

中文摘要 本計畫目標為配合環境資源部組織架構分析3種版本九年一貫教科書及近10年國中基測與大學學測考題、擴充2,000題以上環保知識題庫及200題以上環保教室解說題目;更新、充實及維護網站內容,並辦理宣導活動,因此計畫架構分為四部分,成果分述如下: (一)分析教科書及考題對環境知識融入情形: 1.已完成(1)國中自然及社會之翰林、康軒、南一等三個版本,共 144本課本;(2)國小自然、生活及綜合之翰林、康軒、南一等三 個版本,共252本課本;(3)90至100學年度國中基測110份及大 學學測65份考題,針對環境知識融入狀況分析。 2.已分別於1月9日、1月30日、2月6日、2月21日及3月6日召開五場 次審查會議,共計31位委員出席。 3.其結果包括: (1)國小各版本教科書所含環境議題知識分布情形:以「翰林版」占 最多環境知識;以「社會領域」含最多環境知識;「第三階 (五、六年級)」為最多;所包含之「環境知識」以「生態環 境」、「綜合規劃」及「水及流域」等三個面向所呈現的環境 知識內涵為最多。 (2)國中各版本教科書所含環境議題知識分布情形:以「南一版」占 最多環境知識;以「自然與生活科技」含最多環境知識;所包 含之「環境知識」以「綜合規劃」、「生態環境」及「氣候變 遷」等三個面向所呈現的環境知識內涵為最多。 (3)基測所含環境議題知識分布情形:以「社會」領域含最多環境議 題;以「綜合規劃」、「生態環境」及「氣候變遷」等三個面 向所呈現的環境知識內涵為最多。 (4)學測所含環境議題知識分布情形:以「自然」領域含最多環境 議題;以「綜合規劃」、「生態環境」及「氣候變遷」等三個 面向所呈現的環境知識內涵為最多。 (二)擴充環境知識檢定題庫 1.已於101年3月17日至3月28日辦理千人測試活動,共計有1,180 人參加2,150題題目試測,經測試後鑑別度在0.4以上之題目共計 1,919題,對於未達0.4鑑別度之題目,已予以調整內容、級別或 刪除,並將新增題目搭配環保知識IQ賽參加者意見進行修正後,再 次送請審題委員審查,共計完成新增2,190題。為使環保知識呈現 更加完整,經國中、高中教師協助進行圖文審題修訂,完成200題 圖文並茂解說題。 2.已完成現有題庫以題組方式呈現,初級、中級、中高級及高級等四 個級別建立10組題組,各計100題,以利使用者隨機測試。 3.已分別於1月9日、1月30日、2月6日、2月21日及3月6日召開五 場次審查會議,共計39位委員出席。 (三)更新及維護環境E學院網站 1.已完成定期新聞發布101則、設置電話諮詢專線與信箱及相關操作 諮詢服務、完成網站小遊戲與牛刀小試手機版應用軟體共3款、製 作可分難度等級並隨機出題之單機版知識檢定題庫光碟1式、擂臺 賽網路行銷曝光規劃及eDM製作。 2.考量網站推廣之效益與一致性,設計具推廣效益之APP小遊戲,並 納入整體行銷宣導中之一部分,網站新增「我要推薦」功能,以增 加網站的使用人數、達到網站推廣之效益。另配合題目之題組化, 系統已同步進行知識檢定與牛刀小試改版,我的診斷書與我的檢定 證書也依系統改版同步進行修正。 (四)辦理環境E學院宣導活動 1.已於101年4月10日辦理環保知識IQ賽記者會,活動於101年4月 10日至101年5月14日順利完成,共計有78位得獎者。活動期間通 過初級檢定者,計有3,145人次,登入阿凡阿達網路遊戲者,計有 4,650人次。活動參加人數已達計畫目標2,000人次以上。 2.已完成辦理一場次全國環保知識挑戰擂台賽全國總決賽及記者會, 總選手數:602人、總參與人數:980人,並完成擂臺賽測拍並製 作30分鐘以上活動花絮、3分鐘活動DVD光碟及寄送。 3.截至101年5月31日止,已新增約:(1)36.5萬瀏覽人次;(2)註 冊帳號2.4萬人;(3)通過檢定0.91萬人。
中文關鍵字 環境教育;環境知識檢定;環境E學院


