

中文摘要 本年度計畫主要工作為協助臺南市政府環保局監督操作管理廠商-達和環保技術服務股份有限公司妥善操作管理永康垃圾資源回收(焚化)廠,慧能工程股份有限公司除了審查焚化廠之各項操作營運計畫及查核資料,如每日垃圾進廠量、焚化量、底渣及飛灰穩定化物生成量等外,仍須對於契約規定之各項運轉保證協助監督,此外慧能公司亦依契約規定於6月份開始進行廢棄物稽查工作。 永康垃圾資源回收(焚化)廠之爐體型式為機械式混燒爐床,設計處理量為450公噸/日x 2,設計熱值為2,400kcal/kg。在慧能公司協助監督下本年度自100年4月至101年3月期間主要營運績效如下,一、二號爐平均處理量為428.35、441.5公噸/日,一、二號爐平均熱值為2,052.46、2,047.46kcal/kg,目前能源效益為442.09kWh/公噸低於493.33kWh/公噸。底渣品質保證、處理後水質保證及環境保證(相關環保法規、空氣污染排放保證、噪音保證、飛灰穩定化物溶出毒性保證)等則皆合乎相關標準值。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 6000 千元
專案開始日期 2011/04/19 專案結束日期 2012/04/18 專案主持人 陳嘉煒
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 鄭永揚 執行單位 慧能工程股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 慧能公司(100)期末報告定稿本.pdf 0MB (100)期末報告定稿本
英文摘要 The major supervision works of Yong Kang, Waste-to-energy (Incineration) plant, Tainan City are to assist Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government (EPB) in supervising the operation of Onyx Ta-Ho Environmental Services Co., Ltd (Ta-Hao). In additional to review all kinds of operation and management plans issued by Ta-Hao and check operation data, such as, daily delivery amounts of refuse, incineration amounts, and bottom ash and fly ash stabilization product amounts. Fichtner Pacific Engineers Inc. (FPE) shall also assist in surveillance of each operation guarantee figures as specified in incineration plant operation, management and administration contract between EPB and Ta-Hao. In addition, FPE commenced to carry out the refuse inspection in reception hall since June, 2011 according to contractor. The incinerator type of Yong Kang, Waste-to-energy (Incineration) plant is mechanical-grate incinerator. Its design basis at 100% MCR is 450tones/day/line*2 line and designed low heating value at 2,400kcal/kg. Under the FPE assistance of supervision of operation, the majority of operation performances over the periods from April 1st, 2011 to March 31st of 2012 are average incineration amounts-428.35 and 441.25tones /day for No.1 and No. 2 line respectively, average heating value- 2,052.46 and 2,047.46kcal/kg for No.1 and No. 2 line respectively, and energy effect-442.09kWh/ton which is lower than 493.33kWh/ton. The bottom ash quality, waste water treatment quality, and environmental guarantees, such as related environmental regulation, air pollution emission, noise and fly ash stabilization product satisfy with related standard values.