of Tonghuan Road in the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone and the inspector also discovered unusual smell in the scene (wind direction was northeast), this measuring point obtained ethylene 54.19 ppb in 23:36PM, the wind direction was north north-east, which reflected the consistent result as the inspection. (2) The Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone occurred labor safety event with the fire, the Lunfeng Primary School obtained the vinyl chloride (the greatest density to reach as high as 217.94 ppb), the same time interval ethylene and the propylene also synchronized the high value occurrence approximately 4 hours after the fire (wind direction northwest ~ north wind; The wind speed approximately 2.1~2.4 m/s). In addition, the pleading case also carried on the canister sampling in 22:20pm in Formosa Plant Northeast gate, at that time the wind direction was the western wind, in the test result namely contained vinyl chloride 389 ppb, demonstrated that in this labor safety event, the vinyl chloride had dissipated truly to nearby area. (3) In the pleading case, The Fengan Primary School received the unusual smell at 14:50pm on July 1st and the scene wind direction was a northwest wind. Around the same time in 14~15:00 the Sinsin Primary School, obtained 2.4~18.5 ppb the methyl alcohol separately, the wind direction was the north north-western wind, because the Sinsin Primary School located at the south side of the Fengan Primary School, compares its wind direction, the evaluation should have suitable correlational. (4) The Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone had labor safety events in 7/26 and 7/30. This plan set up the OP-FTIR monitoring facilities in the Haifeng Branch School and the Taici Secondary School respectively. By 7/23~8/3 Chroma graph analysis, mainly lied in 7/27~7/29 to have the high density ethylene, the propylene and the butane, the neighbor Haifeng Branch school measuring point obtained the high density the ethylene (172.5 ppb) and the butane (621.83 ppb). Third, to use the monitoring data coordinated with meteorological data and the pollution ingredient characteristic provided the related control plan to control the pollution and maintain the good air quality and the living conditions. Besides this plan carried on the harmful air material monitoring in the Islands industrial district and the ambient environment, it still had the Islands conformity plan and the risk assessment plan; this plan’ execution would be carried on crosswise contacting with two plans, and collected this county overall air pollutants distributed situation to be brought to the environmental protection bureau making the pollution control and the counseling basis. Fourth, to build the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone monitoring data integrated platform with the aim of collecting the entire monitoring result effectively. This plan integrated risk assessment plan to execute harmful air pollution test result showed total VOCs examining 96 samples, particle condition PAHs examining 82 samples, gaseous state PAHs examining 68 samples, the heavy metal examining 82 samples and the sour acidic material examining 80 samples, and collected the entire induction in this report. In addition, to integrated the project “Air Pollutant Information Integration in Coastal Industrial Park” six times the volatile organic compounds investigation executions (altogether examining 72 spots) in the Islands industrial district, its result pointed out separated 157 kinds of volatile organic compounds, the harmful air pollution species have 43 kind, occupied the total 27%, in addition by the total species time looked that the idea has 358 kind of times, the harmful air pollution species number has 142 kind of times, accounted for the total species number of times 40%, looking from each examination species number presented 96 kinds by the second sampling. But the second sampling region all in the light petroleum factory, next distributed for the fourth sampling 81 kinds of its sampling points in Formosa Plastics Group MMA, AN, C4, AE, plastifies OL-1, AROMA-1, PTA, PS, HAC, the Formosa Petrochemical corporation Waste Water Factory, but each sampling harmful air pollution species number picked out most much was the fourth sampling (33 kinds), next for the third sampling (29 kinds). From the examination density analysis, the acrolein had three points showing data respectively was 3.8 ppb, 2.1 ppb and 29.7 ppb surpassed the control standard (2 ppb), and other spotz conformed to the control standard. Fifth, to conduct the harmful air pollutant (including: more than 16 kinds of PAHs, VOCs and 20 kind of heavy metals) monitoring in the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone nearby areas. This plan completed