

中文摘要 (一) 辦理本年業者申請新車型合格證明及合格證明之沿用、延伸、修改審核工作,共計核發175張合格證明,包含425個車型,部份五期車的CO與NOx污染認證值較接近法規標準,未來宜於新車抽驗與使用中車輛加強管理。 (二) 完成134輛車之新車抽驗工作,測試結果有4個引擎族初測不合格,2個複測後合格,1個引擎族放棄複測,繳回合格證明,1個引擎族待廠商決定是否複測,顯示車輛之品質管控仍應再加強。 (三) 本年度進行64輛車之污染控制元件查驗結果,進口車有6個引擎族部份污染控制元件辨識碼不符,原因為業者管理上及申報上之誤失,已要求業者更正。 (四) 本年度審查22件機車耐久測試計畫,6件廠商因故不再耐久,主動終止計畫。 (五) 本年度業者品管作業查核,相對於去年度之缺失部份,大部份都有改善,對於污染偏高或變異大的引擎族,廠商亦陸續提改善計畫,業者自行品管污染測試數據來看,仍有部份引擎族之CO與NOx污染偏高或變異較大。 (六) 2011年機車各污染物排放總量為:CO 151,182 (噸)、THC 67,937 (噸)、NOx 9,077 (噸),相較於2010年,分別減量2,104噸(1.37%)、1,242噸(1.80%)、134噸(1.45%)。 (七) 2012車型年環保機車評比,初步篩選結果有4家國產車廠,10個引擎族入選。 (八) 在電子化審驗系統方面,除了持續既有系統功能的維護外,並分別完成機車審驗測試報告資料連結介面、核備作業核章資料連結介面、合格證核發電子收費作業與污染噪音兩證合一作業之建置。 (九) 在使用中機車召回改正調查測試方面,已完成50輛車的調查測試,其中45輛測試結果都合格,另5輛都有改裝,排放控制設備已拆除,測試值都不合格,可達法規標準10倍以上。 (十) 五期機車污染排放數據分析分面,除排氣量於150cc以下之HC排放值大部份分佈在法規值一半以內外,其餘車況之污染排放都有接近法規值情況;除逐車測試約有二成五可符合我國機車六期法規草案外,其餘車輛約有四~七成可符合六期法規草案。 (十一) 在歐盟2011年認證數據分析方面,乘以指定劣化係數後之轉換值,約六成可通過我國機車五期法規標準,日本2011年認證數據乘以指定劣化係數後之轉換值都無法符合我國機車五期法規標準。 (十二) 六期污染法規草案已研擬完成,預定於2015年起實施。 (十三) 開放式與封閉式排氣收集系統之污染測試結果沒有明顯的差異。 (十四) 使用中大型重型機車之污染排放現況調查測試顯示CO值與審驗值的差異較大,劣化較明顯。 (十五) idling stop功能機車之研究顯示,idling stop功能開啟時之污染排放高於idling stop功能關閉時之污染,同時idling stop 開啟時所增加之污染比例也與行車型態之惰轉時間比例無明顯關係。 (十六) 美國2011車型年機車劣化係數之分析,CO、HC與NOx之90百分位分別為1.769、1.81、1.762,指定劣化係數1.4只能涵蓋美國79%之機車引擎族之劣化係數,我國CO、HC與NOx劣化係數之90百分位分別為1.237、1200、1.242,我國的劣化係數主要集中於1~1.2之間,而美國則以DF=1以及DF>1.5的比重較大;依不同變項來分析對劣化係數的影響,包括各車廠、排氣量、供油方式以及耐久測試方式,都沒有明顯差異。 (十七) 使用中機車污染控制元件查核結果,10個引擎族的污染控制元件辨識碼與審驗資料相符。 (十八) 已完成「機器腳踏車耐久測試方法及程序」、「機器腳踏車冷車行車型態排氣污染測試方法及程序」、「機器腳踏車蒸發污染測試方法及程序」、「機器腳踏車車型排氣審驗合格證明核發撤銷及廢止辦法」之修正草案。 (十九) 老舊車輛之CO與HC排放值經車輛保養後有下降的趨勢,少部份車的CO、HC及NOx有較明顯的劣化,其餘車的劣化並不明顯。 (二十) 不同車速下對行車型態污染排放研究測試顯示車速約在30~40km/hr排放值較低。
中文關鍵字 新車型審驗,環保機車,使用中機車


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-FA13-03-D092 經費年度 100 計畫經費 11400 千元
專案開始日期 2011/04/01 專案結束日期 2012/03/31 專案主持人 陳肇隆
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 歐育豪 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 100機車審驗結案報告.pdf 12MB

