

中文摘要 而環保署自97年起即努力推動民眾在日常生活中落實節能減碳行動,以打造全國成為低碳家園為目標。經歷多年來的推動,國人對低碳生活已有一定程度的識知,但因中央及地方各自規劃推動,資料並未整合,致未發揮上下合作之效。因此,本計畫重點將以建立一套完整的低碳生活政策措施及推動行動方針,以國內外低碳生活推動情形,進行分析策略評估,檢討我國現有低碳社會上政策面及實際執行情況進行評估探討,提出我國未來階段性低碳生活推動策略及措施,經由各界之意見整合,提出低碳生活策略藍圖,並評估低碳生活認證之可行性,由中央引導縣市政府推動依循,整合中央及地方資源,統合全國一致推動作法,互相支援,發揮最大減碳效益,建構營造低碳友善生活環境,使台灣邁向成為美麗的低碳永續家園。
中文關鍵字 節能減碳;調適及減緩;低碳生活


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-F104-02-211 經費年度 100 計畫經費 980 千元
專案開始日期 2011/12/19 專案結束日期 2012/10/31 專案主持人 彭啟明
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 黃伊薇 執行單位 天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-100-FA104-02-211.zip 19MB 規劃低碳生活推動策略及配套措施專案工作計畫期末報告定稿本

Planning promoting low carbon life policies and supporting measures of project work plans

英文摘要 The living environment has inevitably transferred to sustainable development in the global trend. This project is primarily focusing on the establishment of low carbon living policies and its promotion strategies, as well as the overview of the status quo of low carbon livings which contain the international and domestic demonstrations. It then analyzed those overseas examples and discussed those existing domestic low carbon living in terms of the policies and real practices. Following it, the project will contribute to addressing the stage-based blueprint of low carbon living policies and promotion strategies for domestic use after combining the viewpoints from various realms of professionals and evaluating the feasibility of low carbon living certified program. The success of establishing the low carbon living policies and its promotion strategies depend largely on the central government that is in charge of guiding the local governments, integrating the resources and unifying the promotion strategies to provide mutual support and maximize the carbon reduction efficiency. Ultimately, we hope to construct our home to be a low carbon living environment and promote Taiwan toward a lovely sustainable country. This project contains the collection and analysis of some of the overseas low carbon living demonstrations (i.e. United Kingdom, Mainland China, Germany, Japan and United States). It also carried out the formation of 4 groups of ‘low carbon living techniques and information’ and 2 workshops of ‘low carbon strategies, coordination and promotion’. Meanwhile, the project involved various facets of low carbon living-related information (i.e. techniques, economy, finance, legal, societal tools, relevant product, technical specifications, suppliers, cost efficiency and successful case studies), and the creative methods of international and domestic low carbon living. The relevant low carbon living information is shown on the ‘Low Carbon Sustainable Information System’ that provide useful information for promoting low carbon living style throughout Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction;Mitigation and Adaptation;Low Carbon Living