

中文摘要 機車是屬於高污染之交通工具,又不易加裝昂貴的防制處理設備,一般車主對於自己的車輛多半欠缺定期維護保養的觀念,僅注意性能而忽略了廢氣排放情形,若再加上車輛老舊,無形中更加速空氣品質之惡化,因此數量一多,其所排放之CO與HC等污染物會影響到他人與自己的健康並破壞環境的清新。   由於高雄市機動車輛有逐年上升的趨勢,使得機動車輛所排放之廢氣已成為都市空氣污染最主要之來源,因此如何降低機動車輛之廢氣排放,訂定一個可行的管制計畫,並積極實施,以有效控制機動車輛所造成之環境污染,實為空氣污染防制與管理範疇刻不容緩之工作。   本計畫執行期程自99年3月18日至99年12月31日止,整體工作進度達成率已達100%(如表1所示),其各項工作成果摘要說明如下。   為了提升本市使用中機車管制比例,本計畫針對停放在路邊的機車執行機車巡查作業54,374輛次;針對行駛於路面上之機車進行機車攔檢作業3,025輛次;除了以上稽查手段之外,本計畫於每月份針對限改通知逾期未回檢之車輛予以告發處分,共計寄出7,026件告發通知書及6,548件裁處通知書,以宣示環保局加強未定檢稽查,以及促使高污染車輛汰換之決心。本計畫藉由以上稽查、告發處分之方式,有效的使本市使用中機車管制率提昇至96.88%,目前排名全國第五名。   而在機車檢驗站稽核管理作業方面,本計畫除了透過每個月的現場查核、實車查核之外,亦會至各檢驗站進行標準氣體比對作業,以有效控管其檢測及服務品質;另外為了確認檢驗站針對不合格車輛是否確實檢修,本計畫不定期針對路邊攔檢已定檢不合格,以及不合格率超過30%、檢測數據異常之檢驗站,執行實車盲樣查核作業,以確保檢驗品質與環保局公信力。   為提昇機車檢驗站業者的專業知識,本計畫共舉辦了四場次機車檢驗站業者教育說明會,藉由說明會的方式將環保署及環保局最新的公告及相關配合作法告知檢驗站業者,以期有效提昇本市機車檢驗站檢測及服務的品質。   為了向民眾宣導機車定期檢驗及使用低污染運具,來降低本市車輛的污染排放,本計畫除了於今年度辦理了1場次的大型宣導活動、印製3,000份宣導文宣之外,另外也針對99年度1月至7月於法規規定期限內完成定期檢驗者,抽出40名幸運車主提供萬元以上之自行車給予獎勵,以期讓更多的市民瞭解到機車定檢除了能改善空氣品質,亦有機會得到環保局提供之大獎。   99年度烏賊車的檢舉案件數為6,724輛次,而其中上傳照片檢舉案件數佔了3,479輛次,通過照片初審案件2,670輛次,通過照片複審案件1,087輛次,本計畫共計發放檢舉獎金109,680元。   本計畫為了提供一般民眾對於移動性污染源稽查管制作業的瞭解,已提供中、英文版本及無障礙空間,並定期於每月5日將每月的最新消息、檢驗站相關訊息及查核缺失公佈評比及機車汰舊換新規定、購買低污染噴射引擎機車及民眾問題信箱等相關資料,由專人定期進行維護更新,提供民眾更豐富的定檢相關資訊。   另外本計畫減量來源主要來自於機車定檢不合格調修改善、機車攔檢不合格調修改善,以及高污染老舊機車繳銷、註銷、報廢、報停、失竊統計數量等項目,依據計算結果,本市NMHC削減量為858.1噸,CO削減量為3646噸。
中文關鍵字 機車定期排氣檢驗、不定期攔檢、未定檢機車巡查、不合格調修改善、保檢合一


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 27827 千元
專案開始日期 2010/03/18 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 萬民安
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉正文 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 99暨100年度機車排氣定期檢驗計畫期末報告定稿--合併後(含附錄1-3、中英文書面資料及成果報告資料).rar 56MB
英文摘要 Motorcycles are high pollution vehicles, and it is difficult and expensive to install the pollution control equipment on them. Most of the motorcycle owners lack the concept of regular maintenance. What they care about is only the performance of their motorcycles, while ignoring the problem of exhaust emission. If the motorcycles are old, it might invisibly accelerate the deterioration of air quality. With the increase of motorcycles on the road, the pollutants emitted from motorcycles such as CO, HC, etc. will be hurtful to human health and cause damages to the clean environment.   As the motor vehicle quantity in Kaohsiung City grows up year by year, the exhaust emitted from motor vehicles becomes the main source of urban air pollution. Therefore, in terms of air pollution control and management, how to reduce the exhaust emission from motor vehicles, formulate a workable control plan, and implement the plan actively has been the first priority in effective control of environment pollution caused by the motor vehicles.   The implementation period of this project is from March 18, 2010 to December 31, 2011, and the overall completion rate is 100% (as shown in Table 1). The implementation results are summarized as the following:   To increase the in-use motorcycles control rate in Kaohsiung City, the project conducted patrol inspection on 54,374 motorcycles parking along the road, and 3,025 motorcycles were stopped for roadside inspection. In addition, to enhance regular inspection and elimination of high pollution vehicles promoted by the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB), the project issued totally 7,026 accusation notices and 6,548 punishment tickets every month to motorcycles owners who did not have their motorcycles receive the follow-up inspection within the specified period. By means of the above-mentioned inspections and punishments, the in-use motorcycle control rate in Kaohsiung City has been effectively improved to 96.88%, ranking the fifth in the nation.   