

中文摘要 本計畫已針對民國99年移動源排放量加以推估驗證,並檢討推動移動源總量管制策略,完成民國100年縣市移動源管理工作績效考評工作及縣市環保局柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站評鑑,計畫主要成果摘述如下: 民國99年移動源排放量推估結果,PM10、NOX以柴油大貨車貢獻量最大,汽油自用小客車次之;SOX、CO均以汽油自用小客車貢獻量較為顯著;NMHC以汽油自用小客車所占比例最大,其次為機車(含二、四行程)。全國一般測站與交通測站年平均濃度變化趨勢比較,除PM2.5及O3均呈微幅上升外,其它污染物則有改善趨勢。99年整體移動源各項污染物排放量相較於96基準年排放量有逐年下降趨勢,推斷原因為新車加嚴排放標準實施及近年環保署推動許多移動源管制策略所致。 以車載量測系統(PEMS)實車測試汽車而言,現行CO及HC排放係數由TEDS計算結果,皆高於道路實測所得之係數。而受測機車的CO、NOX實測係數皆大於TEDS所計算之係數。在CO2及能耗方面,現地測試值與實驗室法規測試值之比值關係約在0.95~1.08之間。但對於較新之車輛現地測試之CO、HC排放值與法規測試值差異甚高(現地實測值較低)。因此現行之法規測試可能無法反映新車之現地CO及HC排放。所有的行車型態特性參數當中,台中市有最高的行駛速率、怠速時間比、區段怠速平均時間及最高之CO2係數、油耗係數及HC排放係數。以各地區道路的線道數為分類進行比較,在四線道以下的道路中,台北市及台北至新北市道路會有相對較高的CO排放,而台中則是在四線道以上的路段CO2、油耗及HC排放係數為全國最高。就汽車於市區行駛環境而言,實施「紅燈停等」怠速熄火對於CO2及能耗的減量具有效益,其減量效益可達6.7~18%。機車的測試方面,若實施「紅燈停等」怠速熄火,可以達到CO2及能耗的減量效益,節能之效益約在10.7~13.6%之間。在傳統污染物方面,當實施「紅燈停等」怠速熄火時,可以讓CO的排放降低。 在移動源總量管理制度部分,已結合環保署近年來推動之空品區涵容總量管制計畫,以民國96年為基準年,估算民國105年移動源排放量目標,並分配至西部五大空品區,未來需積極擴大推動老舊車輛加速淘汰,提昇低污染車輛(例如電動車等)之佔有率,持續加嚴新車排放標準及推動油品管制,結合交通單位加強交通管理措施,進行既有柴油車污染管制等措施,才可達到預期之排放量目標。本計畫尚構思加速淘汰高污染老舊車輛(二行程機車、柴油車與汽油車)管制措施,結合加嚴使用中車輛排放標準、與提供誘因汰換老舊車輛等措施,循序漸進的汰換老舊車輛,並提供推估數據(含期程對照削減污染物量與經費比較),進而彌補未來全國線源污染源排放量目標差額。老舊車輛推動策略部分,係參考國外相關作法及環保署2010年「臺灣清淨空氣規劃案」,提出未來國內加速淘汰二行程機車主要策略並加以分析。 研擬國內移動源管制策略:柴油車第五期排放管制標準,已於民國101年1月1日起實施,除加嚴NOX、PM及黑煙之標準外,並參考EURO5規定,強制規定所有車輛均須加裝車上診斷系統(OBD);汽油車第五期排放管制標準,訂於民國101年10月1日實施,既有車型有一年緩衝期。目前並已初擬機車第六、七、八期排放標準草案,增訂怠速熄火等相關規定(2012年3月起實施);電動車輛推動策略部分,本計畫並建議依據電動車使用之安全性、便利性及經濟性3大因素架構,未來持續強化並推動國內電動車市場更加普及。 已完成100年度縣市移動源管理工作績效考評,包括每季系統數量勾稽及現場查核工作,統計各考評項目縣市推動數量及分數計算成果;檢舉烏賊車、二行程機車汰舊補助政策問卷調查成果,民眾多表示正面評價;汰舊補助資訊則以機車行為主。 已完成100年度柴油車底盤動力計排煙檢測站評鑑,全國20個站列為C級有3站,建議可落實教育訓練、文件建檔保存等亦應建立SOP確實執行,以進一步提升排煙檢測站檢測品質及維持穩定運作。透過本計畫評鑑機制,提昇檢測軟體認證機制,針對標準試片、溫度及壓力計進行第三方公正單位校驗。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源,交通運輸管理,污染排放減量


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-FA13-03-A193 經費年度 100 計畫經費 13800 千元
專案開始日期 2011/05/19 專案結束日期 2012/05/31 專案主持人 劉蒲聖
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 徐淑芷 執行單位 鼎環工程顧問股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA100FA1303A193.pdf 38MB