in the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone 2 spot positions and 14 schools total 16 spot positions including the VOCs, PAHs and the heavy metal analysis, the result was as follows: in (1) VOCs analysis result, took 1, 3 pyprolylene, the vinyl chloride, 1, 2- dichloroethane and the propylene nitrile as the target pollutants in the Islands industrial district, You Yi in May (prevailing wind for northwest wind) and in September (prevailing wind for western wind), Mailiao Town and the TaiXi Town located at the Islands industrial district leeward place, two place most measuring points have obtained 1, 3 pyprolylene and the vinyl chloride; In addition in the factory district 6 spot time monitoring result, obtained 36.68 ppb in methyl methacrylate factory (MMA) the methyl methacrylate, or obtains 26.2 ppb in propylene nitrile factory (AN) the propylene nitrile…And so on, the majority of data demonstrated that has obtained the measuring point in the factory district representative pollutant. As stated above, might know the pollutants by the factory district inside and outside testing result showed the escape question still exist and had to strengthen the pollutants control. in (2) From the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon sample analysis result, it carried on the analysis by PAHs/PM2.5. We found PAHs occupying PM2.5 proportion obviously and taking the factory as measuring point with high percentage, especially four link's B[k]F and Chry, five link's DBA, six link's B[ghi]P accounted for the high proportion. in (3) From the heavy metal sample in ambient air analysis result,it carried on the analysis by metal ingredient /PM10. We found the metal ingredients occupying PM10 obviously and taking the factory measuring points with highest percentage, next for high exposed zone, exposed group, control group as lowest; In the measuring point accounted for the proportion in the factory in which Cu was higher than other categories, next is V, Ni, Co, Se, Cr, and its proportion size gradually reduces from inside the factory to the outside, because Cu is the industrial pollution target, V, Ni and Cr discharge from the fuel oil factory and the coal-burning power plant, Co possibly comes from the refinery system regulation exhaust, therefore may regard as of feature element pollutant of the factory district emissions. Sixth, the investigation the side volatilizes organic gas (VVOCs), the ozone and the ammonia continuous monitoring in the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone five kilometers scopes. This plan from 2010 in the Fengan Primary School, Sinsin Primary School, Liufeng Primary School and Haifeng Branch School carried out volatilizes the organic gas monitoring mainly obtained the ammonia, the methane, the ethylene and the ether. Year 2010 monitoring result consisted by ammonia, methane and ethylene primarily, although was high by the methane density, but its characteristic for tasteless, was still take the ammonia as the main stink origin. In this plan monitoring result, the density of the ammonia in the night was higher than the day, in addition the ammonia continuous monitoring data demonstrated also high at night density, because in this county governed the most animal husbandry, obtained the ammonia in various measuring points, its wind direction usually coming from various positions, and not obvious fixed origin. Seventh, to carry on the monitor in view of the acid-base gas and the particle, the matching meteorological data and the discussion unusual smell and the particle to influence on the neighbor campus. This plan completed in the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Project Industrial Zone 2 spot positions and nearby 14 schools with the total 16 spot positions the acid-base gas and the particle examination analysis, the result as mainly obtained the species take the ammonia, in the factory district the maximum value was 41 ppb, the high exposed zone maximum value was 86 ppb, the exposed zone maximum value was 100 ppb, the control farm plot maximum value was 76 ppb. Demonstrated that factory district system process had the ammonia escape, but outside border possibly because of animal husbandry influence, will cause outside the border perhaps the farther control group measuring point will obtain the high density the ammonia. Regarding the campus environment's influence, must carry on the long-term monitor, and judges the unusual smell type, avoids judging the Islands industrial district influence by the ammonia achievement the target. Eighth, the weather station installation was agreed by the bureau, the work team on June 30 of 2011 completed 3 weather stations in Formosa Plan North Gate Dormitories, the Chiautou Primary School and Shander Primary School.
英文關鍵字 VOCs;PAHs;OP-FTIR;PM10;PM2.5