

中文摘要 [計畫目標] 本計畫目標旨在建立六輕工業區鄰近的麥寮、臺西、四湖、崙背及東勢5鄉的農地土壤、魚塭底質、河川大排底泥或水井地下水等環境介質的環境背景值。至101年12月28日為止,已依合約規定完成各項工作。各項環境介質採樣工作於4月16日至5月3日及9月6日完成現場採樣作業,檢測分析包括8項重金屬、多環芳香烴、總石油碳氫化合物,其中農地土壤部分則加測10點次戴奧辛分析,以及水井地下水加測總酚等項目。此外,另針對六輕工業區營運特性,建置常用化學物質安全資料庫 (MSDS),並配合環保局需求完成相關緊急應變及民眾陳情等工作。 [調查成果] 1、 本計畫蒐集各相關單位針對六輕工業區的相關資料成果,並根據各報告內容作為本計畫各項環境介質採樣規劃及分析之參考資料。 2、 根據本計畫調查結果,檢測出部分點位有異常現象: (1)50組農地土壤檢測數據顯示各項檢測值皆無明顯異常情形。根據比對結果,六輕工業區廠區內多項土壤重金屬含量測值高於區外,如:鎳、銅、鋅、鉛、鉻等,顯示六輕工業區仍具有一定的污染潛勢,但是否足以影響區外農地土壤環境,則仍須持續調查以釐清;戴奧辛檢測值大多落於各調查計畫的調查範圍,與本縣其他調查區域相比亦無明顯高值;總石油碳氫化合物於3處點位有檢出一定含量之濃度(大於100 mg/kg),均屬於柴油類(重油類)的物質,至於是否與六輕工業區空氣污染物沉降或鄰近汽機車油氣污染等其他因素所致,仍須進一步釐清;而多環芳香烴則受限於所使用檢測方法的偵測極限,各調查項目均為未檢出。 (2)30組魚塭底質檢測結果顯示共16處採樣點位重金屬含量超出底質品質指標下限值,超標項目為砷、銅、鋅、汞,且呈現陸域魚塭污染較沿海魚塭嚴重的現象,顯示陸域魚塭具有較高的重金屬污染情形。其中於3處採樣點位檢出砷、銅超出底質品質指標上限值,推估砷含量偏高應與飼主大量抽用地下水養殖致累積於魚塭底部有關,而銅、鋅含量偏高則可能與飼主使用含硫酸銅成分的除藻劑、投餵含有銅、鋅等物質之飼料等原因有關;總石油碳氫化合物於3處點位有檢出一定含量之濃度(大於100 mg/kg),均屬於柴油類(重油類)的物質,而多環芳香烴則為未檢出。 (3)9組河川大排底泥檢測結果顯示8處採樣點位重金屬含量超出底質品質指標下限值,超標項目為鎳、砷、銅、鋅等,其中後安大橋(R03)點位檢出銅、鋅超出底質品質指標上限值,推估砷、銅、鋅含量偏高應與上游陸域污染有關,如農業廻歸水、畜牧業或工廠未妥善處理之廢水等。5處點位的總石油碳氫化合物檢測,其中有3處點位檢出大於100 mg/kg之濃度,均屬於柴油類(重油類)的物質,其污染原因可能為上游或附近人為傾倒廢油品,或是六輕工業區污染物透過乾、濕沉降等機制造成污染。 (4)水井地下水檢測結果顯示部分點位檢測出砷、鐵含量超出地下水污染監測標準,一般認為此應與地質組成較為相關,惟其中東勢鄉明崙段2009地號水井(W08)檢出重金屬砷含量接近地下水污染管制標準,經複驗該井水質及調查該農地土壤,其地下水砷含量仍有達監測標準的情形。 (5)煉油業製程可能會逸散的污染物質-多環芳香烴,16項法規管制項目受限於本計畫檢測方法的方法偵測極限,各項環境介質的調查均為未檢出,經進一步瞭解其他可疑化學成分,有2-Fluorobiphenyl(SS)、Chrysene-d12(IS)、Naphthalene-d8(IS)、Phenanthrene-d10(IS)以及p-Terphenyl-d14(SS)等5項物質含量偏高,值得持續關注。 3、 本計畫參考「98年度沿海地區空氣污染物及環境健康世代研究計畫」所整理出的六輕工業區常見255種物質,並納入其餘土壤及地下水管制項目及「100年度六輕工業區土壤及地下水污染潛勢調查及查證計畫」所另外蒐集物質計79種,總計蒐集建置了334項化學物質安全資料表,均已編印成冊並製成查詢光碟。 4、 本計畫共計完成4件民眾陳情與緊急應變工作,而其中較主要者為自來水淨水場原水砷含量調查工作,共檢測出五處點位超出飲用水水源水質標準,後續自來水公司均已完成封井;再者,根據中科虎尾園區富喬公司南側農地土壤氟含量調查結果,其檢測值已超過一般濃度範圍,據此環保局邀集中科管理局討論並達成共識,由該單位持續辦理此地區的環境監測。 [後續建議] 1、 本計畫與農業處委辦計畫均有檢測農地土壤,檢測結果均未超過監測標準或管制標準,建議應將前述計畫的調查結果做為環境基準值並持續監測,以追蹤瞭解鄰近地區的污染物累積增量的情形,作為未來求償的有利證據。 2、 本計畫於部分魚塭底質檢測出異常重金屬含量,建議可將其結果轉呈農漁單位輔導漁民正確養殖方式,並由有關單位針對數據異常之魚塭加測異常項目,確保生物生長環境安全。 3、 新虎尾溪底泥檢測出污染物質,建議可依土污法規定要求目的事業主管機關增加採樣頻率監控污染物變化,並控管上游工廠非法排放的不法行為,其餘排水目前雖無法規規範,但仍應規劃持續調查並通知相關單位因應處理。 4、 「土壤及地下水污染整治法」已規範16項底泥PAH之品質指標項目及其上、下限值,其中下限值最低者為0.04 mg/kg,建議日後相關計畫如有調查檢測PAH含量時,應特別考慮檢測技術的限制,且方法偵測極限應至少低於法規限值,所調查數據才有參考比對的意義。 5、 本計畫已初步蒐集彙整334項化學物質安全資料表,可供未來相關計畫參考辦理,對於六輕工業區的污染物質作進一步的掌控管理。 6、 環保局「100年度沿海地區空氣污染物及環境健康世代研究計畫」成果報告裡建議多項揮發性有機物及重金屬可作為未來調查之指標污染物,本計畫建議可將這些檢測項目轉知農業處,藉以進一步調整農業處相關調查計畫的調查監測項目。 7、 本計畫的調查結果尚無法明確釐清六輕工業區空氣污染物對於鄰近地區的環境影響,建議未來可由相關單位專責規劃及進行六輕工業區的懸浮微粒、陰陽離子或關切污染物如重金屬及戴奧辛等物質之主成分分析,經調查比對區域之風速、風向、高空氣場、污染源濃度、受體濃度等參數及指紋資料庫,進行擴散模式及受體模式運算,藉以更精確研判六輕工業區鄰近地區環境受六輕污染物之影響程度。
中文關鍵字 六輕工業區,重金屬,多環芳香烴,總石油碳氫化合物,安全物質資料表


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 6245.5 千元
專案開始日期 2011/12/29 專案結束日期 2012/12/28 專案主持人 翁宗男
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 許維麟 執行單位 澳新科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 六輕農地調查計畫.pdf 8MB 100年度雲林縣六輕工業區鄰近地區農地調查計畫

soils and groundwater

英文摘要 [Project goals] The goal of this project is to establish environmental background data of the farmland soil, fish farm sediment, river and drainage sediment and groundwater in Mai-liao, Tai-si, Sih-hu, Lun-bei, and Dong-shih Township near the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex. Until December 28, 2012, we had completed the works according to the contract. Various environmental media sampling work was completed from April 16 to May 3 and September 6. The measured content includes eight heavy metals, poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH). Besides, the investigation item of the farmland soil and groundwater had additional measurement of