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-EA11-03-A243 經費年度 100 計畫經費 4400 千元
專案開始日期 2011/09/27 專案結束日期 2012/06/30 專案主持人 王懋雯
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 黃雅雯 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 100年環境E學院知識檢定暨宣導活動專案工作計畫(EPA-100-EA11-03-A243)-期末定稿.pdf 20MB

The knowledge Test, and advocacy activities of the Environmental E-School project 2011

英文摘要 The objective of this project are: (1) the analysis of three versions of textbooks for the 9-year national education and of the exam questions of the basic competence test and the university entrance exam for the past ten years,(2) the completion of environmental knowledge database in the form of more than 2,000 questions and 200 environmental classroom expounded questions,(3) update, expansion, and maintenance of website contents, and (4) the holding of propaganda activities. The results are detailed as follows. A.The analysis of textbooks and the extent of integration of environmental knowledge: (1)Completion of: (a)3 versions of textbooks of natural and social sciences for junior high schools, totaling 144 textbooks, (b)3 versions of textbooks of natural,social, and comprehensive sciences for grade schools, totaling 252 textbooks, and (c)the analysis of the extent of integration in 110 and 65 test papers used in high school basic tests and university entrance exams separately. (2)Holding 5 review meetings separately on January 9, January 30, February 6, February 21, and March 6, with 31 committee members present in total. (3)The results of the analysis are: (a)Environmental knowledge in grade school textbooks: the Han-Lin version textbooks, the social science textbooks, the 5th and 6th grade textbooks, the ecological environment, the comprehensive planning, and water and drainage basin subjects contain the most abundant environmental knowledge. (b)Environmental knowledge in junior high school textbooks: the Nan-I version textbooks, the natural and life sciences textbooks, and the comprehensive planning, the ecological environment, and the climate change subjects contain the most abundant environmental knowledge. (c)Environmental knowledge in the high school basic test: the social science textbooks, and the comprehensive planning, the ecological environment, and the climate change subjects contain the most abundant environmental knowledge. (d)Environmental knowledge in the university entrance exams: the natural science textbooks, and the comprehensive planning, the ecological environment, and the climate change subjects contain the most abundant environmental knowledge. B.Expansion of environmental knowledge test database: (1)Completed the 1000-person test between March 17 and March 28, 2012, with 1,180 testers answering 2,150 questions, which included 1919 questions with 0.4 discriminatory indices and above. Questions with discriminatory indices below 0.4 were adjusted, reclassified, or deleted. New questions were provided to the committee members for review, and a total of 2,192 questions were added to the database. Two hundred expounded questions were completed with the assistance from high school teachers to review text and figures. (2)The question database is classified into four levels: primary, middle, middle-high, and high levels, and 10 subject groups with 100 questions in each group for the purpose of random test. (3)Holding 5 review meetings separately on January 9, January 30, February 6, February 21, and March 6, with 39 committee members present in total. C.Update and maintenance of the environmental E- school website: (1)Released 101 news periodically, provided consulting services through phone line and e- mail, completed website games and 3 smart phone apps, and completed environmental knowledge test database CD, the challenge contest marketing planning, and eDM. (2)Designed app games as part of marketing plan. Added the ‘I recommend’ function in the website to increase browsing flow. Website function, including knowledge test, I- diagnosis, and I-test certificate, was enhanced. D.Holding the advocacy activities of the environmental E-school: (1)A environmental IQ contest was held from April 10 till May 14, 2012, with a press conference on April 10. There were 78 winners in the contest. There were 3,145 persons passed the primary certification level, and 4,650 persons participated in the avatar web game. The total number of participants has achieved the 2000-person goal. (2)A challenge contest of environmental knowledge and a press conference were held with 602 contestants and 980 participants. A 30-minute video of the challenge contest highlights was completed. (3)There are 365,000 browsing counts, 24,000 registration accounts, and 9,100 certified persons till May 31, 2012.
英文關鍵字 environmental education;environmental knowledge test;e-school of the environment