

中文摘要 首先蒐集彙整國外車輛二氧化碳排放數據、技術現況及管制策略,了解國外趨勢、技術與法規走向,並參考國外管制架構,提出國內車輛未來可行之減量策略方針。 考量國際上針對車輛二氧化碳排放管制多已訂立強制性法規規範,比較歐盟線性車重及美國覆蓋足跡兩種不同基礎參數之差異性及優缺點,並透過四場專家座談會之舉辦,擬定兩種小客車二氧化碳排放管制標準(草案),方案(一)建議加嚴車輛容許耗用能源管理辦法;方案(二)建議納入整廠總量管理概念,設定2015年需達163g/km之國家目標,並透過兩階段斜率與彈性措施導入,舒緩廠商衝擊。 為避免未來二氧化碳排放管制標準實施後,使用不同測試程序的雙軌制會造成管制上之不一致性,同時也為了避免徒增車廠額外測試的負擔,特選定33輛小客車進行歐盟及美國測試程序轉換係數研究,研究結果顯示兩種測試程序之轉換係數約介於1.08~1.24間,且不隨著不同排氣量等級與是否使用渦輪增壓裝置而有所差異,建議未來採單一轉換係數做為基準,即NEDCCO2=FTPCO2*1.15。 另調查國內簽署小客車自願性減量協議簽署之廠商於近三年來之減量成效,約有1~12%不等的減量幅度,估計透過自願型減量協議的簽署,兩年內累計共減少15,834噸二氧化碳排放。同時今年度也有其他六家車廠加入簽署行列,顯示未來國內將有更多低碳車輛可提供民眾選購,進一步減少新車之二氧化碳排放。 選定宜蘭縣冬山鄉中山村為評估案例,希望透過低碳運輸專區之設置,改善當地因遊客大量湧入造成之交通堵塞與空氣污染問題,並透過遊客搭乘低碳運具願付價格之問卷調查與營運可行性評估,探討其減量成效,供各界設置低碳運輸專區之參考。 最後,透過國際期刊投稿,說明國內車輛二氧化碳管制政策,除可提升國際能見度外,也能宣示我國持續推動車輛二氧化碳管理之決心。
中文關鍵字 二氧化碳;車輛;管制標準;管制策略


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-FA13-03-A049 經費年度 100 計畫經費 6350 千元
專案開始日期 2011/01/01 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 林瑞榕
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 柏雪翠 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 100車輛二氧化碳結案報告(EPA-100-FA13-03-A049).pdf 11MB 「車輛二氧化碳排放管制計畫」結案報告

Setting vehicle CO2 emission regulations and control strategies

英文摘要 This project collected carbon dioxide emissions vehicle test data from overseas, surveyed current available world energy saving technologies and CO2 control strategies, adopted framework of foreign advance countries as the international CO2 control technical and regulation trend to propose future domestic vehicle CO2 emission reduction strategies and directions in Taiwan. Since most of international CO2 emission control regulations are mandatory, and the advantages and weakness of using linear vehicle mass in Europe and footprint in US as control parameter units, this issue was focused as discussion topics to hold four experts meetings and to draft two different vehicle CO2 emission standards. The first propose was to set more stringent vehicle fuel economy standards, and the second one was to adopt the idea of corporate average emission standards, and set average 163g/km CO2 emissions from new vehicles by 2015 as our national target. Two slopes for the control target lines were set and flexible measures to mitigate impacts on manufacturers. To avoid the inconsistent test procedures caused by both EU and US test driving cycles are recognized in Taiwan and not to put additional burden on manufacturers, this project selected 33 passenger cars to be tested for both driving cycles and try to best fit of a conversion factor between two test results. The results show the conversion factors for different engine displacement passenger cars were between values of 1.08 to 1.24, and the effect of adding turbo charge devices is not relevant. A single conversion factor 1.15 is proposed to be used as shown in the following formula: NEDCCO2=FTPCO2*1.15. Project investigation has shown that range from 1 to 12 percents of CO2 reduction has been achieved by the Voluntary Agreement signee in recent three years. Through the Voluntary Agreement, about 15,834 tons of CO2 reduction was achieved within two years. In 2011, six additional manufacturers have signed the Voluntary Agreement and commit to provide purchase choice for Public with more low carbon emission vehicles. Setting Zhongshan Village, DongShan Township, Yilan County as a low carbon transportation area to improve traffic jams and air pollution problems that caused by mass number of tourists was taking as an evaluation case. This project surveyed the cost willing to pay by tourists for the low carbon transportation, evaluated the viability of the operation model, and estimated the effectiveness of CO2 reduction, and provided to Public as reference for setting future low carbon transportation areas. Finally, through submission of project execution summary report to international journal to describe the current policy planning status of Taiwan vehicle CO2 control, in this way to increase Taiwan’s international visibility and declare our determination to promote vehicle CO2 reduction.
英文關鍵字 Carbon Dioxide; Automobile; Standard;Strategy