

中文摘要 嘉義市政府多年來致力於推動都市更新及發展,促使各行各業迅速發展,導致交通量及污染源增加,必然造成環境污染負荷提高,使民眾的生活品質受到影響,各類公害陳情案件的數量亦呈現逐年上升,對於陳情案件的管制與處理便成為本計畫的重點。 在營建工程粉塵逸散源管制方面,由於本市幅員狹小,因此大多數營建工程施作地點皆與民眾生活環境相鄰,且營建工地所排放之粒狀污染物,佔所有固定污染源粒狀物排放量的比例極大,有鑑於此本計畫將持續對營建工地在「營建工程污染防制設施管理辦法」做管制,以促使各營建業者做好污染防制工作,並減少營建工程空氣污染量。 計畫執行完成1,754次的工地巡查作業,管理辦法法規符合狀況查核稽巡查列管工地90.13%。一、二級營建工地管理辦法符合率82.54%,TSP削減量393.43公噸,削減率54.21%。其他工作項目概述如下:舉辦2場營建工程污染防制協調會;1場舉辦營建工程優良工地評選,並選出優良工地3處。推動道路認養洗掃達2,083.42公里,50處的圍籬綠美化及工地裸露地進行植被綠化66,377.15平方公尺。 處理空氣污染夜間陳情案件、執行各項巡查管制工作及相關交辦陳情案件累計至目前止達1,329件,其中包含686件陳情案件處理、37件陳情案件後續複查、340件露天燃燒及空氣污染重點區域巡查、212件廢棄物重點區域巡查、54件制高點觀測巡查,而陳情案件到場平均時間為15.44分鐘。
中文關鍵字 營建工程、逸散污染源、逸散粉塵、陳情、夜間陳情


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 3388.8 千元
專案開始日期 2011/03/18 專案結束日期 2011/12/20 專案主持人 林健文
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳怡諭 執行單位 詠續環保企業社


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPB-100-嘉義市逸散污染源稽查管制計畫暨空氣污染夜間陳情案件處理計畫期末報告.pdf 33MB

Control Strategies for the Fugitive Particulate Emissions and Public Nuisance Dispute Processing During Evening Hours in Chiayi City of 2011

英文摘要 Chiayi city government has been advanced city renewal and redevelopment to expand all trades and professions, which results in the increase of traffic density and pollution sources and therefore causes increase in environmental pollution load. The living quality is influenced and the public nuisance disputes concerning environmental pollution increase yearly as a result. Hence, how to control and handle the petitions against environmental pollution is the point of the project. As for the control of construction dust emission, most of construction sites are near people's living surroundings owing to the narrow and small city size. Besides, the particulate pollutants discharged from construction sites accounts for a high percentage of fugitive particulate emissions of overall stationary sources. Therefore, the main goal of this project is to make constructors follow the regulation - Construction Site's Air Pollution Prevention Facility Management Measures - to reduce air pollution originated from construction sites. As per the project, 1,754 inspections of construction sites have been implemented. 90.13 percent of the inspections comply with the Regulations of Management Measures and 82.54 percent of those comply with the Management Measures for Level-1 and Level-2 Construction Sites. The TSP reduction is 393.43 tons with the reduction rate 54.21 percent. The following are other implemented tasks: holding two meetings for the purpose of coordination in the policy of construction site's air pollution prevention, holding an election of good construction sites and choosing three excellent sites, advancing road-adoption up to 2,083.42 kilo-meter, and greening fifty fences and 66,377.15 square meters of bare construction sites. Up to now there are 1,329 cases processed from public nuisance dispute system, inspections of different controls, and environmental protection agencies. Among them 686 cases are nuisance petitions, 37 extended from originals, 340 from open fire or highly polluted areas, 212 general wastes and 54 from high points of the city. The average time of arriving on the scene for nuisance petitions is 15.44 minutes.
英文關鍵字 Construction Site, Control Strategies for the Fugitive Particulate Source, Public Nuisance Dispute Processing During Evening Hours