

中文摘要 依據「99年度臺南縣空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)合約規定,本計畫各項工作執行成果摘要如下: 一、 環境負荷及變化趨勢 目前臺南市人口為187.4萬人,密度為855人/km2,為雲嘉南四縣市中最高。工廠家數自91年後有降低的趨勢,目前約8,462家工廠,密度為3.9家/km2,以金屬製品製造業、機械設備製造業及塑膠製品製造業較多,而南部科學工業園區自89年以來家數逐年增加,目前已有273家廠商進駐於南科園區。 移動車輛負荷部分,目前臺南市車輛總數約為199萬輛,其中機車佔多數(約1,41萬輛),其次為小客車(48萬輛),大、小貨車分別有12,367輛及75,398輛。96年後汽油車及機車數呈現逐年緩慢上升之趨勢,總發油量自96年後亦呈現穩定之趨勢,可能與油價之提升及政府倡導節能減碳有關。 本市營建工地數自92年起大幅增加, 94年後開始減少,97~99又呈現成長,99年之工地數為10,418處,為10年來最高,而削減率亦為歷年最高,達56%,顯示臺南市營建工地管制之成效。 本市陳情案件中,本市陳情案件中,異味陳情改善一直是為本市持續努力改善之重要工作,主要是以工廠、餐飲業為最主要陳情類別。 二、 空氣品質現況及問題分析 99年臺南市空品不良比例為2.95%,達成99年空品管制目標(3.8%),為7年來最佳。空品不斷進步之原因,可能與近年針對懸浮微粒之改善作法有關。 (1) 懸浮微粒與臭氧污染之主因,除了本市污染源外,更可能為氣候條件、氣象狀況與境外污染傳輸而有所影響。 (2) 臺南市以跨縣市與跨境傳輸對O3尖峰濃度之影響為主要貢獻源,而O3濃度 99 年度臺南縣「空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫」 中文摘要 摘-2 控制以線源優先。臺南市人為PM10排放貢獻量以面源最大,約為全市貢獻量之90%,管制策略應以面源為目標,尤其是裸露地之改善。 三、 各類污染源排放結構分析 依據TEDS 7.0排放量資料庫檢討更新結果,本市98年點、線、面源之排放清單已更新,各類污染源之排放狀況如下: PM10總排放量為15,384公噸/年,面源排放量佔62.1%,固定污染源排放量佔23.9%、線源佔14%。面源以「車輛行駛揚塵(鋪面道路)」(26.4%)、「建築/施工」(11.8%)為主。 SOx總排放量6,344公噸/年,絕大部分來自固定污染源之排放,佔總量的93.5%、面源佔5.2%、線源佔1.3%。其中固定污染源以「化學材料製造業」(39.0%)、「電力業」(13.2%)、「紡織業」(10.6%)為排放大宗。 NOx總排放量為29,964公噸/年,主要來自線源之排放,佔總量之73.2%,其中主要以「柴油車」(54.9%)貢獻比例最高。 NMHC總排放量為62,826公噸/年,工業-面源排放為最大宗,佔總量36.2%,以「其他工業表面塗裝」為主,其次為「塑膠製品製造業」。 CO總排放量為41,187公噸/年,線源為主要排放源,佔80.3%,「汽油車」(42.5%)、「機車」(27.1%)及「柴油車」(10.6%)佔CO排放總量大宗。 四、 檢討修正本市空氣污染管制策略 99年度各項空氣污染防制計畫管制目標與實際達成狀況,少數未能達成,其中「PM10年平均值」、「VOCs工廠輔導減量」、「推動稻草披覆蓋」及「營建工地排放量削減率」未達預定目標。 縣市合併後,縣市之間存在著相當大的城鄉差距,考量縣市合併後幅員廣大且地方區域特色之不同,依據區域特性擬定100~101年短程空氣品質管制策略,並進行分區分級管制,除了針對固有之固定、逸散及移動污染源之三大污染源進行管制外,增加「民眾感受度」及「低碳生活」之類別。 五、 空氣品質管理特色目標及創新做法研擬規劃 本計畫規劃之99年度三大特色目標及創新做法,包括「排毒專案」、「移污特定族群管制專案」及「沙塵暴或高懸浮微粒污染時期應變專案」,其執行狀況符合預定目標及進度。而100年地方特色作法規劃三大作法,分別為「定檢汰舊送大金」、「申報無界限民眾好方便」及「揚塵零專案」。 99 年度臺南縣「空氣品質維護及考核管制計畫」 中文摘要 摘-3 六、 民眾滿意度問卷調查 1. 空氣品質改善工作民眾滿意度 近八成以上民眾對於縣市合併後,環保局整體之服務態度及辦事效率上表示滿意,且四成三的民眾受訪者覺得相較於去年,今年臺南市空氣品質有明顯的改善,有六成七的受訪者對環保局改善空氣污染之整體努力成果覺得滿意,相對的,近二成三之民眾表示不滿意。 2. 營建工地政風滿意度 本年度之調查結果與99年調查結果相仿,本市營建工地管制在政風方面表現優良,在「洽辦業務時不滿意的原因」請該計畫進行人員訓練。在政風廉潔度相關調查結果方面,本市表現優秀,幾無讓民眾覺得不廉潔或不禮貌,對本市有正面改善的效果。 七、 連續自動監測設施管理作業 統計100年1月至7月,所有的連線工廠資料傳輸已趨於穩定,連線公私場所日報傳輸率均能達100%,另每日經由專人上線確認資料傳輸狀況,可發現即時傳輸率與日報傳輸率均相符。 八、 空污費徵收作業 目前原臺南縣空污費列管對象共計727家,其中需申報SOx、NOx對象共54家、需申報VOCs對象共164家,而需申報SOx、NOx及VOCs對象共509家。100年第2季共計完成742家次空污費徵收作業,本季申報率為99.6% 。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 7180 千元
專案開始日期 2010/11/01 專案結束日期 2011/09/30 專案主持人 呂鴻毅
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 侯雅馨 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 1215.pdf 9MB