Estimation and verification the Total Quantity of Automobile Emission、Review the Strategy of Automob

英文摘要 This project accomplished: estimation and verification of the 2010 mobile source emissions; review the feasible emissions control strategies; status audits of 2011 local Environmental Protection Bureaus(EPBs) in conducting the mobile source management and control tasks, and performance audits of 20 cantonal dynamometer testing facilities. In 2010 mobile source emissions inventory, the majority of PM10 and NOX emissions were from the heavy duty diesel trucks, next came from the private gasoline cars of which SOX, CO and Pb emissions were also significant; the 2-stroke and 4-stroke motorcycles and gasoline cars contributed more NMHC emissions than others. The trends of the pollutant concentrations at the ambient air quality monitoring stations and traffic area air quality monitoring stations decreased gradually by years except for PM2.5 and O3 which have increased slightly. The 2010 mobile source emissions were lower than those of the 2007 and have been decreasing since. EPA’s stringent emissions standards for new vehicles and the effective control programs for mobile sources emissions are the major contribution factors. The measured data from the portable emission measurement system (PEMS) showed lower CO、HC emissions for gasoline cars and higher CO、NOX emissions for motorcycles comparing to the estimated TEDS emissions. The PEMS CO2 and fuel economy data agreed well with the laboratory dynamometer testing within a range of 0.95-1.08 factors. However, the CO and HC for newer cars showed difference between PEMS (lower) and laboratory’s (higher). The reasons may because the laboratory testing cannot reflect the real road conditions. Therefore, the standard testing cycle for newer cars may not be able to reflect the actual emissions for new cars. Tai-Chung City has higher traveling speed, vehicle idling time and averaged idling periods, CO2 emission rate, fuel economic and HC emission rates recorded than other areas during this project. Taipei and New Taipei City have the highest vehicular CO emissions. The vehicular testing results according to the number of traffic lanes: Tai-Chung City has highest fuel economic, CO2 and HC emissions rates in roadways with more than four lanes; Taipei and New Taipei City have higher CO emissions from the roadways which have four lanes or less. For the emissions testing of the “stop idling at red lights”, the results showed benefits in reducing 6.7~18 % CO2 emissions and improving fuel economy by 10.7~13.6%. In addition, the CO emissions can also be reduced by this “stop idling at red lights” policy. In order to control the mobile source emissions, Taiwan EPA developed emissions control schemes for the air quality regions with baseline year 2007. The estimated emissions reduction in year 2016 and reductions goals for five western air quality regions were formulated. The control strategies are: expedite and expand the retirement program for old vehicles; promote the market shares of the low emission vehicles (i.e. electric vehicles); continue enforcing stricter emission standards for new vehicles and fuel oil standards; join the efforts of transportation agencies for better traffic control measures; and enforce the pollution controls for diesel vehicles etc. Programs of enhancing the retirement strategies for 2-stroke motorcycles, diesel and gasoline vehicles were proposed by combing stricter standards for in-use vehicles, providing incentives for retiring old vehicles. The emission reductions and costs of the proposed programs were provided in order to achieve the reduction goals of future emissions. The “2010 Taiwan Clean Air Planning” and other international literature were reviewed in preparing the accelerating retirement policy. The current mobile source control policies are as follows. On January 1, 2012, the 5th tier standards for diesel vehicles were implemented; with stricter smoke opacity, NOX and PM standards. Furthermore, all the new diesel vehicles are required to install On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) systems in accord with the EURO5 regulations. On October 1, 2012, the 5th tiers standards for gasoline vehicles were implemented with new PM emission standard (0.0050 g/km). The proposed 6th, 7th, and 8th tier standards for motorcycles are in legislation. No idling rule will be implemented in March 2012. In order to promote the usage of electric vehicles, this project proposed three directions for improvement: vehicle safety, convenience, and economic factors to attract the public to use electric cars. This project completed the 2011 County/City Mobile Source Management Review included: reviewing seasonal audits of vehicles; on-site verification and a score report for the amount of the control work implemented by county/city. The enforcement of the 2-stroke engine scooter retirement was supported by the public as evident through the public surveys. The incentive information of the retirement of the 2-stroke engine scooters was obtained mainly from the motorcycle shops. Twenty cantonal dynamometer testing facilities were audited during 2011, and 3 stations were graded as class C. The recommendations for the C stations are: training operators, following SOP and keeping good records. Through this project, the identification software system was checked and a third party verification system was conducted to ensure the quality of the sample films, thermocouple and pressure gauge which are used in the facilities.
英文關鍵字 Mobile Source, Management of Transportation,Emission Reduction