

中文摘要 台灣自1950年代開始推動工業化,其所導致的環境污染和破壞,到1970年代已經非常嚴重,台灣環保意識同時也在1970年代末期開始萌芽,1980年代全國民眾環保意識提昇及各地風起雲湧的反公害運動,促使行政院於1987年8月22日將衛生署環境保護局升格為行政院環境保護署,職掌全國污染防治工作。 26年前,在國人高度期待下,行政院正式成立了環境保護署,專責負責公害防治的相關業務工作,在這一段間,從山上到平地與海邊,台灣的環境都經歷了前所未見的變化。 隨著組織再造工作次第展開,環保署也即將升格成為環境資源部,值此組織再造,本計畫探討26年來環保政策分析,以民眾相關、曾經引起媒體輿論關切、對我國環境政策之演進,機關單位之成立、法規之更迭有重大影響為篩選基本原則,對政策之發生、歷程及處理經過,分析對我國環保政策之演進、機關(單位)成立、法規更迭及環境改善等之重大影響。 本計畫參考政府公文書與碩博士等相關論文與資料,透過採訪重要人物,以口述歷史方式掌握政策來龍去脈,製作彙編內容。
中文關鍵字 環境政策,環保署,藍天,綠地,青山,淨水,永續發展


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-E103-02-238 經費年度 100 計畫經費 1980 千元
專案開始日期 2011/12/14 專案結束日期 2012/11/15 專案主持人 呂理德
主辦單位 綜計處 承辦人 鄭惠文 執行單位 國立中央大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 定稿本.pdf 26MB

The Project of Compiling for Major Environmental Policy of EPA

英文摘要 Since the promotion of Taiwan’s industrialization in the 1950’s, the resulting environmental pollution and damage has reached a serious level in the 1970’s. Taiwan’s environmental protection awareness began to spur in the late 1970’s. The domestic increase of environmental protection awareness and rising anti-nuisance campaigns induced the Executive Yuan to upgrade the Department of Health, Environmental Protection Agency into the Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan on August 22, 1987, empowering it with the job of pollution-prevention in Taiwan. 26 years ago, under the high-expectations of the citizens, the Executive Yuan established Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), responsible for anti-nuisance-related operations. During this period of time, Taiwan experienced a change never seen before ranging from mountains to plains, and even covering the ocean. This project examines environmental policies from the past 26 years, primarily policies that were related to the public, drew media and public concern, the development of environmental policies, the establishment of departments and units, and change in legislations that created great impacts. Through questionnaire surveys and professional conferences, important policies were selected. The occurrence of these policies, the history and processing procedure, policy evolution, and department (unit) establishment were analyzed to understand the major influences of legislation change and environmental improvement. In addition, government official documents and related dissertations of the R.O.C were referenced, and 86 important figures were interviewed through oral history in order to grasp the policy development and produce the compilation content. The entire book contains five chapters: Blue sky, clear water, green mountains, and sustainability.
英文關鍵字 Environment policies, the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), Clean air, Clear water, Green mountains, Sustainability