

中文摘要 依據《行政院環境保護署審查環境保護財團法人設立許可及監督要點》第12條規定,行政院環境保護署委託永輝啟佳聯合會計師事務所查核主管之環境保護財團法人之財務及業務狀況。本案查核期間為民國100年2月至100年12月,本事務所派員逐一查訪全省共計44家環境保護財團法人峻事,依據查核結果由會計師出具執行協議程序報告書。本案彙總查核結果發現以下重要事項: (一)財務保管運用情形:受查基金會中共計2家未編製資產負債表,無法辨認其資產、負債及基金之情形,共計1家法人未提供相關資料,致無法查核。 (二)財務狀況:受查基金會中共計10家登記財產總額現金部分,未以專戶或定期存款儲存,共計1家存摺或對帳單金額與帳列金額不符。 (三)會計制度及帳務處理:受查基金會中共計7家部分支出未取具合法憑證,共計2家傳票未有權責人員簽核,共計2家支付酬勞及薪資未向國稅局通報。 (四)業務執行狀況及公益績效:受查基金會中共計5家未執行章程訂定之目的事業,共計1家法人未提供相關資料,致無法查核。 (五)財團法人薪酬(含員工及高階主管人員)規範(標準)之訂定情形:計1家法人未提供相關資料,致無法查核。 (六)查核財團法人依 貴署監督要點第12點規定辦理情形:受查基金會中共計15家基金會未提供年度業務目標、工作計畫及經費預算暨年度業務執行報告、經費運用及財產清冊及報環保主管機關備查資料供核,共計5家未依章程規定召開董事會,共計3家未向稅捐稽徵機關辦理年度之結算申報。 (七)查核財團法人是否違反 貴署監督要點第13點各項規定:受查基金會中共計2家管理、運作方式與設立目的不符,共計1家法人未提供相關資料,致無法查核。 (八)查核財團法人資訊公開情形(網站設置及使用情形):受查基金會中共計23家財團法人並未架設網站公開相關資訊。 (九)現況問題及改善建議:計1家法人未提供相關資料,致無法查核。 (十)收集各財團法人最新版本組織章程、董監事名冊電子檔及最近1次於法院登記之證書影本:計1家法人未提供相關資料,致無法查核。 針對查核之重大發現,本事務所提出現況問題及改善建議書,供主管機關監督與制訂相關政策之參考。
中文關鍵字 協議程序,環境保護財團法人,財務及業務


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-E103-02-216 經費年度 100 計畫經費 1050 千元
專案開始日期 2011/02/10 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 陳中成
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 李佳玟 執行單位 永輝啟佳聯合會計師事務所


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA100A106-公開版.pdf 0MB

2008 to 2010 Agreed upon Procedures to Implement the Environment Protection Foundations’ Operational

英文摘要 To identify and analyze Environment Protection Foundations’ operational and financial condition and evaluate their performance, the Economic Protection Administration (EPA) carried out the plan, started form February 2011 to December 31 2011, and called “2008 to 2010 Agreed upon Procedures to Implement the Environment Protection Foundations’ Operational Condition and Financial Statement Audit.” There were 32 foundations in that Project. EPA planner to outsource an accounting firm with the independence, profession, and experiences to examine financial and non-financial information flows that impacted the financial statements and provided any analysis, findings, and recommendations. According to §12 by “The institution and the Supervision of the Environmental Protection Foundation.” to examine financial and non-financial information flows. The agreed-upon procedures display the following important findings: 1. The custody and use of the assets: 2 foundations didn’t prepare balance sheet, 1 foundation didn’t provide any documents. 2. The financial situation: 10 foundations didn’t deposit the registration property total amount as time deposit, 1 foundation did not reconcile their account balance with banks periodically. 3. The accounting policies and transactions: There are 7 foundations’ part expenses without legally voucher, 2 foundations’ vouchers didn’t approve by the responsibility person, 2 foundations didn’t filing the tax return for withholding tax. 4. The implementation and the effectiveness of the foundations: 5 foundations did not implement the business by its Article of Incorporation and 1 foundation didn’t provide any documents. 5. Salary scheduling: 1 foundation didn’t provide any documents. 6. According to §12 by “The institution and the Supervision of the Environmental Protection Foundation.” the effectiveness of the foundations: 15 foundations did not present the budget and financial report to EPA on time, 5 foundations did not holding the directors’ meeting and 3 foundations didn’t filing the tax return to the tax bureau. 7. According to §13 by “The institution and the Supervision of the Environmental Protection Foundation.” the effectiveness of the foundations: 2 foundations did not implement the business by its Article of Incorporation and 1 foundation didn’t provide any documents. 8. Public information condition: 23 foundations did not public their information on the website. 9. The improvement suggestion: 1 foundation didn’t provide any documents. 10. Collect the organization regulation, the list of directors and nearest Legal person certificate of registry: 1 foundation didn’t provide any documents. Based on the agreed-upon procedures, we, Evershine CPAs Firm, present the findings and recommendations to EPA.
英文關鍵字 agreed-upon procedures, environmental protection foundation, financial and business