

中文摘要   本次期末報告執行期限自100年8月18日起至101年8月17日止,針對台中大里地區農地進行調查,計畫工作目標已全數達成。   農地土壤採樣888筆,檢測結果共有193筆坵塊達管制標準,約有25.4公頃農地遭受重金屬鉻、銅、鎳與鋅污染,以地理統計界定各項重金屬之危害範圍,了解污染來源與擴散途徑;農試所歷史數據以「成對差異t統計測試」進行比對,其分析結果為平均每年每公頃表土所增加王水萃取鉻、鎳及鋅重金屬量分別為0.094、0.062及0.076公斤;渠道底泥調查結果亦是以鉻、銅、鎳與鋅為主;渠道水質部分水樣有檢測出總鉻濃度超出灌溉用水水質標準,銅、鎳與鋅皆有檢測出濃度;以超出監測標準之重金屬比對,農地土壤與底泥相關性為86%、底泥與水質相關性為30%、農地土壤與水質相關性為57.1%,相同灌溉水系有相同之污染特徵,推測污染主因為疑似有鄰近工廠不定期偷排工業廢水至灌溉渠道,經農田引灌而造成農地土壤重金屬累積所致。   依重金屬空間相關性推估可疑污染源,提供清冊予環保局,作為加強稽查與求償之依據,共查獲4家業者之水質檢測不合格項目中含有相關之重金屬,而歷史稽查紀錄中,共有14家業者將其未符合放流水標準之廢污水排入灌溉系統中,將上述事業列為求償對象,並規劃預警系統,防止農地持續遭受污染。
中文關鍵字 農地土壤污染;渠道底泥與水質調查;可疑污染源


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-GA102-02-A233 經費年度 100 計畫經費 21909.77 千元
專案開始日期 2011/08/18 專案結束日期 2012/09/17 專案主持人 周奮興
主辦單位 土污基管會 承辦人 楊逸秋 執行單位 富立業工程顧問股份有限公司


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Investigation of Farmland Contamination in the Central Area of Taiwan

英文摘要 This is the term report on the investigation of heavy metal contamination in the agricultural lands at Tali Area, Taichung City, executed in the period from August 18, 2011 to August 17, 2012. Total 888 farmland soil samples were collected and examined for heavy metal content. The results of 193 farmland blocks exceeded the control standards of heavy metal content in farmland soil. Accordingly, the area of agricultural lands polluted by heavy metals, including chromium, copper, nickel and zinc, was estimated to be 25.4 hectares. Geographical statistics was applied to determine the areas of farmlands polluted by heavy metals, and locate the sources and proliferation pathways of pollution. The method of “paired differences t statistical tests” was used to compare the current results with the data gathered by TARI. It was found that the average yearly increases of the chromium, nickel and zinc contents in the topsoil samples, determined using aqua regia extraction, were 0.094, 0.062 and 0.076 kg per hectare, respectively. The heavy metals in the sediments of irrigation canals were mainly chromium, copper, nickel, and zinc. The occurrences of chromium, copper, nickel and zinc were also detected in water samples and the total amount of chromium in some of the water samples exceeded the irrigation water quality standards. For the farmland soils with the contents of heavy metals exceeding the control standards, the correlations of the heavy metal contents in the topsoil with those in the corresponding mud sediment and water were determined to be 86% and 57.1%; the correlation between the heavy metal contents in mud sediment and water was 30%. As the irrigation canals in the same irrigation system show similar pollution characteristics, it can be inferred that the factories in the nearby areas has significant contribution to the occurrence of heavy metal pollution. The industrial waste water released into the irrigation canals was used by the farmers to irrigate their farmland, which consequently results in the accumulation of heavy metals in the farmlands. Based on the method of location correlation, this project has provided a list of suspected sources of pollution for the local environmental agency to strengthen inspection and to facilitate claims for environmental damage compensation. As revealed in this research, heavy metals are detected in the wastewater of four factories which has failed to meet the water examination standard; as the historical inspection record showed, a total of fourteen factories have released waste water which does not meet the wastewater release standard into nearby irrigation canals. This study suggests that the owners of the above-mentioned factories are required to pay for the damages they have incurred, and the early-warning system has to be established in order to protect farmlands from heavy metal pollution.
英文關鍵字 Farmland soil pollution;Aqueduct sediment and water quality survey;Suspicious pollution sources