

中文摘要 國內依據前述廢清法相關條文,自民國 77 年起推動資源回收,成效頗佳。不過,目前生產者僅負擔財務責任,實質責任由環保署來負擔。此外,也因政府主導運作,而有干擾市場及行政效率偏低之嫌,被認為有改善的空間。是環保署96-97年間嘗試藉由母法「廢棄物清理法」與「資源回收再利用法」修法之際,直到99年送行政院版的「資源循環利用法」草案,考量國內不同材質實際回收需求,暨參考先進國家制度,提出廢棄責任物雙軌制的作法,亦即「繳費制」與「實質責任制」可依不同產品或包裝項目差異,擇一制度執行。在前述母法通過立法院審查前,環保署也透過與責任業者簽署自願性協定(如行動通訊產品)及行政契約(如包裝用發泡塑膠)的彈性作法,增加國內責任業者負擔實質責任的比例,同時為未來「實質責任制」的運作預做準備。 本計畫即是針對不同產品/包裝項目,包括潤滑油、行動通訊產品/電子電機產品、包裝用發泡塑膠,協助落實、檢討前述三種EPR 運作方式(應回收廢棄物、與責任業者簽署自願性協定或行政契約)。
中文關鍵字 行動通訊產品;電子廢棄物;延長生產者責任;發泡PS塑膠


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-H101-02-224 經費年度 100 計畫經費 5500 千元
專案開始日期 2011/06/07 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 邱文琳
主辦單位 廢管處 承辦人 黃錦明 執行單位 環資會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-100-H101-02-224.pdf 8MB

2011 Project of the Suggestion of Additional Due-Recycled Items and Promoting Extended Producer Resp

英文摘要 The major tasks carried out by this project included: Promote recycling of waste mobile communication products, specific E-waste, plastic foam packaging and exclusion of waste lubricants from the Due-Recycled Waste List. Regarding recycling of waste mobile communication products, we visited 300 stores of the MOU’s signees to make sure the daily operations matched the MOU requirements and to provide recommendations for further improvement. According to the cell phone waste disposal behavior survey of consumers (1,099 valid questionnaires), about 41.6% used mobile phone is recycled or resold and about 46.9% left at home. Some people were not aware of recycling or channels for recycling, which indicated that public awareness of cell phone recycling should be strengthened. For other E-waste recycling, we recommended priority methods for recycling five specific items, which included announcement of Due-Recycled Waste and producer physical responsibility announcement of recycling items for local authorities. In addition, this project developed three options for the announcement of recycling items for local authorities based on surveys of 10 clean squads. Regarding recycling of plastic foam packaging, we evaluated material flow of 265 clean squads and 15 local authorities for further improvement. In light of recycling plant supervision: eight recycling plants were visited. Their certification and auditing process were be effective. If the plastic foam packaging announced as Due-Recycled Item, this project estimated the clearance and disposal cost of NTD 5.70 /kg and the subsidy of NTD 0.64 /kg. For the exclusion of waste lubricants from the Due-Recycled Waste List, the "general waste-waste lubricant recycling management", the guidance manual for recycling industry transformation and related measures were drafted. For understanding of the latest progress of recycling industry transformation, 54 collectors of 122 have obtained waste clearance licenses and 16 disposal organizations still in progress for applying the recycling or waste disposal permit.
英文關鍵字 Mobile Communication Products;E-Waste;recycling;Extended Producer Responsibility(EPR);Expanded Polystyrene(EPS)