

中文摘要 桃園縣近年在機車污染管制方面,積極思考便民、有效與創意之特色作為,在稽查管制工作上,不論是路邊加強攔檢二行程機車、車牌辨識使用中逾期未定檢機車告發處分、製發桃園縣複驗查核表提醒民眾定檢不合格需於1個月內改善完成及應用煙度計檢測烏賊機車等方式,均創全國之先例,並獲得良好管制成效。在政策宣導部分,爲使民眾獲知政策規定內容,除於縣內各公私場所張貼宣導海報與發送宣導文宣外,也透過公車車體廣告、校園宣導說帖製發等方式將資訊傳達至縣內各個家庭與角落,同時結合桃園縣機車公會與201家機車定檢站力量,以面對面零距離有效溝通方式,將政策確實宣達至每位機車車主。 桃園縣以最大的魄力與決心致力空氣品質的維護,透過100年度各項宣導與稽查工作的執行,已逐漸讓本縣機車車主更加注重機車的日常維護保養,樂於配合實施機車定檢,將使用中機車維持在良好的狀態下行駛,以減少廢氣污染的排放,並加速老舊高污染機車的淘汰。100年桃園縣機車定檢率為81.3%,全國排名由98年的第16名進步至100年第9名,排名上升幅度居全國之冠,污染物CO與NMHC的污染減量分別達到857.0公噸年與132.1公噸/年,污染改善成效卓著。
中文關鍵字 機車;定檢;定檢站


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 1767 千元
專案開始日期 2011/03/26 專案結束日期 2012/03/25 專案主持人 陳重修
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 張蕙珍 執行單位 盈鼎環保有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 100年度桃園縣機車稽查管制與定檢站管理計畫期末報告定稿本.pdf 8MB

The 100 annual project of mobile pollution inspection and management in Taoyuan County

英文摘要 Convenient, effective and creative features have been positively included by the locomotive pollution control policy of Taoyuan County in recent years. Several inspection and control works have created a national precedent with a good effectiveness, such as strenuously intercepting two-stroke motorcycle roadside, imposing sanctions on overdue and non-seized the locomotive in the use of license plate recognition, issuing reinspection checklists for reminding people that unqualified locomotive after regular inspection are required to be improved within a month, and detecting squid locomotive by smokemeters. For policy advocacy, some of the acts to make the public informed of policies and regulation contents, such as posting and sending propaganda posters at various public and private places in the county, transmitting information to each household by through advertising on bus bodies and issuing advocacy posts on campus, and achieving the declared policies to the owners of locomotive by face-to-face communication and powerful combination of the Locomotive Association of Taoyuan County and 201 locomotive inspection stations. Taoyuan country government has the ambition to improve the air quality. In this year, series of regular examination and propagation policy of the motorcycles was conducted to reduce the emission of air contaminants. Besides, well-maintained and appropriate scraping were also be included in the policy. 81.3% of regular examination rate was achieved in last year as well as ranking improved from 16th to 9th. It is the best ranking improvement among all cities and countries in Taiwan. The reduction of CO and NMHC achieved 857.0 tons/yr and 132.1 tons/ year, showing remarkable progress in pollution control.