

中文摘要 (一)洗掃街作業執行 計畫執行期間,共完成機具洗街118,952.9公里,總進度達成率為101.7%,累計洗街用水量為148,284.9公噸,平均單位長度(公里)用水量為1.25公噸;並完成機具掃街73,616.2公里,總進度達成率為102.2%,累計掃街集塵量為693公噸,平均單位集塵量為0.009公噸/公里。 (二)洗掃作業成效評估 為評估洗掃街作業減量成效,並建立本市道路排放係數,於計畫期間執行675點次洗掃作業前後街塵負荷量檢測分析作業。本計畫共篩選45條道路逐季執行檢測作業,於洗掃作業前平均坋土負荷量為0.787g/m2、街塵負荷量為3.107g/m2,依環保署街塵負荷量管制目標劃分平均道路等級為B級;洗掃作業後平均坋土負荷量為0.243g/m2、街塵負荷量為0.99g/m2,平均道路等級提昇為A級;計算得坋土平均削減率為69.1%、街塵平均削減率為68.1%,可知本計畫洗掃街作業對於降低街道塵土量,有明顯之成效。 (三)污染削減量推估 統計計畫期間共完成機具洗掃作業合計192,569.1公里,依據環保署減量公式(削減量=洗掃街長度×減量係數)推估,可削減TSP 2,657.5公噸、PM10為500.7公噸及PM2.5為49.9公噸。 (四)道路髒污調查作業 計畫執行期間,共計完成1,612條道路之調查作業,總公里數達8,022.3公里,並藉由橫向通報作業改善道路污染源,計畫期間共完成通報改善62件次;最後一期(103年6月~103年11月)調查結果A級道路佔64.3%、B級道路35.7%及C級道路0%,顯示本市道路中A級比例較高,且與第一期(100年12月~101年5月)調查結果相較已無C級道路。 (五)整合本市洗掃資源 逐年邀集道路管理權責單位召開街道洗掃作業分工協商會議,並建立道路髒污通報查處機制,共計辦理3場次;同時彙整本市公有公營洗掃單位洗掃作業長度,計畫期間共計洗掃924,662.3公里,推估TSP削減量約12,760.3公噸。 (六)企業道路認養推動 推動86處企業單位配合執行道路認養,並逐年頒發感謝狀及績優單位公開表揚,總計道路認養執行長度103,865.1公里,推估TSP削減量約1,433.3公噸。 (七)民意問卷調查 為瞭解臺南市民對於環保局洗掃街車輛執行道路洗掃作業之作業品質、成效感受度及滿意程度,並作為未來政策推動之參考依據,分別於101年及103年各完成民意問卷調查500及554份(有效份數)。調查結果顯示,受訪者對於臺南市洗掃街作業整體執行觀感,「不滿意」(3.1%)及「非常不滿意」(0.2%)之受訪者合計僅3.3%,並有60.1%之受訪者贊成持續辦理重點道路洗掃作業(不贊成者僅1.5%)。 (八)空氣品質惡化緊急應變 配合環保署空氣品質惡化預警通報啟動緊急應變洗街作業,共計執行77天次,累計加強洗街5,181.6公里;藉由作業路線優化調整,事件日應變洗街長度由41.76公里/日增加至75.3公里/日。 (九)農耕機具道路污染改善 於本市稻作收穫面積較高之行政區,完成9場次農耕髒污改善宣導說明會辦理,總與會人數達620人;同時針對504.95公里之高污染風險路段執行巡查作業,共計開出18張宣導勸導單。 (十)宣導作業 1.針對本市執行洗掃作業單位、營建工地業者、固定逸散污染源列管對象,辦理4場次洗掃作業示範觀摩會,宣導環保署作業手冊規範。 2.配合計畫執行,發佈30則計畫相關新聞稿。 3.針對洗街作業用水來源及農耕髒污改善宣導,各辦理廣播、有線電視跑馬燈宣導1場次,有效宣揚環保局節能減碳及不與民爭水之政績,提升政策曝光度。
中文關鍵字 街道揚塵、機具洗掃、街塵負荷量


專案計畫編號 TNEPB-100-AN-30830 經費年度 100 計畫經費 42900 千元
專案開始日期 2011/11/18 專案結束日期 2014/11/17 專案主持人 江政祿
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭秀雯 執行單位 理虹工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 組合 1.pdf 24MB 期末報告定稿本

