

中文摘要 本年度「公害蒐證調查技術諮詢服務(第1年)專案工作計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫)之執行過程中,為使現有公害糾紛處理資訊系統時常更新,並以歷史公害糾紛事件為借鏡,避免公害糾紛之發生,本計畫已完成事項如下所述:(1)本計畫已分析10個國內司法判例,評估其損害賠償成立與不成立之原因。(2) 公害鑑定蒐證技術諮詢小組已獲78位專家學者同意,公害鑑定蒐證技術諮詢小組配合主辦科需求出動兩次,提供環保單位蒐證與採樣之建議。(3)已建置專家諮詢委員名單74名、各縣市調處委員名單(除連江縣委員名單有缺)及環保署裁決委員名單。(4)編寫環保人員公害事件蒐證流程標準作業程序,完成包括編寫流程、蒐集相關文獻、現況問題分析、初步架構之擬定及審查、草稿之編定及審查、初稿之編定及審查、修訂稿之編定及審查,以及第二次修訂稿之編定等工作。(5)協助環保署辦理一場次專題演講,共計42人名環保署人員參加。(6) 分別於雲林縣及高雄市各辦理一場地方說明會,兩場說明會合計91人參加。(7) 持續更新及維護公害糾紛處理資訊系統,已完成案件SOP管理、問與答專區、案件資料分享至社群網站等功能之建置,以及進行資料庫之更新,並規劃PDA版本系統之開發。(8) 於100年9月13日(二)假環保署環境檢驗所辦理公害糾紛處理與鑑定講習暨研討會,總參加人數86人。(9) 於100年10月26日(三)及27日 (四)假國立臺灣科技大學辦理全國性公害糾紛處理工作檢討會,總參加人數65人。
中文關鍵字 公害;公害糾紛;公害鑑定


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-K104-02-204 經費年度 100 計畫經費 2743.196 千元
專案開始日期 2011/05/06 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 許嘉珍
主辦單位 管考處 承辦人 陳建中 執行單位 國立雲林科技大學水土資源及防災科技研究中心


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 成果報告-公開版.pdf 26MB 成果報告-公開版

The Project Plan of Advisory Services for Public Nuisance and Evidence Examination Technology

英文摘要 In order to keep the public nuisance dispute information management system up-to-date and prevent the occurrence of public nuisance disputes according to the results of the history case analysis, this project completed several work items as follow: (1) analyzed ten domestic cases—evaluated reasons of successful and failure compensations; (2) established the technical advisory group for public nuisance identification and evidence—some members of a 78-expert group were sent out twice according to requirements of EPA to collect pollution samples and then provide advice to the environmental agency regarding pollution incidents; (3) collected and input into the system a member list of a 74 expert advisory committee, a mediation committee for each city and county (besides Lienchiang County), and an EPA adjudication board; (4) completed initial structure and draft of standard operation procedures of the public nuisance evidence collecting process, held three expert revision meetings, and completed revised version according to the suggestions from the meetings; (5) provided assistance to the EPA in holding a keynote speech, which 42 EPA staffs participated in; (6) held regional seminar in Yunlin County and Kuohsiung City; (7) updated and maintained the public nuisance dispute information management system—developed case-management related functions; (8) held the public nuisance disputes and identification conference, which 86 EPA and EPB staffs participated in; and (9) held 2011 work review meetings on national public nuisance disputes, which 65 EPA and EPB staffs participated in.
英文關鍵字 Public Nuisance;Public Nuisance Disputes;Public Nuisance Appraising