In the aspect of audit and management of motorcycle inspection stations, in addition to on-site inspections and real vehicle inspections carried out every month, the project also conducted comparisons of standard gas concentration at every inspection station with a view to effectively control the inspection and service quality. Moreover, to verify whether the inspection stations have fulfilled inspections and repairs on disqualified motorcycles practically, the project carried out roadside inspection irregularly for checking motorcycles failed in regular inspections and inspection stations with a failure rate of over 30% or abnormal inspection data. The blind sample tests were also conducted for real vehicle inspections, so as to ensure the inspection quality and public credibility of EPB.   To improve the professional knowledge of motorcycle inspection station owners/ operators, the project held 4 education trainings, through which the station owners/ operators were informed of the latest news of DPA and EPB as well as relevant implementation methods. It is expected that such trainings may help improve the inspection and service quality of motorcycles inspection stations in Kaohsiung City.   For the sake of promoting the importance of regular inspections and reducing exhaust emission from motorcycles in Kaohsiung City by the use of low pollution vehicles, apart from one large-scale promotion activity held this year and 3,000 copies of written propaganda printed for that purpose, the project drew 40 lucky winners from the motorcycle owners who completed regular inspections within the specific period from January to July, 2010 to get a bicycle valued more than NT$10,000 as prize. By so doing, there will be more citizens knowing that regular inspections of motorcycles can not only help improve air quality, but also get them a chance to win big prizes from EPB.   In 2010, 6,724 motorcycles were reported as vehicles spewing black smoke and other pollutants -- dubbed "squid vehicles", among them 3,479 cases were reported by uploading photos. There were 2,670 photos passing preliminary review, and 1,087 photos passing the secondary review. A cash reward amounting to NT$109,680 was issued to people reporting squid vehicles.   In an effort to increase people’s understanding toward mobile source inspection and control, the project provides news both in Chinese and English versions as well as barrier free space. Besides, the latest news and relevant messages concerning the inspection stations, defects found in audits, appraisal results, regulations governing elimination of motorcycles, purchase of low pollution injection motorcycles, and suggestion box, etc. will also be maintained and updated regularly by designated personnel on the 5th day of every month, so as to provide the public more information about regular inspections.   The reduction in emissions is mainly due to the tune-up and repair of motorcycles failed in regular inspection and roadside inspection; revocation, cancellation, disposal, and termination of use of high pollution and old motorcycles; statistics of stolen vehicles, etc. According to calculation results, Kaohsiung City has achieved a NMHC reduction of 858.1 tons and a CO reduction of 3646 tons.
英文關鍵字 regular emission inspection、interception、Focusing on、improve、maintenance-inspection in one