Tainan City Project for Intensified Dust Washing and Street Sweeping in Tainan City Project for Inte

英文摘要 1.Street sweeping and washing 118,952.9km of street washing by machine were performed during the project with 101.7% achievement. 148,284.9 tons of water was used for street washing with an average of 1.25 tons/km. 73,616.2 km of street sweeping were conducted with 102.2% achievement. 693 tons of dusts and dirt were collected with an average of 0.009 tons/km. 2.Performance evaluation for street sweeping and washing As an effort to evaluate the performance of reduction of street washing and sweeping and to establish the road emission coefficients of the City, street dust load tests were performed at 675 locations before and after the sweeping and washing. 45 roads and streets were selected for the quarterly tests. The silt load was 0.787g/m2 and street dust load 3.107g/m2 in average before implementation. This qualified class B for the roads and streets selected as per the street dust load control target values established by EPA. However, the roads and streets were qualified for class A after implementation as the silt load was 0.243g/m2 and street dust load 0.99g/m2 in average. The calculation showed that reduction was 69.1% for silt and 68.1% for dust in average, indicating significant performance of the street washing and sweeping in terms of the reduction of street dusts. 3.Estimated pollution reduction According to the project results, 192,569.1km of roads and streets were swept and washed during the project. With the reduction equation of EPA (reduction = length of streets swept/washed × reduction coefficient), the reduction was estimated to be 2,657.5 tons for TSP, 500.7 tons for PM10 and 49.9 tons for PM2.5. 4.Survey of road pollution Survey was performed on 1,612 roads and streets for 8,022.3km during the project. With the improvement of road pollution sources through lateral reporting, improvement was done on 62 cases reported during the project. The most recent survey (June to Nov 2014) showed 64.3% for class A roads, 35.7% for class B roads and 0% for class C roads, suggesting higher percentage of class A roads in the City. No class C roads were found as opposed to the result of the first survey (Dec 2011 to May 2012). 5.Integration of the City’s street sweeping and washing resources Competent authorities in charge of road management were invited for 3 coordination meetings for street sweeping and washing and the establishment of road pollution reporting and handling system. Data regarding the length of streets and roads swept/washed by the City’s competent authorities were collected and summarized to find that 924,662.3km of streets and roads were swept/washed for an estimated TSP reduction of 12,760.3 tons. 6.Road adoption by businesses for maintenance 86 businesses were sought to for road adoption. Those with excellent performance were recognized in public with citations. 103,865.1km of roads and streets were adopted for an estimated TSP reduction of 1,433.3 tons. 7.Public satisfaction survey Questionnaire survey was conducted in 2012 and 2014 to find out what the citizens of Tainan thought about the quality of the street sweeping and washing performed by the Environmental Protection Bureau, how they felt about the performance and whether they were satisfied, and 500 and 554 copies of questionnaire (valid samples), respectively, were distributed and retrieved for the survey. The results showed that only 3.1% of the interviewees were “unsatisfied” and 0.2% “very unsatisfied”, totally 3.3% with what the City Hall of Tainan had done to keep the streets clean, and 60.1% of interviewees agreed that the sweeping and washing should be continued on some priority roads (with only 1.5% that did not). 8.Response to air quality deterioration Street washing was also performed as an emergency response action to the reports of possible air quality deterioration from EPA. 77 days of work were provided at the locations reported and it accumulated up to 5,181.6km. By optimizing the washing routes, the length of street washing as emergency response increased from 41.76km/day to 75.3km/day. 9.Improvement of road pollution caused by farming machines and equipment 9 sessions of propaganda presentation for improvement of road pollution caused by farming machines were provided to 620 people at the districts where rice faming is extensive. Inspection tours were given to 504.95km of roads of high pollution risks and 18 warning were issued. 10.Propagandas (1)4 sessions of sweeping and washing demonstration were provided to the City departments in charge of street sweeping and washing, construction site managers and operators listed as fixed pollutant emission source for the propaganda of EPA’s instruction manual. (2)30 piece of project-related news were released as part of the project implementation. (3)A session of propaganda for water source used for street sweeping and washing and improvement of pollution caused by farming machines was provided for each of radio broadcasting and cable TV service, as to demonstrate what the Environmental Protection Bureau did for energy saving, CO2 reduction and not taking water from public use, as well as to increase the visibility of government policies.
英文關鍵字 street Dust, street sweeping and washing, street dust load