dioxin and total phenols. Furthermore, for the operating characteristics of The No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex, we build a frequently used chemical material safety data sheet (MSDS), and achieved 4 emergency cases with the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB). [Survey results] 1, The first work of this project is to collect relevant reports about the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex. The environmental media sampling plan and the subsequent analysis of the reference data were based on the contents of report. 2, According to the results of this project, the detected anomalies were found in some locations: (1) From the 50 groups of the farmland soil measured data display all the detected values have no significant abnormal situations. The dioxin detected values compared with the other survey areas of the Yunlin County showed none of the significantly higher value of farmland soil. That means heavy metals may not yet be as indicative of pollutants. 3 TPH samples were detected in the concentration of certain content (higher than 100 mg/kg) and belong to the substance of the diesel class (heavy oil). It is suggested to clarifying what the reason of high TPH values are come from the air pollutants of The No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex air or nearby steam oil pollution. (2) From the 30 samples of the fish-farm sediment, among 16 samples showed the content of heavy metal (such as As, Cu, Zn, Hg) had exceeded the lower limit of the sediment quality guidelines. Among there, there are 3 samples detected and found the content of heavy metal such as As, Cu had exceeded the upper limit of the sediment quality guidelines. The high As content might caused by pumping groundwater and thus accumulated at the bottom of fish farms. The high content of Cu, Zn may be caused by the owners’ using algaecide with copper sulfate component, feeding containing Cu, Zn and other substances in the feed or fish ponds foreign soil (pollution foreign soil). 3 TPH samples were detected and found in the concentration of certain content (higher than 100 mg/kg) and which belongs to the substance of the diesel class (heavy oil). About the abnormal oil content, we conclude preliminarily it may be caused by fishery machinery oil leaking or backfilling polluted soil. (3) The measured results of 8 samples of river and drainage sediment showed the content of heavy metals such as Ni, As, Cu, Zn had exceeded the lower limit of the sediment quality guidelines. Hou-An Bridge (R03 point) was also found that the concentration of Cu, Zn had exceeded the upper limit of the sediment quality guidelines. It is estimated that the content of heavy metal As, Cu, Zn in the sediment were come from polluted substance of upstream, such as agricultural –recycle water, or the wastewater from animal excreta and factories. 3 TPH samples were detected to be higher than the concentration of 100 mg/kg, and the TPH concentration of Hou-An Bridge (R03 point) was 4,830 mg/kg. The oil pollution may be caused by the dumping of waste oil. (4) The measured results of groundwater showed that it were detected As, Fe content exceeds groundwater pollution monitoring standards in some locations. It is generally believed that should be related to the releasing of substances from stratum. The groundwater sampling (W08, land No.2009 Ming-lun paragraph, Dong-shih Township) was detected higher As content, which is close to the groundwater pollution control standards. By further way of detection, it is found that soil