

中文摘要 隨著全球暖化議題逐漸受到重視之際,人類開始瞭解唯有改變過去耗費能源的習慣,才能有效徹底扭轉全球暖化及環境重大變遷的趨勢。在京都議定書簽署之後,各國開始積極推動二氧化碳減排之規劃,節能減碳逐漸發展成為國際思維之主流。為將我國未來之發展引領至永續意涵,我國行政院環境保護署積極推動節能減碳相關政策,而嘉義市政府環境保護局有感於節能減碳宣導的重要性,遂配合中央政策並積極推動嘉義市節能減碳宣導之相關作為。 本計畫的主要工作目標在於透過多元管道,積極宣導各項節能減碳行動資訊,並協助嘉義市綠色生活網的維護與管理。為達成本計畫所預定的目標,本團隊遂由三方面進行計畫工作項目之推動。在相關會議辦理部分,總計完成相關會議及活動15 場次,包括:節能減碳宣導與自我管理活動12場次、綠網績效登錄與操作說明會議1 場次、節能減碳行動標章說明會1 場次及輔導8 處團體參與甄選活動、完成辦理節電及低碳生活等宣導推廣活動1 場次。在綠色生活網管理部分,總計完成15場會議及活動之綠網登錄、發佈綠網部落格訊息6篇文章、嘉義市居民水電號之登錄及其他綠網的管理維護工作。在媒體宣導部分,完成購買節能減碳宣導品1,200 份、製作六大面向宣導看板6 式、廣播宣導360 檔次、全國性平面媒體報導1 則。 本計畫相關工作內容皆已順利完成,透過相關會議之召開與辦理,已將全球暖化與節能減碳的概念深植於一般民眾心中,並藉由宣導與日常生活息息相關的節水省電方法,獲得民眾廣泛與熱烈的迴響;而透過綠色生活網的維護與管理工作,使得環保署與嘉義市環保局同步推動節能減碳之工作,並將嘉義市節能減碳推動績效具體呈現於綠色生活網;最後藉由廣播及平面媒體之宣導,將節能減碳的理念推廣至個人、家庭及社區,並透過宣導品的購置,提高民眾參與相關節能減碳活動之誘因。 在本計畫明確的工作目標下,並搭配綿密及系統性的工作執行項目,在引領嘉義市居民積極參與節能減碳相關活動過程中,已逐步將節能減碳理念的種子散播於嘉義市每一個角落,俾使每位市民均能成為環保行動尖兵,使嘉義市成為落實永續發展在地化與生活化的好所在。
中文關鍵字 節能減碳


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 499 千元
專案開始日期 2011/06/27 專案結束日期 2011/11/30 專案主持人 楊心豪
主辦單位 嘉義市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳怡諭 執行單位 稻江科技暨管理學院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 嘉義市期末報告.pdf 2MB
英文摘要 Global warming has become perhaps the most complicated issue all over the world. People realize that the only way to slow down or stop further global warming is to make the commitment to change their lifestyles. After the Tyoto Protocol's Commitment period, Carbon Reduction Strategies (CRS) were extremely popular. In response to the international trend toward energy conservation and carbon reduction, the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R. O. C (Taiwan) has adopted different strategies of energy conservation and carbon reduction. Therefore, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Chiayi City Government has also promoted the The poupose of this project was to advocate the concept of energy conservation and carbon reduction by means of various meetings or conferences. In the meantime, tips to save electricity and water were also introduced to the general public and obtained the earnest responses. In addition, the Ecoife blog of Chiayi City was well-managed periodically. Regarding the meetings and conferences, fifteen conferences were held in order to advocate the energy conservation and carbon reduction. In terms of the management of Chiayi City’s Ecolife blog, fifteens conferences were logined the Ecolife system. Six articles were published in Chiayi City’s Ecolife blog. With regard to the media advocacy, the concepts of energy conservation and carbon reduction were advocated by both broadcasting and newspapers. By means of holding various meetings and conferences, the concepts of energy conservation and carbon reduction were deeply cultivated in the public. By managing the Ecolife blog of Chiayi City, the achievements were able to login into the Ecolife system. Using media advocacy of broadcast and newspaper, people living in Chiayi City were more realized the importance of energy conservation and carbon reduction. With the clear goal of this project collocating with systematical contents, it is believed that the seeds of energy conservation and carbon reduction will be undoubtedly cultivated in Chiayi City. The concepts of energy conservation and carbon reduction could be broadcasted from person, family to community and eventually into everywhere in Chia City. As a result, Chiayi City will become a sustainable living city in Taiwan.
英文關鍵字 Carbon Reduction Strategies (CRS)