英文摘要 |
The objective of this plan is to integrate a vast array of environmental protection technology resources, so as to boost the quality of proactive environment technology and policy implementation in the future. The outcomes of the project have been provided with an overview of 4 categories shown below: Preliminary planning of 2012 development scheme in environmental protection technology and management: Organizing preliminary review meeting for 7 technology development projects budgeted with TWD 46.45 million, of which National Science council approved TWD 45.73 million. Bringing effort in line with the establishment of Ministry of Environmental Resources, there are 11 projects of proactive technology development in the future analyzed and proposed to include, inter alia, biodiversity, ecosystem, forestry and wildlife protection, carbon storage, climate change adaptation, meterological observation, Environmental monitoring, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), oceanographic observation, water body & quality protection and control, as well as drinking water management. Management tasks on quality improvement of 2011 environment technology projects and policy implementation: Reviewing “Management Provisions for Research Projects Commissioned by EPA”. Assisting in verifying the 2010 outcome and performance claimed to fulfill 12 academic theses, 34 conference papers and 30 research reports; meanwhile finishing integration and registration of GRB information system website. Maintaining and updating 922 detailed accounts of environmental technology innovation R&D projects commissioned by EPA, and 310 detailed accounts of projects benefited from Technology & Air Pollution Fund designated on EPA global website & homepage. Organizing “2011 Environmental Technology Forum” whereby 12 conference papers covering 4 main topics announced, over 83.4% of 128 attended guests rated “satisfaction”, and the subjects in connection with GHG emission reduction, ecosystem engineering, environmental technology development, water pollution, nuclear contamination were recommended for discussion in the succeeding forum next year. Management and administrative tasks to the “Environmental Technology Innovation R&D Project”: Assisting EPA in selecting 5 out of 13 development plan applications for subsidy, organizing mid-term and final review meetings, and conducting on-site visit of 2 applicants. Summarizing implement outcomes of 76 development projects subsided by EPA between 2003 and 2011, whereby total input of subsidy reached to TWD 123.48 million, with 32 patents registered abroad and locally, 46 patents in the process of application and 30 cases of technology transfer. The royalty income of TR has reached beyond TWD 27.05 million, excluding benefits from patents and profits of mass production. The ratio of TR royalty income over total input of subsidy is near 21.9%, which signifies the fruitful performance. Administrative tasks in summarizing important benefit and breakthrough in 2010 Environment Technology Project, to match up the compiling work of NSC’s 2010 Omnibus Book of Technology R & D Performance by Central Government.