
100年度節能減碳 營造低碳生活圈及資源回收減廢宣導計畫

中文摘要 『100年度節能減碳-營造低碳生活圈及資源回收減廢宣導計畫』執行期程自決標日起至100年12月31日,主要工作內容包含,綠網應達成工作項目、推廣營造低碳生活圈行動、辦理廣播車下鄉推廣宣導服務行動、節能減碳相關宣導活動、低碳蔬食推廣及節能減碳活動、減碳專書閱讀活動、創作營造低碳生活圈減碳手冊及製作低碳運具動線手冊、每月發布2則新聞稿,以及其他業務相關宣導及行政工作等進行規劃執行,各項工作執行成果如下: (一)綠網達成工作項目 1.本縣績效評比項目「推動全民參與節能減碳行動」、「縣市住商省電績效」評等均為特優;全國排名第3名。 2.提報10家民間團體參與節能減碳行動標章評選,共計5家業者得獎,分別是特優獎:海之徑民宿及海璞民宿;績優獎: 海灣灣民宿、農會農民購物中心、海藍藍民宿。 (二)推廣營造低碳生活圈行動 1.進行本縣環保飯店(民宿)計200家進行省水、省電等自動節能裝置、自帶盥洗用具運動,及367家餐廳「禁用免洗餐具」,提倡自備餐具與低碳(蔬)飲食。 2.飯店(民宿)訪談211家,6家已停業,共計輔導205家,有203家已禁用一次性盥洗用具,尚有2家未配合實施,其主因為住客要求提供。 3.餐廳(小吃部)訪談367家,57家已停業,共計輔導310家,有307家已禁用免洗餐具,尚有3家未配合實施,其主因為民眾要求提供、外送為主與存貨太多。 (三)辦理廣播車下鄉推廣宣導服務行動 1.廣播車下鄉推廣宣導行動採行方式為電台廣播,每週定期廣播宣導節能減碳相關議題;及機車或汽車,利用廣播器宣導,於各村里間巡迴式宣導。 2.於澎湖風聲廣播電台每週六撥放節能減碳相關宣導事項,共計播放20則。 3.廣播車宣導下鄉巡迴31次,64個村里,宣導時數達63小時。 (四)節能減碳相關宣導活動 1.共計辦理17場次宣導活動,對象分別為公務機關、社區、學校與一般民眾。 2.製作完成1,000份宣導摺頁文宣,內容包含碳足跡與低碳飲食、省水省電小撇步、減碳小撇步、節能減碳十大無悔措施、認識環保標章等主題。 3.購置宣導品350份(環保洗衣精)。 (五)低碳蔬食推廣及節能減碳活動 1.結合學校及社區舉辦低碳蔬食推廣及節能減碳活動2場次,第1場次於100年8月6日於澎湖縣政府廣場,辦理「七夕愛地球,加碼GO!夠!購!聯合廣宣活動」,內容包含嘉年華會遊行、園遊會廣宣、電動機車試乘及預約大賞等。 2.第2場次於100年11月10日,辦理「澎湖縣100年度菊島校園低碳蔬食午餐推廣計畫」,以低碳營養午餐學童蔬食加菜金方式,鼓勵學校響應全國低碳蔬食推動。 (六)減碳專書閱讀活動 購置「從生活大小事拯救地球:我們都是綠超人」減碳專書,送26所國中、小學作教學參考。 (七)營造低碳生活圈減碳手冊及製作低碳運具動線手冊 印製票卡貼宣導手冊2,000份,提供宣導活動使用。 (八)新聞稿發布 共需11則新聞稿,計發布11則。 (九)達成率:100%
中文關鍵字 節能減碳


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 1520 千元
專案開始日期 2011/07/13 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 陳永勳
主辦單位 澎湖縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 曾馨慧 執行單位 新研車輛科技有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 fy100澎湖縣節能減碳-期末報告定稿_上傳檔.pdf 12MB

2011 Save Energy& Reduce Carbon Emissions-Build up a Low-Carbon Lifestyle & Recycle Waste and Reduce Rubbish Program

英文摘要 Abstract According to the contract, the execution period of the“2011 Save Energy& Reduce Carbon Emissions-Build up a Low-Carbon Lifestyle & Recycle Waste and Reduce Rubbish Program” was from July 2011 to December 2011. There were several major items in this project, including updating data of “Eco-Life” website; broadcasting by radio diffusion van; promoting the “low-carbon Lifestyle”, “save energy & reduce carbon emissions”, “eat more vegetables and less meat”; making brochures for the low-carbon lifestyle & eco-friendly vehicles traffic line; purchasing outside reading of reducing carbon emissions; and publishing 2 items of news in the newspaper per month, etc. 1. “Eco-life” website (1) In the tasks of performance assessment, Penghu county is third on “Promotions Save energy& Reduce Carbon Emission” and “Save Electricity Performance Assessment of live commercial of City and County “ campaign in the Country. (2) There are 5 winners on the performance assessment of “Save Energy & Reduce Carbon Emission Action Mark” campaign. 2. Promote low-carbon lifestyle (1) There were 200 eco-friendly hotels performed selecting products with Green Mark and bring the toiletries on your own, to save electricity, water and money; In addition ,there were 367 restaurants that stopped using disposable tableware ; promote bring the tableware on your own and eating more vegetable and less meat. (2) Total amount of the guidance was 205 in 2011. There were 203 hotels that stopped using disposable toiletries and 2 ones not. (3) Total amount of the guidance was 310. There were 307 restaurants that stopped using disposable tableware, and three ones not. 3. Broadcasting (1) By taking the radio broadcasting and vehicle's audio system, broadcast and go around each village, to promote save energy & reduce carbon emissions every week. (2) There were 20 messages of reducing carbon emissions were broadcasted by Fengsheng radio from August. (3) Broadcasting car has gone around the village for 31 times, came to 64 villages, and promoted low-carbon lifestyle for 63 hours. 4. Promotions (1) This project organized 17 low-carbon promotions for governments, schools, communities, and populace. (2) This project made 1,000 handbills, the subject items were “carbon footprint”; “eat more vegetable less meat”; “save water & electricity trick”; “reduce carbon emissions trick”; “ten declarations of save energy & reduce carbon emission”; and understanding Green Mark. (3) This project bought 350 bottles of eco-friendly washing liquid. 5. Eat more vegetable and less meat and save energy & reduce carbon emissions promotion (1) This project organized one “eat more vegetable and less meat and save energy & reduce carbon emissions” campaign for the schools and community in the square of Penghu County on August 6, 2011.The campaign content was carnival parades, garden party, and electric motorcycle test ride & appointment award. (2) This project organized one “2011 Eat More Vegetable and Less Meat in Chrysanthemum Island Campus” campaign, by providing adding money for purchase of non-staple foods for the students who eat more vegetable and less meat at lunchtime to promote “eat more vegetable and less meat”. 6. In the tasks of outside reading, this project bought 160 books of reducing carbon emissions for 26 junior high school and primary school , and the subject is “Save earth from our daily lives: we are all the green superman”. 7. This project made the brochure of low-carbon lifestyle and eco-friendly vehicles traffic line, and 2,000 promotion stickers to enhance the promotion. 8. In the tasks of news, this project has published 11 items of news in the newspaper. 9. Accomplishment rate: 100%.