

中文摘要 為建立工業區空氣污染突發事件預防管理及強化應變機制,降低工業區空氣污染突發事件發生之風險,本署於98年度辦理「工業區空氣污染突發事件之預防管理暨應變機制強化專案工作計畫」,並擬訂出「工業區緊急應變處理機制標準作業程序」。為延續該計畫成果,規劃建置空氣污染應變能量清冊,建立相關支援資訊及空氣污染事件模擬情境,並訂定完整組織分工架構,使環境污染事件中空氣污染應變能量完備,於發生突發事故時,能儘速因應降低衝擊。
中文關鍵字 重大空氣污染事件、緊急應變、空氣污染事件應變標準作業


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-FA12-03-A236 經費年度 100 計畫經費 2650 千元
專案開始日期 2011/09/06 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 姚永真
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 林何印 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 1.100EPA_空污應變_期末報告(定稿)(上傳).pdf 4MB

The project for improvement of response mechanism of air pollution emergency

英文摘要 In response to serious air pollution incidents, the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (Taiwan EPA) promulgated the SOP for Response of Major Air Pollution Incidents in 2009. However, the SOP is still deficient in some areas in terms of the prevention of and response to air pollution incidents and therefore needs further improvement. The environmental agencies should complete resources of emergency response to enhance the industrial area emergency response mechanisms, including sensitive receptors location and contact information, the distance and time required to reach the destination of supporting systems, the potential affected areas of an air pollution incident. This report was conducted to strengthen the response processes for serious air pollution incidents. The response inventory, including contact information of environmental agencies and other executive office, certificated inspection laboratories, consultant companies, was created. Five large industrial parks, i.e. Taichung, Mailiao, Renda, Dafa, and Linyuan, have been chosen as the prioritized target to establish the supporting information inventory, such as sensitive population and shelter locations, were also collected. In addition, we evaluated air pollution sampling equipment (such as Hi-volume PM sampler, cartridges, gas detector tube set) demand for the Environment Incident Response Team while the air pollution incidents have occurred, and submitted to EPA for reviewing. The guidance of high potential air pollution sources screening under natural disasters were also established in this report. Top 10 potential sources which may result in serious air pollution incidents for serious flood and earthquake, respectively, have been screened out according the guideline and were listed. The SOP for Response to Major Air Pollution Incidents for industrial parks and a sample modeling system of air pollution dispersion zone were established in this project. Furthermore, one drill of air pollution emergency incident and four expert consultations were held on June, October, November, and December respectively.
英文關鍵字 Major air pollution incidents, Emergency response, SOP for response of major air pollution incidents