

中文摘要 本報告為100年度臺南市毒性化學物質流佈調查及運作場所管理輔導計畫之成果報告,期望本報告所提強化各毒化物運作場所管理方案,能有效降低毒化災的發生與影響,達成毒化物運作“零”災害的最終目標,保障臺南市民與環境的安全。 本計畫執行至今,已按照合約規定完成各項工作及進度,茲將主要工作成果摘要說明如下: 一、辦理臺南市毒性化學物質流佈調查,持續更新運作場所環境背景值 完成建立臺南市毒化物運作業者之毒化物運作及流佈狀況,透過毒性化學物質許可管理系統,彙整統計許可證、登記文件、核可文件及第四類文件數量,並以傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀(Extractive FTIR),進行毒化物運作場所週遭環境採樣分析10家。 二、協助辦理毒性化學物質運作廠場運作之管理與應變輔導 已完成執行20件次現場運作管理及應變輔導,查核缺失均回報環保局人員,進行後續追查改善狀況,所查核缺失業者均已完成改善。 三、協助審查臺南市毒性化學物質許可證、登記文件、核可文件及第四類毒理相關資料備查申請案 已完成執行毒化物許可證、登記文件、核可文件與第四類毒化物申請案之預審作業,截至期末報告為止許可證19件、登記文件80件、核可文件607件及第四類文件227件,累計共933件。另外也已審查危害預防及應變計畫181件、運送危害預防及應變計畫34件、應變器材及偵測及警報設備計畫12件累計共277件。 四、協助執行毒性化學物質運作場所法令查核作業 1.已完成執行206件次毒化物運作業者現場查核,所見查核缺失共15件,進行後續追查改善狀況。另外協助臺南市政府環境保護局10日內將稽查結果,鍵入環保稽查處分管制系統(EEMS)共 854件。 2.已完成執行10家次現場偵測警報測試及查核,查核內容包括偵測與警報設備感應型式、設置數量及分佈情形等,有問題之廠家均完成複測,業者維護保養情形與各項法規符合。 五、建立臺南市毒性化學物質災害防救體系,並協助臺南市辦理毒性化學物質災害緊急應變之年度演練、毒性化學物質運作場所無預警測試及平行單位之橫向通聯測試 1.依據「臺南市毒性化學物質災害防救標準作業程序」之作業階段與流程,協助修訂臺南市毒災防救體系作業程序,提供環保局參考。 2.已完成辦理毒性化學物質災害防救演練1場次,工作內容包括規劃演練腳本及各參與演練單位之間的聯繫協調,和演練使用之應變器材及演練場地佈置規劃等相關工作,並提供臺南市政府環境保護局演練光碟100片。 3.已完成辦理現場無預警測試12場每季3家,及傳真及電話無預警測試48場每季12家次。 4.已完成辦理臺南市政府環境保護局,平行單位橫向通聯測少2場次。 5.已完成彙整100年度臺南市毒災聯防小組各項演練成果彙整成冊及附上相關資料光碟3份。 六、協助臺南市毒災現場之應變及環境監測工作,並對臺南市政府環境保護局毒性化學物質災害緊急應變器材、裝備進行維修保養 1.已提供行動電話門號及3.5G無線網卡,並建立毒災聯防小組簡訊群組及緊急聯絡人電話。 2.協助臺南市政府環境保護局進行事故現場環境監測應變6場次,並將現場環境監測結果提供環保局參考,圓滿達成任務。 3.每季清點臺南市政府環境保護局之應變器材及裝備,並進行各應變器材外觀及功能檢查,並於5日內更新造冊提送環保局備查。 4.已完成A級防護衣氣密測試及空氣鋼瓶委請檢測廠商測試,並檢附測試報告供環保局留存備查。 七、針對臺南市毒災風險及其應變防救分析評估其嚴重程度,並參考引用最新資訊修正風險對策和管理機制 1.繪製臺南市毒化物運作廠家,及運送路線災害潛勢風險圖。 2.依大臺南行政區域重新劃分臺南市毒災聯防小組,以地域性劃分5組共101家。 3.已完成統計臺南市過去5年毒災事故,針對事故原因、類別及災害類型分別統計。 八、教育訓練、技術轉移訓練及法令宣導 1.已完成辦理臺南市毒災聯防小組毒化災應變處理實作訓練共2場次,室內課程為臺南市毒災聯防小組分組介紹、毒化災應變搶救裝備選用與介紹、化學品危害特性與辨識實作等內容,室外課程為管線外洩處理、桶槽外洩處理以及鋼瓶外洩處理等搶救處理實作。 2.已完成辦理毒性化學物質管理法規宣導說明4場次,讓毒性化學物質運作廠商熟悉毒性化學物質許可管理系統、申報系統操作及最新修正法令。 3.已完成辦理環境用藥法規說明會2場次,邀集臺南地區各環境用藥製造業者、販賣業者及病媒防治業者與會參加。 4.已完成辦理毒性化學物質管理教育及技術轉移訓練1場次,內容包含災害事故現場緊急應變、偵測儀器之選用及歷來事故案例研析等。 九、辦理臺南市毒性化學物質管理執行成果宣導行銷 1.已完成印製「毒化物法規重點摘要」摺頁1,200份及「臺南市毒性化學物質災害通報系統相關單位聯繫表」摺頁800份。 2.將列管第三類毒性化學物質之危害預防及應變計畫摘要,上傳臺南市政府環保局網站供民眾查閱共58件,協助維護更新網頁內容。
中文關鍵字 毒性化學物質


