

中文摘要 城市是人類經濟活動和社會發展的中心,也是資源消耗的和環境污染的主體,目前城市聚集全球約50%的人口,消耗約80%的能源,因此城市在全球因應氣候變遷過程中,將扮演更具主導性的角色。依據國內外低碳城市相關計畫推動的經驗來看,低碳城市建置之重點之一即為城市能源供應,在未來國際化石能源供應逐漸匱乏的情況下,具有高自主、低碳特性且可減緩溫室氣體排放的再生能源之研究開發與推動,已成為世界各國能源政策佈局積極推動的目標。 本計畫主要工作在蒐集與分析具標竿比較意義國家,針對推動低碳城市與再生能源相關之規劃及案例,進而研擬我國推動低碳永續家園再生能源方案可採行之具體建議,提供環保署作為發展低碳永續家園相關議題之依據。本計畫實施內容規劃之主要工作項目包括以下: 1.成立由學研機構、產業公會、廠商及相關機關代表組成之低碳永續家園再生能源技術與資訊諮詢小組。 2.推動由各生活圈及縣市代表組成之低碳永續家園再生能源方案推動與協調小組會議作業。 3.召集低碳永續家園再生能源技術與資訊諮詢小組及方案推動與協調小組聯合會議,研商將再生能源課題與對策納入低碳永續家園推動方案之規劃草案。 4.蒐整國內外再生能源技術路徑,建議及協助確認可採行路徑,完成整理分析報告。 5.建置低碳永續家園再生能源管考執行與評比機制中,相關管考與評比之項目與評定方法及綜評方法。 6.規劃低碳永續家園再生能源技術資訊系統內容架構。
中文關鍵字 低碳永續家園;全球暖化;再生能源


專案計畫編號 EPA-100D003 經費年度 100 計畫經費 980 千元
專案開始日期 2011/12/29 專案結束日期 2012/10/31 專案主持人 顧洋
主辦單位 環境督察總隊 承辦人 孫嘉慧 執行單位 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-100-D003(PDF).rar 33MB

Project on the Renewable Energy for Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland Program

英文摘要 Since cities act as the social and economic center of human society, more than half of population is gathered at cities to consume about 80% energy of the world. Therefore, reduction of greenhouse gas emission in cities has played an even more pivotal role worldwide in climate change. According to the case studies relating to the promoting program of low-carbon city, energy supply of city is one of key points to establish low-carbon city, and renewable energy technologies have to be developed to reduce dependence on fossil fuels in the situation of fossil fuel shortage. The objectives of this project is to collect and investigate recent international cases regarding the low-carbon city program on the topic of renewable energy in order to establish development roadmap and improvement suggestions, and then to review and develop our national strategies. The main works of this project are shown as following: 1.Establish the renewable energ consultating group for low-carbon and sustainable homeland program, committee members are organized from acdamic organizations, industrial trade unions, industrial circles, and government organizations. 2.Hold meeting for the renewable energ promoting and coordinating group for low-carbon and sustainable homeland program, committee members are organized from county and city governments. 3.Hold group meeting for the renewable energ consultating group and the renewable energ promoting and coordinating group to discuss the draft of low-carbon and sustainable homeland program. 4.Collect and investigare the renewable energ development roadmap of international countries, and porpose the enewable energ development roadmap in Taiwan. 5.Establish the control evalution and performance evaluation mechanism for the renewable energ project of low-carbon and sustainable homeland program. 6.Plan and structure the information system of renewable energ technologies for low-carbon and sustainable homeland program.
英文關鍵字 global warming;low-carbon and sustainable homeland;renewable energy