

中文摘要 本計畫為推動單一入口系統申請各項許可作業制度之九個月施政計畫,以規劃及建置系統功能為主,共分為以下三大重點。1.提供統計分析及勾稽管理報表。2.提昇及維護資料品質,提供系統加值應用服務。3.提供資訊系統維運服務,確保系統正常運作。 因應環保機關管制上之需求,利用去年度所介接之整合性資料開發多項統計及勾稽報表,且使用由經濟部全國商工行政服務入口網所取得之工廠、公司及商業登記資料與管制編號核發系統(EUIC)之列管狀態資料進行比對作業,冀望藉由勾稽及統計報表,提升環保機關人員之行政及污染管制之效力。 本年度亦進行資料庫校正作業,清查系統地址及罕見字/難字之相關資料,提升資料庫資料之品質及正確性。在加值應用服務方面,本年度著重於推動許可電子化作業流程,並完成系統之開發及前期宣導之作業。此外為了提升系統之服務,與經濟部之E企業幫手介接,提供業者端更多元之通知服務,且為強化EMS系統之教育訓練課程,本年度錄製影音教學數位化檔案,供使用者在家即可學習系統之各項功能,藉以提升使用者對於系統之熟稔度。 本年度配合環保署監資處主機虛擬化之作業,將EMS系統進行虛化作業,統一搬遷至中華電信東七機房,並定期每月執行系統例行性維運作業,密切監控系統之運作,確保系統正常運作。
中文關鍵字 許可整合系統;電子化許可申請;單一入口


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-H102-02-272 經費年度 100 計畫經費 7000 千元
專案開始日期 2011/03/07 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 鄧淑霞
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 吳進盛 執行單位 環資國際有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 100年計畫期末報告書.pdf 13MB

Permit integration system, Electronic application, single portal

英文摘要 This project is an effort to promote a single portal for all permit applications with the main focus on the design and construction of the system function. The major three research objectives of this project, 1. Producing statistical analytical reports and audit report forms; 2. Enhancing and maintaining data quality, and offering system value-added services; and 3.Conducting maintenance on the information system to ensure normal system operation. In response to the regulatory needs of environmental agencies, statistical and audit report forms were developed using the integrated data connected last year. The industry, company and commerce registration data gathered through the Commerce Industrial Services Portal of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) were compared against the control status data from the EPA-Unified Identification Code System (EUIC). It was hoped that the auditing and statistical report forms developed could help environmental agencies increase the effectiveness of administrative and pollution control. Database corrections were carried out, in which addresses and rare/difficult words on the system were sifted through to improve the quality and accuracy of the databases. For value-added services, the project this year focused on digitizing work processes of permits. The system development was completed, and the initial phase promotion was conducted. The EMS was connected to MOEA’s Corporate e-Helpdesk to offer more varied alert services to business users. Digital audio-visual learning materials were created to enable users to learn how to use the system at home and thereby increase their familiarity with the system. In responding to the server virtualization policy of the Department of Environmental Monitoring & Information Management of EPA, virtualization was performed on the EMS to facilitate server relocation to Chunghwa Telecom’s East 7th Server Room. Routine system maintenance was performed every month and the system was closely monitored to ensure normal operation.
英文關鍵字 Permit integration system;Electronic application;Single portal