

中文摘要 台南市政府委託十山工程科技股份有限公司(以下簡稱本公司)執行『100年度臺南市安定區域性垃圾衛生掩埋場及灣裡水肥場監督查核計畫』,主要係監督操作廠商(上化環境工程有限公司)之操作維護與營運及滲出水清運廠商(首灃企業股份有限公司)滲出水清運作業,除確保兩場址維持妥善運轉外並以專業角度對現有設備、操作及營運模式提供具體可行意見。本計畫執行期程自100年4月7日起至101年4月6日止,工作期程為12個月,摘要說明如下︰ 在安定掩埋場場方面,計畫期間累計底渣進場量41,496公噸、底渣運出再利用量32,041公噸、飛灰穩定化處理後之衍生物進場量13,398公噸,並依運轉以來累計進場量推估底渣掩埋區剩餘年限為2.0年、飛灰穩定化處理後之衍生物剩餘年限為2.6年,建議可提早進行封閉復育計畫之前置作業。 另協助台南市環保局辦理安定滲出水處理廠收受水肥業務,於100年8月23日完成公告程序、9月2日辦理水肥進場管理及管制作業要點宣導說明會、9月14日正式開放水肥清運業者進場,目前可達每月800噸;可與灣裡水肥場相互配合支援,提供水肥清運業者及民眾更為便捷、完整之服務。 依據契約工作執行內容,需針對安定場進行地下水採樣分析,綜合採樣分析結果與嘉南平原地下水文水質背景資料、場址環評及歷年檢測資料,歸納場址地下水監測含水層,於開發前已受鹽化影響,故其導電度、總溶解固體物、氯鹽等檢測數值偏高,應與本開發行為無關,建議後續仍繼續觀測其變化。 灣裡水肥場原屬台南市政府環保局自行營運管理單位,縣市合併後本年度首次納入安定場委外代操作及監督查核執行範疇,本計畫除監督操作單位污水處理廠運轉外,亦同時協助有關運轉表單及基本資料之建立,並藉由安定污水處理廠水肥收受業務之啟動,加強兩場在人員、機具及水肥運送調配等方面之整合作業。


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 3610 千元
專案開始日期 2011/04/07 專案結束日期 2012/04/06 專案主持人 方榮堂
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳國貞 執行單位 十山工程科技(股)公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 100年度臺南市安定區域性垃圾衛生掩埋場及灣裡水肥場監督查核計畫.pdf 16MB
英文摘要 Authorized by Tainan City Government, this project executes the supervising task of operation on landfill site in Anding Dist. and manure treatment site in Wanli. Kicking off from Apr. 7, 2011, this one year project is to ensure that the two operation companies, one for the daily operation of sites and the other one for shipping of leachate generated by landfill sites inside Tainan, would complete their missions effectively . During contract period, the shipping-in amount of bottom dregs is about 41,496 tons, shipping- out amount of bottom dregs for reuse is about 32,041 tons, stabilized fly ash is about 13,398 tons. Its remaining capacity has been estimated by accumulative shipping-in amount to conclude that only 2.0 years remained to service for bottom dregs and 2.6 years left for stabilized fly ash. Therefore, the pre-work of restoration shall be in schedule earlier. In order to begin the function of manure treatment in Anding site, the official procedure had been announced on Aug. 23, 2011, the presentation had been hold on Sep.14, and the business has been started from Sep. 14,2011. The average inputs is up to 800 tons per month from different users after 8 months’ operation. According to the contract, it’s necessary to analyze the samples. Referring to the background data of groundwater in Chianan Plain and the monitored data over the past years, it’s conjectured that the salinization of ground water due to seawater intrusion been existed before installation of Anding landfill site. Therefore, the monitored data of conductivity, total dissolved solids , and chloride are higher than those of normal ground water. Continuous observation is recommended. The manure treatment facility in Wanli site was operated by government office originally. It’s the first time that it has been integrated into this project after the combination of Tainan city and county. Along with the opening of manure treatment function in Anding site, benchmark and cross-functional management could be implemented to improve the performance and flexibility of both sites and better service could be offered to citizens