quality of this farmland was lower than the standard, but the As concentration of groundwater also met the standard monitoring situations. (5) The detection of 16 restricted PAH content in this project were N.D. (not detected). According to this result, we analysis further other suspected chemical composition. It is found there are other 5 PAH substances which are high levels , such as 2-Fluorobiphenyl(SS)、Chrysene-d12(IS)、Naphthalene-d8(IS)、Phenanthrene-d10(IS) and p-Terphenyl-d14(SS), and we suggest those items should be take attention. 3. This project refers to "Air pollution and health among residents near a petrochemical complex in Yunlin County (2009)", and 255 MSDS of chemical substances commonly used in The No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex had collected. And we also collected other 79 MSDS of chemical substances from "The investigation and verification of soil and groundwater pollution potential on the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex plan (2011)". This work collects 334 MSDS totally and has been published and made CD which have the function of inquiries and selection. 4. This project also helps the Yunlin EPB completing 4 emergency cases. One of the main purposes of this work is the detection of heavy metal As content of groundwater (raw water) for tap water purification plants. Finally we found 5 samples what the As concentration are higher than the drinking water quality standards. Therefore, 5 pumping wells had close up upon the law of drinking water source quality standards. Furthermore, this work also detected the fluorine content of agricultural soil in the south side of Fu-jiao Company which is located at Central Taiwan Science Park (Hu-wei Park). According to the detection, the fluorine concentration has exceeded the normal range. Central Taiwan Science Park has been monitoring of this area now. [Recommendations] 1. This project and another project of Agriculture Department have done detection about farmland soil. All measured results did not exceed the monitoring standards. It is recommended that the measured results should use for reference data, and the monitoring work around this area should continue for tracking the accumulation of air pollutants. 2. There were partly samples of fish farms sediment which is detected and found abnormal heavy metal content. It is recommended that forwarding these results to Agriculture Department for teaching the skill of cultivation to the owners of fish farm, and further investigation about other environmental or biological data are necessary. 3. Some contaminants such as heavy metal As, Cu, Zn form the sediment of Hsin Hu Wei River were detected. We recommended those data should forward to Water Resources Department for monitoring and managing. Although there is no regulation about the sediment quality of the drainages, but it should be planed to continue investigating in order to providing the spread of pollution. 4. This project has been initially collected 334 species of MSDS. That can be used for future plan and further management of the air contaminants from the No. 6 Naphtha Cracker Complex. 5. " Air pollution and health among residents near a petrochemical complex in Yunlin County (2009) "referred to numbers of volatile organic compounds and heavy metals can be used as indicators of pollutants. It is recommended that those indicators of pollutants should be conveyed to the Agriculture Department for adjusting the monitoring substances of further project.
英文關鍵字 Mailiao Industrial Plant,Heavy metal,PAH,TPH,MSDS