

中文摘要 依合約規定之期末階段工作量計算由100年4月8日至100年12月31日止,截至12/31日,各項工作成果說明如下: (一)洗掃街工作 統計100 年04月19日至100 年12月31日為止,洗街車執行量達22,253.1公里;掃街車執行量達17,486.1公里;人力掃街執行量達20,607公里。累計洗掃街車執行長度為39,739.2公里,約可削減TSP達548.40公噸、PM10削減量達103.32公噸。 (二)現場查核工作 1.道路普查工作: 本年度道路普查共計完成2,061公里,每月普查公里數皆≧160公里,普查結果A級道路佔59.73%,B級道路佔40.27%,並完成18件髒污點改善。 2.洗掃作業查核工作: 洗掃作業查核每月進行4次以上,洗掃街車累計查核長度達742公里;人力掃街累計查核長度達314.4公里。 3.工業區巡查: 每月針對縣內8處工業區執行1次工業區巡查巡查作業,共計完成9次巡查,並完成17件髒污點改善。 (三)檢測分析 1.街塵負荷量評估檢測: 完成9次採樣分析,各路段洗街前街塵負荷介於1.43~3.9 g/m2之間,洗街後街塵負荷介於0.39~0.98 g/m2之間,洗掃前後削減率介於57.70~80.03%之間。 2.掃街車集塵粒徑分析: 完成9次掃街車集塵粒徑分析,各路段粒徑分析結果,粒徑大於297μm比例介於45.39~90.45%;粒徑介於74~297μm比例介於8.44~36.61%;粒徑小於74μm比例介於1.11~12.88%。 3.水質檢測: 完成11次水質檢測作業,懸浮固體檢測結果皆≦50 mg/L。 (四) 橫向宣導聯繫 1.企業認養: 本年度新增道路認養30家次,加上99年度認養單位,合計51家,統計4-12月總清掃公里數達5,148.9公里,相當於可削減TSP達71.05公噸、PM10 達13.39公噸。 2.洗掃協調座談會: 於100年08月12日完成辦理洗掃協調座談會1場次,並配合環保署完成洗掃作業規範之宣導及戶外示範。 3.技術轉移暨教育訓練會議: 於100年07月14日完成辦理1場次技術轉移暨教育訓練會議。 4.新聞稿: 完成刊登2則新聞稿,刊登議題分別為『加強道路清掃 維護百年全運空氣品質』及『揚塵洗掃計畫,約掃掉600噸懸浮微粒』。 5.資料維護: 完成9次網路資料及成果資料庫更新工作。 6.農業機具髒污輔導管制: 目前掌握全縣曳引機機具主名單,了解曳引機分佈情形,並藉由農機具主換證時機,請農業科人員加強宣導農機清潔再上路之政策,並於北彰化地區針對曳引機具主召開一場農機具避免污染路面宣導說明會。
中文關鍵字 街道洗掃,街塵負荷,削減量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 10680 千元
專案開始日期 2011/04/08 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 盧珍妮
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 黃志傑 執行單位 躍華環保企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 案號:1000009057.rar 74MB

the stop time is according to the contract stipulation of 100 years

英文摘要 the stop time is according to the contract stipulation of 100 years, Each work achievement explanation is provided as follows up to December 31th: (一)Operation on the street washing and sweeping: Entails 100 years from the April 19th to 100 years up to December 31th, street vehicle cleaning accounts for 22,253.1 kilometers; The street sweeper duties accounts for 17,486.1 kilometers; The manual street sweeps of street account for 31, 20,607 kilometers. The accumulation washes of the street sweeper carry a total length of 39,739.2 kilometers, may approximately reduce TSP to reach 548.40 metric tons, PM10 to reach 103.32 metric tons. (二)On-site audit work: 1. Road survey work: This year’s general path surveyed completed the total of 2,061 kilometers. The general survey every month has the distance of l ≧160 kilometer. A level path general survey occupies is 59.01%, and the B level path occupies 40.91%. This completes 18 dirty stain improvements. 2. Street washing and sweeping audit: 4 times a month the work of washing sweeps are examined; the street sweeper washes accumulation and checks the amounts to the length of 727.5 kilometers; The manual power street sweeps accumulation amounts to the length of 314.36 kilometers. 3. Industrial Area Patrols: Every month 8 industrial districts all carry out 1 county inspections; total 9 inspections are performed and completes 17 dirty stain improvements. (三)Examination Analysis 1. Street dust loading: Total 9 sampling analyses are completed, Before various road sections can be wash , the street dust levels needs to be situated between 1.48~3.73 g/m2, after washes the street back street dust levels must be between 0.40~0.98 g/m2. 2. Street sweeper collection dust particle size analysis: All the dust particles collected from the street wash are analyzed every month, from the 9 different cleaning zone. Various road sections particle size analysis result, the particle size is bigger than 297μm the proportion to be situated between 45.39~90.45%; The particle size is situated between 74~297μm proportions to be situated between 8.44~36.61; The particle size is smaller than 74μm proportions is situated between 1.11~12.88%. 3. The water quality examination: In total 11 water quality examination are performed, statistical test must have results of ≦50 mg/L. (四)Crosswise guidance relation: 1. The enterprise recognizes raises: This year paths recognized have increased by 30 time, in addition, in 2010 these units will continue to increase, total equal to 51. From April to December the distance cleaned is 5,148.9 kilometers, and reduce the levels to the TSP 71.05 metric tons, the PM10 13.39 metric tons. 2. The coordinated symposium for Washes sweeps: On August 12, 2010 the a street cleaning symposium meeting will be held. and should coordinates with the environmental protection bureau to hold a street cleaning guidance seminar and the outdoor demonstration. 3. Technology Training and Education Transfer Conference: On July 14, 2010, a technology training and education transfer conference is held. 4. News release: Completes 2 publish article news releases. The subject is to is to strengthens the path cleaning of street, transportation air quality and 'the conformity to street cleaning and allocation of resources, this in order strengthen and advocate the dust cleaning work throughout the county'. 5. Material maintenance: Continuous updates on with latest content, news and bulletins. Make 9 different and continuous update of information for the public. 6. Agricultural Machines operation and maintenance, and handling control: Attain a current updated list of county-wide agricultural machine owner list. Need to understand how these machine are distributed throughout the county understood that the tractor distribution situation, and work and educate the owners when. Need to work with the agricultural branch to educate those in the Zhanghua county on the correct operation of agricultural equipment, correct maintenance, cleaner and safer environmental operation of their machinery.
英文關鍵字 Street sweeping, Street dust loading, Reductions