

中文摘要 本年度計畫作業項目包含:(1) 資料庫之擴建、維護更新(2)許可審查核發(3)許可查核(4)排放量申報查核(5)稽查檢測作業(6)專責人員及許可制度說明會(7)連續自動監測設施功能查核等作業項目。 計畫執行期間為民國100年07月05日至民國100年12月20日,共執行6個月,已完成所有量化工作(見第一章),專案小組除每月配合環保局工作檢討會,依循各項內部教育訓練及品保做業外,在計畫執行中亦配合環保局SIP計畫查核,以確保各項工作進度及品質,本年度各項工作結果說明如下。 一、資料庫之擴建、維護更新 本計畫預定對列管工廠進行至少400家次的資料庫更新及維護,統計到12月20日止共完成414家之清查,作業達成率為103.5%。專案小組每月針對環保署提供檢核結果進行不完整不一致修正,共完成2221筆。 二、許可作業 本年度共核發207張許可證,包括設置14張、變更5張、操作33張、異動58張、展延47張、換補發46張、生煤許可4張,平均文書審查日數為15日/件,在南科許可案件會審部分則有23件。專案小組並通知即將到期之許可證辦理展延作業,共發文通知31家/41張許可證。 在許可證查核部份,已完成322張許可證查核作業(包括275張環保局及47張南科管理局所核發),查核不符張數總計26張,不符率為8.1%,目前21件已提出改善(其中12(張)製程已取得新證、8(張)製程目前正在審查中、1(張)認定為已完成改善,由歷年查核結果來看,不符率約在10%左右。 三、排放量審查及查核作業 目前臺南市需排放量上網申報的公私場所共有317家,本計畫係針對原台南縣的280家進行排放量申報管制作業,100第2季及第3季之應申報件數為555件,申報率為100%,且全數完成審查,審查結果申報正確者485家佔87.4%,限期補正資料者70家佔12.6%,不符原因主要為業者許可證號欄位未更新、計算錯誤等。 本計畫共進行162家申報排放量查核,其中查核結果申報正確者152家佔93.8%,限期補正資料者10家佔6.2%。查核結果限期補正者,其主要原因為製程原燃物料申報狀況與現場不符(包含漏報、單位錯誤)共計9家佔90%。 四、辦理稽查檢測作業 截至12月20日,各項污染物稽查檢測作業,已完成重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞)2根次、大型焚化爐重金屬(鉛、鎘、汞、砷) 2根次及其他(粒狀物、硫氧化物、氮氧化物)15根次、38點次公私場所液體燃料含硫份抽驗、周界粒狀物6點次,所有檢測結果均符合排放標準。 五、連續自動監測設施功能查核 監測儀器功能查核方面,本年度共計完成6根次煙道相對準確度測試查核作業,完成率100%,檢測結果各測項合格率皆為100%;不透光率校正誤差查核共計完成8根次,完成率100%,低、中、高範圍合格率皆為100%;標準氣體查核共計完成8根次,完成率100%,查核結果各測項合格率均為100%;二氧化氮測試查核共計完成3根次,完成率150%。監督查核共計完成17根次相對準確度測試監督查核,結果皆符合標準。 監測資料審查方面,每月定期進行監測月報審查,並完成日、月報傳輸及有效監測時數百分比統計,本年度連線工廠均能按時傳送資料,且每季有效監測時數百分比均能達85%以上;監測月報表方面,各公私場所均能依審查意見修正缺失,缺失發生情形已有逐月改善。 現場評鑑方面,共計完成2廠次評鑑作業,發現主要缺失為查核測試結果均有系統系偏差現象及二氧化氮轉化率較低等,以上缺失工作小組除主動追查外,亦提供相關資料輔導工廠進行改善。 六、一般巡查作業 本年度完成執行592家次,主要配合其他現場查核作業一同進行,本年度巡查重心仍以工廠數較多的永康區、仁德區與新市區等鄉鎮為主;巡查率則以柳營區(88.89%)、鹽水區(66.67%)較高,主要為此兩區均有重點屢遭陳情工廠;各行業之巡查次數以金屬工業88家次為最多,其次為塑膠製品製造業87家次,再其次則為金屬表面處理業51家次;分析其巡查結果,為無明顯污染,但有空氣污染之虞者共計6家次佔1.01%,空氣污染現象明顯,建議加強稽查管制者共計2家次佔0.34%,已告知業者應限期改善。 七、其他工作項目 (一) 配合宣導空氣污染相關環保新聞見報:已有4則見報,符合期末進度。 (二)協助45件專責人員設置異動申請案件鍵檔。 (三)完成22件露天燃燒巡查 (四)完成三點次(連續九天)3D光達掃瞄作業 (五)空氣品質惡化通報處理共接獲通報9次,巡查9處次,以建請廠方加強污染防制設備操作及維護。 (六)配合指紋計畫執行工業區普查後移交之名單進行擴充作業,共擴充17家。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 7161 千元
專案開始日期 2011/07/05 專案結束日期 2011/12/20 專案主持人 呂進榮
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 李思亮 執行單位 衛宇科技股份有限公司


