

中文摘要 本計畫完成明德、鏡面、阿公店及金門(太湖與榮湖)等四座水庫之水質資料蒐集及現勘,並透過專家的諮詢及地方主管機關的研商,訂定出水質治理策略,將水庫集水區之水質改善付諸行動並落實於各相關業管機關。另外,亦整理出近年來國內已完成之二十座水庫水質治理策略,將完善的資料重新彙整之後,製作成水庫水質治理方案資料庫供下載參考。水庫集水區之水質污染源中,以農業佔大宗,故合理化施肥之推行勢在必行,本計畫分析國內水庫集水區之果樹耕種情形,整理出包括木瓜、蓮霧、芒果、印度棗、番石榴及柑橘等六種最常見的果樹,分別製作合理化施肥宣傳文宣並辦理講習會,以徹底落實水庫集水區合理化施肥策略。除了教育宣導之非結構性BMP外,本計畫亦完成三處水庫集水區結構性BMP之規劃設計,包括明德水庫建議分別於日新島取水口及田寮溪永春宮靜止水域設置人工浮島;阿公店水庫建議於尖山一人工濕地原址設置MSL系統;金門太湖水庫則建議於新市街道、信義新村及武德新莊設置初期沖刷截流系統。 本計畫完成明德、鏡面、阿公店及金門(太湖與榮湖)等四座水庫之水質資料蒐集及現勘,並透過專家的諮詢及地方主管機關的研商,訂定出水質治理策略,將水庫集水區之水質改善付諸行動並落實於各相關業管機關。另外,亦整理出近年來國內已完成之二十座水庫水質治理策略,將完善的資料重新彙整之後,製作成水庫水質治理方案資料庫供下載參考。水庫集水區之水質污染源中,以農業佔大宗,故合理化施肥之推行勢在必行,本計畫分析國內水庫集水區之果樹耕種情形,整理出包括木瓜、蓮霧、芒果、印度棗、番石榴及柑橘等六種最常見的果樹,分別製作合理化施肥宣傳文宣並辦理講習會,以徹底落實水庫集水區合理化施肥策略。除了教育宣導之非結構性BMP外,本計畫亦完成三處水庫集水區結構性BMP之規劃設計,包括明德水庫建議分別於日新島取水口及田寮溪永春宮靜止水域設置人工浮島;阿公店水庫建議於尖山一人工濕地原址設置MSL系統;金門太湖水庫則建議於新市街道、信義新村及武德新莊設置初期沖刷截流系統。
中文關鍵字 水庫集水區、非點源污染、現地處理


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-U1G1-02-101 經費年度 100 計畫經費 3300 千元
專案開始日期 2011/04/25 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 林鎮洋
主辦單位 水保處 承辦人 曾志評 執行單位 國立臺北科技大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA100U1G102101.PDF.pdf 9MB

Research and Application on Techniques of Best Management Practice for Non-Point Sources Pollution i

英文摘要 The aims of this project are to improve the water quality of the reservoir watersheds, as well as to strengthen the management of non-point source (NPS) pollution. Water pollution and its control in reservoir watersheds are studied for understanding the situation of NPS in order to improve the management strategy on water quality. Moreover, the database of water pollution and its management strategy in reservoir watersheds are accumulated in this study which will be master of the situation on water pollution. After data collection and on-site surveys, the improvement strategies of water quality of Ming-Te, Ching-Mien, A-Kung-Tien, Tai-Hu, and Jun-Hu Reservoir were promoted, and furthermore to organize consultation meeting to deliberate the direction of the improvement strategies for further planning with the administrations. In addition, the improvement strategies of water quality of twenty reservoirs were accumulated and accomplished the database for download. Base on survey result on watersheds, agriculture is one of the main sources of water pollution. For this reason, there are six brochures of optimum application of fertilizers for fruit tree; such as papaya, wax apple, mango, jujube, guava, and orange; were compiled as well as the short-term trainings were held to practice the optimum application of fertilizers. Finally, this study has completed the preliminary planning and design of three structural BMP sites. Two floating islands are suggested to place in Ming-Te Reservoir, one near the water pipes of Rixin Island and the other is near the Yongchun Temple close to the Tinliu River. Jinshan 1 constructed wetland could be displaced by MSL system in A-Kung-Tien Reservoir. And the interception systems of first flush are recommended to establish in Sinshin Street, Sinyi Village, and Wuder Village near Tai-Hu Reservoir.
英文關鍵字 Reservoir;Non-point source pollution;On-site treatment