中文摘要 | 本計畫主要有五大項工作,包括系統功能增修及維護作業、模擬演練及災害發生時進駐作業、辦理系統實機操作說明會、資訊安全維護及管理作業、其他行政配合事項等。在系統功能增修及維護作業方面,完成了6類主要工作:1.環境清理車輛的請求支援及調度支援系統功能的建置,提供鄉鎮市清潔隊、縣市環保局及環保署在災害發生時進行機具資源請求支援及調度作業;2.增加任務指派功能,以方便掌握各單位所交辦的任務內容、追蹤處理的進度及任務完成時間;3.維護災害發生時的輪班表並結合線上簽到功能及資料匯出功能,以便了解單一時段各處室輪班人員及實際值班人員的資訊;4.擴充地方開口合約建置平台及更新維護資料內容,並依實際需求新增欄位、改善查詢界面、結果匯出、友善列印等功能;5.因應台北縣、台北市、台中縣市、台南縣市及高雄縣市等五都改制,進行系統14支程式及62張資料表修正;6.建置2種不同樣式的線上自動產製簡報(PowerPoint)功能,並整合納入系統即時數據、資料、地圖、照片等資訊。在模擬演練及災時進駐作業方面,本年度共執行了6次災時進駐作業。在辦理系統實機操作說明會方面,本年度共辦理了13場次的教育訓練,參與人數共581人次。在完成資訊安全維護及管理作業方面,主要執行4次伺服器作業系統安全性更新,每月(共計8次)交付資安檢查表予環保署監資處以確保資訊安全無虞,並於4月26日配合環保署進行異地備援演練。在其他行政配合事項方面,除依指示主動進行約207通電話溝通(如五都作業、系統操作熟悉確認等)外,亦於6月22日針對環保署應變小組及中央災害應變中心進駐人員辦理進駐人員教育訓練;於台南市及南投縣環保局辦理教育訓練時提供講師協助授課說明;並且設立諮詢專線、電子信箱、線上MSN等3大類主要客戶服務管道。本年度約有270件客戶服務。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 環境災害管理資訊系統;災害管理;天然災害 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-100-J104-02-206 | 經費年度 | 100 | 計畫經費 | 1455 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2011/02/16 | 專案結束日期 | 2011/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 李連堯 |
主辦單位 | 環管處 | 承辦人 | 林美智 | 執行單位 | 大陸水工股份有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | 期末報告書_公開版.pdf | 0MB | 期末報告書_公開版 |
2011 Environmental Emergency Management Information System Implementation and Integration
英文摘要 | This project was designed for 5 major works- the amendment and maintenance of systematic function, drill and arrangement for disaster, conference of practical system operation, data safety maintenance and management, and other administration matters.Regarding the amendment and maintenance of systematic function, 6 categories of work were completed. (1) The environmental clean-up vehicle request system and deploy support system were set up to provide township and municipal environment bureau and E.P.A machinery support and deploy when disaster take place.(2) The task assigned system was set up to master the task content of all units, the progress and the task completion time. (3) The information system combining shift table, online sign-in and data output function was set up to view the personnel on duty of all offices during the disaster. (4) Expanded local contract platform and the data maintenance, and amended new columns, improve inquiry interface, results and printing function based on practical needs. (5) In respond to the reformation of Taipei, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung, 14 programs and 62 paper works were amended. (6) Two different kinds of automatic PowerPoint system were established with the integration of instant figure, data, map and photo. Concerning drill and arrangement for disaster, we have conducted 6 drills. As for conference of practical system operation, 13 training programs were conducted with 581 participants. In regards of data safety maintenance and management, server safety system have been updated for 4 times, and the safety check list was handed to Department of Environmental Monitoring & Information Management under the E.P.A every month, 8 times in total, to ensure the data safety; besides, drill cooperated with E.P.A was conducted on April 26th. In terms of other administrative matters, 207 phone communication concerning 5 city operations, system operation check and so on were conducted, personnel training for disaster respond team and central disaster respond center was conducted on June 22nd; training was conducted in Tainan city and Tainan Environmental Protection Bureau; counseling hotline, email, MSN was set up for customer services. There were around 270 customer service cases this year. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Environmental Emergency management information system;Disaster management;Natural Incident |