99 Tainan city Air Quality Maintenance and Management Plan

英文摘要 In accordance with the ITB of “2010 Tainan City Air Quality Maintenance and Management Plan” (hereinafter “Project”), the execution of each work item is summarized below: 1. Environmental Burden and Trends Presently, the population is around 1.874 million (or 855 persons per square km) that is higher than both national and Yunlin-Chiayi-Tainan averages. The number of factories has been decreasing since 1992. Currently, there are 8,462 factories (or 3.9 factories per square km). The dominant industries include manufacturing of metal and plastic products as well as machinery. There had seen increases in the number of companies in Tainan Science Park since opening, up to 2009 after which the growth has slowed down. Currently, there are 273 companies in Tainan Science Park. Total number of moving vehicles in Tainan City is 199 million. Motorcycle is the largest number of the moving vehicles, the secondary is the passenger car. Since 2007, the growth of Gasoline car and motorcycle has come to slowly. And oil consumption is also growth slowdown. This trend may have resulted from the rise in petroleum prices and the promotion of energy savings by the government. There have not persistent trends in the growth of construction in the past decade; it grew significantly between 2003 and 2005, dropped in the period of 2006-2007 2010 Tainan County AQMP Abstract Abs-2 and gone back up in the following 2 years. At present, the number of constructions is 10 thousands. Therefore, Pollution reduction ratio is most 56% that is the highest of the ten years. It has shown the effectiveness of construction site control. The majority of environmental odors Petition are factory and restaurant related and have been on ascent. Odor improve has been the most important work for petition cases. 2. Air Quality Trends In 2010 was seen the lowest poor air quality ratio in 7 years. The poor air quality ratio was 2.95% in 2010. which was under the control target 3.8%. The focus on improvement of the suspended populated matter in 2010, might have contributed to that progress. The main sources that cause poor air quality are suspended particulate matter and ozone pollution. Besides the contamination of self, suspended particulate matter and ozone pollution have mostly resulted from climate changes, meteorological conditions, External contamination. Based on the sources of pollution in Tainan City, controlling ozone concentrations should start with line sources, followed by area and then point sources. Therefore, PM10 is most come from area source. The control strategy in Tainan City should aim at area sources, in particular the improvement in naked land. 3. Air Pollution Emission We have updated 2009 emission inventory based on TEDS-7.0, as follows. PM10 emission: 15,384 tons per year, originating mainly from area sources. SOX emission: 6,344 tons per year, the majority of which originated from point sources. NOX emission: 29,964 tons per year, originating mainly from line sources. NMHC emission: 62,826 tons per year, originating mainly from area sources of 2010 Tainan County AQMP Abstract Abs-3 industry. CO emission: 41,187 tons per year, originating mainly from line sources. 4. Reviewed and revised the city air pollution control strategies The progress achieved of air pollution control programs in 2010 is good, besides few works didn’t reach the target, for example, year average of PM10, VOC Factory reduction counseling and the ratio of construction emissions reduction. Between counties and cities there is a considerable gap between urban and rural areas after county merger. Consider the combined area of the larger cities and counties and Regional characteristics in different places. Based on regional characteristics, “Zoning classification for control” is the short-range air quality control strategies for 2011~2012. In addition to points source, fugitive sources and mobile sources, and increase the public feeling and low-carbon life category. 5. Characteristics of air quality management objectives and develop innovative approaches This project had planned three features works in 2010. Include detoxification project, Control project specific groups of vehicles and Dust or aerosol contamination during high-strain Projects. The perform works had been on schedule. In 2011, the first of three major features works is Periodic inspection, Eliminate the old car with Bonus gifts. Secondary is declaration of no limits, the last is no dust project. 6. Public satisfaction survey (1) Satisfaction of Air quality improvements There are above of 80% people for the EPA bureau’s overall attitude and expressed satisfaction on the efficiency after county merger. And 43% of respondents felt the public compared to last year, air quality have significantly improved in 2011. With 67% of the respondents Environmental Protection Agency's overall efforts to improve air pollution feel satisfied with the results. In contrast, almost a fifth three of the people expressed dissatisfaction (2) Satisfaction with political wind construction site 2010 Tainan County AQMP Abstract Abs-4 Survey results of 2011is similar with 2010. Construction site control in the political wind has shown excellent. Degree of integrity in the political wind survey is an excellent. The results have a positive image of the effect of EPA bureau. 7. Monitoring and controlling the CEMS operation and enforcing the levy of the pollution control fee of the stationary pollution source We processed to monitor and control the CEMS normal operation in our area and to continue enforcing the levy of the pollution control fee of the stationary pollution source.