

中文摘要 桃園縣配合環保署政策及延續吳志揚縣長打造桃園縣成為低碳城市的政策,縣府團隊全面透過各項交通管制措施來降低移動污染源廢氣排放。 1.推廣低污染運具 桃園縣於100年1月13日為全國第一個縣市公告低污染運具加碼補助,且為鼓勵更多民眾親身體驗綠能低碳的行動生活,於422世界地球日,吳志揚縣長更加碼補助金額自600萬元提升至1,600萬元,本年度申請低污染運具補助車種及數量如下: 1. 油氣雙燃料車66件 2. 電動機車599件 3. 二行程機車汰舊換新購買電動機車320件 4. 電動自行車1,273件 5. 電動輔助自行車337件 總計受理加碼申請補助2,595件,其中以電動機車成長幅度最大,較去年大幅成長4倍,減少空氣污染物之排放NMHC:7.08公噸/年、NOx:5.18公噸/年 、CO:22.2公噸/年 。 本計畫於100年7月份開始後,透過辦理2場次大型活動及記者會、3場次電動機車巡迴試騎活動、3則平面廣告文宣等,透過種種活動的辦理,讓桃園縣的低污染運具數量大幅提升。桃園縣政府也將積極規劃建置完善的電動車充電設施,使充電設施能在桃園縣內遍地開花,讓車主可隨時充電,避免無電使用的情形發生,後續推動低污染運具除了提昇桃園縣低污染運具數量外,讓桃園縣成為第一個低碳交通城市。 調查完成13條主要道路路段行駛時間及延滯調查。透過這些調查資訊及檢測數據,結合桃園縣移動污染源計畫成果,獲得桃園縣污染熱區分別為桃園市、中壢市及楊梅市等區域,並將高污染熱區的地點彙整後,提供給環保局作為後續加強稽查烏賊車之重點地點,以利降低該區域之污染濃度。 另本計畫也蒐集歷年桃園縣交通運輸系統發展歷程及規劃,除了通盤瞭解桃園縣交通運輸所遭遇的問題及後續交通局擬訂之交通運輸計畫,且針對低污染運具適合於桃園縣推動方案進行研擬,包括1.推動工業區內使用低污染交通運具、2.腳踏車道路網建置、3.提昇大眾運輸系統使用率、4.管制高污染運輸交通工具、5.建置低污染運具能源設施系統、6.推動油電混合公車等,透過策略的研擬及推動,期許讓桃園縣空氣品質更佳。
中文關鍵字 交通管制策略、低污染運具、移動源管制


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 9600 千元
專案開始日期 2011/07/20 專案結束日期 2012/03/05 專案主持人 陳英欽
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 梁開忠 執行單位 威陞環境科技有限公司


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期末報告 100年度低污染計畫期末報告定稿.rar 13MB

The Integrated Management Of the Mobile Sources Control and the Promotion Plan Of the Low-Pollution Vehicles

英文摘要 In order to follow the policy of EPA and the Mayor Wu’s determination of being the low-carbon city, the Taoyuan government urges to decrease the air pollution emission by lots of traffic control strategies. Taoyuan County is the first who announce to increase the subsidy funds of the low-pollution vehicles in June 2011. In order to encourage citizen which have the experience to the life of the green energy and low-carbon, the Mayor arise the subsidy from 6 million NTD to 16 million NTD on 422 Earth day. The application of the low-pollution vehicles including of the information of the bland and amount of the vehicles are as following: 1. 66 oil gas subsidiary dual fuel vehicles 2. 599 electric motorcycles 3. 320 electric motorcycles substitute for Two stroke motorcycle 4. 1,273 electric bicycles 5. 337 electric subsidiary bicycles Totally, there were 2,595 applications for the subsidy. The increase of electric motorcycles is the biggest growth and fourth than last year. It decreased NMHC 7.08 tons per year, NOx 5.18 tons per year and CO 22.2 tons per year. This project began in July, 2011. Through accomplishments of 2 large activities& press conference, 3 field of riding electric motorcycles and 3 advertising propaganda, these bring the growth of low-pollution vehicles dramatically. Taoyuan County Government will actively plan to build the charging facilities of electric vehicles, so that the electric vehicles users can charge it anytime and avoid no electricity to drive. Then the local government hopes Taoyuan County could become the first low-carbon transport city in Taiwan. After the completion of the travel time investigation and delay survey of 13 major road, the project combines the analysis and the results of mobile pollution sources projects in Taoyuan County. We can obtain the hot pollution zone of Taoyuan City, Chungli City and Yangmei City , then transfer to Environmental Protection Bureau who can strengthen inspection of squid-car locations and reduce the concentration of pollution in the area. In the others, the project also collected the Taoyuan County transportation system development process and programs. In addition to the overall understanding of the transportation problems encountered and traffic transportation projects of the Transportation Bureau, it also provided traffic control strategies of the low-pollution vehicles for Taoyuan County Government, include of 1. Promote the industrial area to use low-pollution vehicles, 2. Establish the bicycle network 3. Enhance the utilization of public transit systems 4. Control the high-pollution vehicles 5. Install the energy system of the low-pollution vehicles 6. Promote the hybrid bus Through these strategies, we expect it must be the better environment and air quality in Taoyuan County.
英文關鍵字 Traffic control strategy, low-pollution vehicles, control of mobile sources