中文摘要 | 本計畫目標旨在完成臺南市噪音移動式環境及交通噪音監測站操作工作、環境音量陳情案件監測工作、航空噪音臨時性監測、使用中車輛原地噪音量測作業及宣導作業,並配合達成行政院環境保護署環保機關績效考評中噪音管制項目。 在移動式環境及交通噪音監測中,共完成100年第4季及101年第1~3季共計192點次的環境及交通噪音監測,監測結果均符合音量標準。 環境與交通噪音陳情案件監測,共執行10件次監測作業,其中4件次為交通音量陳情案件,4件次為環境音量陳情,2件次為高速公路交通噪音陳情。第一件次(臺南市安平區光州路3號)於日間時段超出管制標準,其餘監測結果均符合管制標準。 航空噪音臨時性監測,共執行4點次作業,除2個地點為當地里長指定外,其餘2個地點是選定來比對軍方測站數據,每個點次須執行十日,已於101年10月底前完成4點次,監測結果之航空噪音日夜音量均低於監測點所處之該類航空噪音防制區訂定的航空噪音日夜音量範圍。 在使用中車輛原地噪音量測部分,共計辦理56場次,總欄檢攔查數為512車次,經檢測不合格車次為114筆,合格車次共178筆,不合格之車輛經回檢後改善完成者共78筆,針對檢測不合格或網站檢舉而尚未回檢之車輛,經兩次通知不到後,即給予處分。此外,配合101年度環保署「使用中機車噪音稽查大執法計畫」的辦理,其結果如表1,評比結果為全國第一。 宣導作業部分,共完成5場次宣導作業。於100年11月22、23日辦理『環保寺廟暨鞭炮噪音宣導說明會』會議;於101年04月16日辦理『依噪音管制法第八條及第九條第1項第6款規定之公告條文檢討修訂說明會』會議;於101年06月22日辦理『噪音管制法宣導暨稽查實務協商會』會議;於101年09月25日辦理『歸仁基地航空噪音說明會』會議;於101年09月27日辦理『一般噪音管制區修正檢討說明會』會議。 本市陳情案件統計部分,由統計資料可知噪音陳情件數自96年起逐年增加,100年度總數更達3,754件,而101年度截至9月底為止,共有2,716件的噪音陳情案件。101年度1月至9月前3大噪音陳情項目以擴音設備284件(佔29.6 %)為最高,其次為其他217件(佔22.6 %),動力機具為181件(佔18.9 %)。以本市各行政區而言,噪音陳情比例前5大依次為東區(17.42 %)、中西區(13.40 %)、永康區(11.63%)、北區(11.12%)及安南區(8.91%)。大抵而言,陳情比例較高的行政區均與人口密度的多寡有關。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 噪音;航空噪音;噪音管制區 |
專案計畫編號 | 經費年度 | 100 | 計畫經費 | 2380 千元 | |
專案開始日期 | 2011/11/03 | 專案結束日期 | 2012/11/02 | 專案主持人 | 陳俊能 |
主辦單位 | 臺南市政府環境保護局 | 承辦人 | 尤建智 | 執行單位 | 祥威環境科技有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 100年度臺南市噪音監測暨航空噪音防制區檢討劃定計畫_期末定稿.rar | 76MB |
The review plan of Tainan City noise monitoring and aviation noise control area in year 2011
英文摘要 | This plan is to complete the operation and public pleads in the noise monitoring of Tainan City applied in the mobile environment, the traffic sounds inspection, the aviation noise gauging and the vehicles operating in-situ noise gauging. It also coordinates to achieve the noise regulations done by the Environmental Protection Administration of the Executive Yuan. The monitoring result in the environment and the traffic sounds conformed to the control standard in the 4th seasons of year 2011 and the 1st and 2nd and 3rd seasons of year 2012. There were 10 times monitoring operation for environment and the traffic sound pleading cases. In these cases, there were 4 cases resulting from traffic sounds, 4 cases from environmental noise volume and 2 cases from super high way sounds. The first case came from No.3 Tainan Anping District Gwangju St. during daytime beyond the noise control standards, and the rest of the monitoring results were to be compliant with regulatory standards. The temporary aviation noise monitoring had been conducting 4 locations’ operation all together by year 2012 October which took 10 days monitoring. All 4 locations’ monitoring results were compliant with regulatory standards. In the vehicles operating in-situ noise gauging part, there were requested 56 times in the Noise Monitoring of Vehicles, in which there were 512 total examination times, unqualified were 114 times and the improved vehicle numbers altogether were78 times. In addition, followed with the year 2012 TEPA plan listed in below table 1,"the use of a large motorcycle noise enforcement inspection plan statistical table” . There was all together 5 times Public Educational Guidance of the Noise Monitoring of Vehicles. The 1st guidance was held on November 22th and 23th year 2011 with the topic “Environmental meeting in temple-with-firecracker noise guidance”. The 2nd guidance was held on April 16th with the topic “The review meeting of the provisions of Article 8 and item 1 of paragraph 6 of Article 9 of the Noise Control Act “will. The 3rd guidance was held on June 22th 2011 with the topic “Declared the guidance and inspection of Noise Control Act consultations”. The 4nd guidance was held on September 25th 2012 with the topic “The Qui Zen aircraft base noise briefings”. The 5nd guidance was held on September 27th 2012 with the topic “The general noise control zone modification review Meeting”. To gather noise pleading statistic cases, there were increasing 1483 cases from year 2007.There were increasing up to 3754 cases in year 2011. From January to September in year 2012, there were up to 2716 cases in which first three big noises pleading cases classified into the first amplified equipments noise took 29.6% with 284 cases, the second the other noise took 22.6% with 217 cases and finally power machines noise took 18.9% with 181 cases. In Tainan city, the petition noise ratio in the top five followed by Eastern District (17.42%), West Central District (13.40%), Yongkang District (11.63%), North District (11.12%) and Annan District (8.91%). Generally speaking, the higher proportion of petitions borough are related to the amount of population density. | ||
英文關鍵字 | noise;aircraft noise;noise control area |