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 2350 千元
專案開始日期 2011/05/12 專案結束日期 2012/05/11 專案主持人 陳政任
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 周順裕 執行單位 國立高雄第一科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 100年度臺南市毒性化學物質流佈調查及運作場所管理輔導計畫期末報告 _精簡版_.pdf 0MB

The Survey on the Environmental Distribution of Toxic Chemicals and Managementin Tainan City in 2011

英文摘要 This report summarized the results from the project “The Survey on the Environmental Distribution of Toxic Chemicalsand Managementin Tainan City in 2011”. The report has proposed action plans for toxic substances and environmental pesticides control substance management to achieve “zero” incident target for the toxic operating facilities and to protect the safety of the citizen of Tainan City. The project has completed the following work according to the contract: 1. To gain information on the operating and release of persistent and toxic chemicals in Tainan City: Data were collected from the Toxic Chemical Substance Permit Management System for all the toxic operating facilities in Tainan City. Extractive Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) analysis were performed for 10 operating facilities to collect information on the distribution of toxic chemicals in the environment. 2. Assisting the review of management and response preparedness in toxic operating facilities: Twenty toxic operating facilities were surveyed for their preparednessmanagement and response preparedness. All required improvements were reported to Tainan City Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) for subsequent follow-up. All required improvements were completed by the facilities. 3. Assisting review for applied document on the permit of operating toxic chemical substance: Reviews were completed for 19 permits, 80 registration document, 607 approval document, and 227 Class 4 document, a total of 933 documents or permits reviewed. In addition, 181 Hazard Prevention and Response Plans, 34 Transportation Hazard Prevention and Response Plans, and 12 Response, Monitoring and AlarmEquipment Plans were reviewed, a total of 277 plans. 4. Assisting site review of code compliance in toxic operating facilities: 1. A total of 206 site reviews of code compliance in toxic operating facilities were completed. 15 non-compliance issues were found. All site review results, a total of 854 results, were entered into Environmental Enforcement Management System (EEMS) within 10 days of the review. 2. Ten sites were checked for their monitoring and alarm system, including the type and maker of the detector, number and distribution of the detector, etc. All problematic sites were rechecked and passed. 5. Setting up the disaster prevention and response system in Tainan City, assisting annual drill of toxic chemical incident response, perform un-noticed test in toxic operating facilities, and perform communication test for parallel organizations in relevant disaster response: 1. The disaster prevention and response plan in Tainan City were reviewed and revised to better reflect current response procedure. The revision was provided to EPB for reference. 2. Held annual drill of toxic chemical incident response. Work done included drafting scenario, providing equipment, site preparation of the drill, and video of the drill. All the information were collected and 100 Compact Disk (CD) were provided to Tainan City EPB. 3. Un-noticed tests in toxic operating facilities were performed, including 12 on-scene tests, 48 fax or telephone tests. 4.Communication test for parallel organizations in relevant disaster response in Tainan City were perform twice. 5. All information from the drills in the joint response team of toxic operating facilities were collected and combined into one hardcopy and stored in CD. Three copied were provided. 6. Assisting Tainan City EPB in the response and environmental monitoring of toxic chemical incidents, maintaining response equipment for Tainan City EPB: 1. A mobile phone with 3.5G wireless internet card were provided to Tainan EPB. The phone has built in a text message group and phone number of all joint response teams of toxic operating facilities. 2, Assisted Tainan City EPB in the response and environmental monitoring of 6 toxic chemical incidents. The monitoring results were provided to Tainan City EPB. 3. Response equipment of Tainan City EPB were checked and maintained quarterly. The results were reported within 5 days of the check. 4. Completed gas-tight test of class A suite and hydraulic pressure test of air tank. The results were reported to Tainan City EPB. 7. Reviewing the severity of the toxic disaster in Tainan City, providing risk mitigation and management strategy: 1. All toxic operating facilities and transportation routes in Tainan City were identified and plotted in Geographic Information System. 2. The joint response teams of toxic operating facilities were re-organized into 5 teams, 101 facilities, according to their geographic location. 3. The past incidents in Tainan City were analyzed. Statistics were done for their causes, location, and type of incident. 8. Educational training, technology transfer, and code promotion 1. Two trainings were held for the joint response teams of toxic operating facilities, including the reorganization of the team, toxic response equipment selection and usage, chemical hazardous characteristics and identification, leak patching for pipeline, tank and cylinder. 2. Four trainings on the code promotion for Toxic Chemical Substance Act were held, aiming at the operation of the permit system and revision of the act. 3. Two trainings on the code promotion for Environmental Agent Control Act were held. All, environmental agent control manufacturers, distributors, and users were participated. 4. An education and technology transfer course was held, including incident response, selection of monitoring equipment, and case studies of past incidents. 9. Results promotion for toxic chemical substance management in Tainan City: 1. 1200 copies of folder of summaries on the Toxic Chemical Substance Act, and 800 copies of folder of toxic incident reporting organization in the Tainan City were printed. 2. 58 hazard prevention and response plans for class 3 toxic chemical operating facilities were collected and uploaded to the webpage of Tainan City EPB for the right-to-know of the public.
英文關鍵字 Toxic Chemicals