Implement of the new model motorcycle certification, C.O.P inspection, the in-used motorcycle recall

英文摘要 1. Execute motorcycle new model certification issuance and conduct new motorcycles selective tests; 2. Promote to establish system for the motorcycle production and sales by manufacturers and reported to EPA as reference file electronically; 3. Execute in-use motorcycles investigation tests; 4. Cooperate with EPA to implement relevant emissions control measures and researches. The description of detail achievements are as follows: (1) To examine new motorcycle model certificate applications; verify on continue use, extension, and amendment of certificates; totally 175 certificates were being issued which include 425 motorcycle models. Some Stage 5 emissions standards compliant motorcycles, the CO and NOx pollutant certification test results are close to the regulatory limit values and need to be verified by the future new motorcycle selective tests and to enhance the in-use motorcycles managements. (2) Conducted 134 new motorcycles random selective tests, the test results have shown that 4 engine families failed the preliminary tests but 2 engine families passed the confirmation tests, 1 engine family gave up the confirmation test, 1 engine familiy still had the chance for the confirmation test, that means the production quality control for these motorcycles should be enhanced. (3) This year 64 motorcycle emission control devices were being inspected, 6 motorcycle engine families with emissions control device identity numbers are not consistent with reported numbers which are the faults are on manufacturers requested to be corrected. (4) This year 22 motorcycle durability test plans were being examined and 6 applications were being canceled. (5) As to the examination on manufacturers’ quality control, the defects of last year have been improved. Overview the quality control test results, CO and NOx emission values of some engine families were high or with large variant. (6) The total emissions in 2011 are summarized as follows: CO 151,182 tons, THC 67,937 tons and NOx 9,077 tons. Compare to the 2010 emissions values, CO reduced about 2,104 tons(1.37%), THC and NOx were 1,242 and 134 tons (1.80% and 1.45%) respectively. (7) As to the 2012 green motorcycle ranking, preliminary, 4 domestic manufacturers with 10 engine families were being selected as green motorcycles. (8) As to the certification process electronically, besides performing the system function maintenance continuously, debugging, and keep the system function normally, this project also overviewed the execution and management functionality and finished some updates and amendments. This project also planned and established the connection interface for the certification test reports, the vehicle registration approval data, electronic payment operation for certification, and the pollution-noise two in one certificate operation. (9) As to the in-use motorcycle recall investigation tests, 10 engine families were being tested and 45 motorcycles passed, 5 motorcycles, which had been tampered with emission control equipment, had high emissions. (10) As to the test results analysis for the Stage 5 emissions standards compliance motorcycles, the HC emissions were within half of the regulatory limit values for motorcycles with engine displacement less than 150 cc, others were close to the limit values. About 40%~70% Stage 5 emissions standards compliance motorcycles could comply with the Stage 6 standards, but only 25% of the individual test motorcycles could comply with the Stage 6 standards. (11) If the EU certified test results being converted to the regulatory conditions in Taiwan, near 60% motorcycle types would comply with our Stage 5 standards. If the Japan Stage 2 compliant motorcycle test results being converted to the regulatory conditions in Taiwan, none would be comply with our Stage 5 standards. (12) The Stage 6 emission standards draft have been completed, and will start in 2015. (13) The open device for exhaust emission measurement showed no difference compared to the closed device in test results. (14) The in-used heavy motorcycles test results showed higher deterioration in CO emission. (15) As to the idling stop analysis, the emissions with idling stop function on were higher than that with idling stop function off, the emission increment with idling stop function on had no relationship with the idling time percentage in driving pattern. (16) As to the deterioration factors analysis, the values were in between 1 and 1.2 in Taiwan, but in the US, most of the deterioration factors were in DF equal to 1 or greater than 1.5. The 90 percentiles of deterioration factors for CO, HC, and NOx were 1.769, 1.81, and 1.762 for US data, and were 1.237, 1200, 1.242 for Taiwan data. The deterioration factor showed no difference in factors such as manufacturers, displacements, fuel supply manners, and durability manners. (17) As to the checking on in-use motorcycle emission control devices, 10 engine families emission control devices were being checked and consistent with the certification information. (18) The modified regulation drafts governing durability test procedure, tailpipe emission test procedure, evaporation test procedure, and issuance of motorcycle configuration emission certificate have been completed. (19) As to the research on aged motorcycles, the CO and HC emissions will be improved if performed maintenance. Most of the motorcycles didn’t show obvious deterioration. (20) As to the research on emissions in different constant speeds, the emission were lower in 30~40 km/hr compared to other speeds.
英文關鍵字 new model certification, green motorcycle, in-use motorcycle