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期末報告 本文.pdf 34MB

Tainan City「Stationary Sources Permitting System Enforcement and Air Pollutant Inspection Project」of Year 2011

英文摘要 The main work items of Stationary air pollution source control project are:(1)Database establishment, system function upgrade and data QA/QC. (2)Stationary Sources Permit application documents exam and issue, including permit inquisition. (3) Report and check of air pollutant emissions quantities. (4)Inspection by air pollutant testing. (5)Training for dedicated air pollution control personnel.(6) Check of cems. This project was empowered by a contract which issued by the Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tainan County. The project started on July 2011, and will be ended on December 2011. The percentage of the project is 100%. The progress for each work task is outlined in detail as below. 1.Database establishment, system function upgrade For the work of emission inventory database update, the data of 414 stationary pollution sources has been checked and updated. The percentage of this work item is 103.5%. 2.Permit system In the management and issuance of permits, 207 permits have been issued, including 14 installation permits, 5 modified permits, 33 operation permits, 58 change permits, 47 renewed permits, 46 re-issued permits and 4 coal-fired permits. Periodic inspection for operation permits has been performed on 322 operation permits. Among them, 26 operation permits didn’t meet the contents of permits, and the discrepancy of inspection was 8.1%. Further, the plants have been asked to modify and improve the inconformity. 21 plants reported their modification or changes, and got new permits which fit their status quo. 3. Report and check of air pollutant emissions quantities 317 stationary pollution sources are required to report annual emissions by regulation in Tainan City. The reporting rate of it has reached 100% (from the beginning of 2nd season to the end of 3rd season, 2011). Inspection for reporting annual emissions was conducted on 162 plants;93.8% of it proved correct(152 plants),6.2% of it showed discrepancy(10 plants). 4. Inspection by air pollutant testing Inspection by air pollutant testing was performed to fulfill the midterm requirement, 2 plume for heavy metals testing, and 15 plumes for SOx, NOx and particulate. We also took 38 fuel samples from different plants to check if the sulfur in the sample violets the standard (0.5%). 5. CEMS check results During the implementation of the project, there were a total of 6 times of the flue relative accuracy test audit (RATA)operations,8 times of opacity(OP)calibration error check, 8 times of Cylinder Gas Audit(CGA)check, the results of the audit were all qualified; the other 3 times of the nitrogen dioxide test were also conducted. The results of one relative accuracy test audit (RATA) on Flue of CEMS implementation and the opacity (OP) calibration error all in compliance with the standards. Monthly report of CEMS reviews ,and monthly comment reviews for the revised situstion were conducted. And defects occurring in the monthly report during the year have been gradually improved. In addition, transmission of the daily and monthly data and percentage statistics of the effective monitoring also completed. This year the factory of CEMS can transmit data on time and percentage of the effective monitoring hours can reach over 85%. As for the on-site evaluation, in this year we have done 2 on-site evaluations and found the main defect lies in the test results with the system error, report mistakes and poor equipment efficacy,which were followed by our working group.And we also provide relevant information for the counseling facility to further improve things. 6.General patrol :Total of 592 times of patrol assignment were conducted. 7. Other work items (1) 4 articles of environmental protection news were posted. (2) 45 cases of air pollution qualified persons replacement were proposed and approved. (3) Case Handling for the Notification of the Air Quality Deterioration Total of 9 cases were notified during the project period and patrol staffs were then sent out to check on 9 public or private premises.
英文關鍵字 database;staionary resource;permitting system;air pollution