

中文摘要 為因應國土資訊系統跨領域資料應用之廣大需求,可以更有效率及更為便利之管道共享各單位所生產之地理資料是最基本之前提。在這個共享環境中,由特定機關所生產之專業資料更具有無可替代之重要性。環保署自民國98年度開始推動為期三年之「環境品質地理資料標準制訂」計畫,透過ISO 19100系列國際標準之引入,使環境品質地理資料可基礎於開放式地理資訊系統技術而流通,進而擴展使用者端之應用層面。本年度計畫之重點為完成環境品質地理資料中「污染防制類、環境衛生類、噪音振動類及非屬原子能游離輻射類」資料之標準制訂。經由資料特性分析、綱要設計、資料典撰寫及編碼轉換機制建立等程序,已順利完成資料標準草案之研擬,可供納入範疇之16項資料以開放之GML格式供應。本標準之完成亦代表環境品質地理資料標準之完成,納入範疇之45項資料可次第推動基礎於空間網路服務之資料供應機制,方便相關領域使用者取得符合需求之資料或建立網際網路之應用系統。展望未來之發展,本標準之完成也意味環保署之地理資訊系統應用將邁入新一代之網路應用環境,在國土資訊系統之共享環境將可扮演更為積極之角色。
中文關鍵字 資料標準;地理標記語言;國土資訊系統


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-L103-02-205 經費年度 100 計畫經費 970 千元
專案開始日期 2011/03/18 專案結束日期 2011/07/31 專案主持人 洪榮宏
主辦單位 監資處 承辦人 葉麗雲 執行單位 財團法人成大研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA100L10302205.rar 4MB 期末報告(定稿本)

Environmental Quality Data Exchange Standard - pollution control, environmental sanitation, noise an

英文摘要 To meet the tremendous cross-discipline application requirements in NGIS environment, a fundamental prerequisite is the ability to efficiently and conveniently share geospatial data produced by different organizations. In such a sharing environment, professional data produced by domain-specific organizations are particularly important because they are irreplaceable. The EPA began to implement three-year project for drafting the “Environmental Quality Data Standard” in 2009, which aims to develop a distribution mechanism based on the OpenGIS technology and expand the scope of applications by using the ISO 19100 series of international standards. The goal of this project is to draft the standard for data belong to the category of “pollution control, environmental sanitation, noise and vibration, and non-ionized radiation”. Following the procedures of analyzing the property of data, designing application schema and data dictionary, and establishing encoding transformation, the drafted standard allows 16 types of such data to be distributed in open GML format. The completion of this standard represents the completion of the “Environmental Quality Data Standard”, altogether 45 types of data can be thus distributed on the basis of geospatial web services. This enables users from various discipline to easily acquire data that meets their demands and develop Internet-based GIS. Focusing on the future development, the completion of this standard implies the GIS mechanism for EPA is entering a new age of internet application environment and will play an active role in the future sharing environment of NGIS.
英文關鍵字 data standard;Geography Markup Language (GML);National Geographic Information system (NGIS)