

中文摘要 經濟部能源局能源統計顯示,2009 年能源總供給中,國內自產能源僅占0.5%,而國外進口之能源則高達99.5%,石化能源日漸枯竭,積極開發自產能源已刻不容緩。在許多先進國家,例如德國、丹麥、紐西蘭、瑞典、荷蘭等國都很重視由廢棄物處理所產生沼氣的利用,最近在印度、中國及巴西等國也都廣泛加以利用,但在台灣,沼氣的利用卻被嚴重忽略。由於國內目前廚餘、水肥、下水道污泥、養豬污泥及農業廢棄物等,均屬生質能源之物料而未妥適有效利用,對能源缺乏的台灣,以長遠的能源政策而言,有機廢棄物轉化為生質能源具有其重要的意義。因此完整的污泥厭氧消化與能源回收規劃,不僅可使污泥達到減量、安定與衛生的處理,且回收生質能源,更是減少石化燃料使用與環境負荷的最佳方法。 本研究將評估利用農林及都市與事業廢棄物之生質能源,包括水肥、廚餘、養豬污泥以及下水汙泥等,進行有機廢棄物集中共消化、增加生質氣(bio-gas)氣產量,減少待處理的廢棄物量,以達全循環零廢棄目標;另一方面,從環境、工程、經濟之3E均衡角度,評估各類生質能再利用的環境衝擊與永續性;同時,與國外廠商(丹麥)建立合作機制,建置生質能再利用技術,並召開座談會建立國內生質能再利用之專家共識。
中文關鍵字 厭氧消化;;豬糞尿;3E評估;生質甲烷;廚餘


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-FA13-03-D090 經費年度 100 計畫經費 940 千元
專案開始日期 2011/04/01 專案結束日期 2011/09/30 專案主持人 蔣本基
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 羅博銘 執行單位 國立台灣大學慶齡工業研究中心


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期末報告 EPA024100006.pdf 5MB 期末報告完整版本
英文摘要 In many developed countries like Germany, Denmark, New Zealand, Sweden, and Netherland, the utilization of biomass wastes converting into bio-gas/bio-methane is focused, and also in countries like India, Mainland China, and Brazil. However, re-utilization rate of bio-gas in Taiwan is very low due to the undesired treatment of wastes including agriculture, food wastes, biomass wastes, and sewage sludge. For the long-term energy policy and the sustainability point of view, it is crucial to convert the biomass wastes into bioenergy/biogas. Therefore, a well-designed management system for biomass wastes digestion and energy recovery could not only reduce the required final handling and discharge of biomass wastes and the usage of fossil fuel, but achieve the ideas of environmental protection and society health & development. On the other hand, the environmental impacts and sustainability of bioenergy utilization are assessed using 3E assessment (environment, engineering, economic). Moreover, collaborations with Demark Corp. are established and the discussion meeting with bioenergy experts is held to prompt the development of bioenergy utilization in Taiwan. The conclusions for utilizing the bioenergy of wastes including food wastes, biomass wastes, and sewage sludge include co-digestion of various types of organic wastes, learning the foreign experience to increase the re-utilization rate of bio-gas, development and implementation of biogas technology, regulation for biogas development. Therefore, the recommendations include promoting the recycle of organic waste, building up the demonstration pilot plant for technology validation, well-designed regulation for bio-gas utilization, coopeation mechanism with outstanding Corp. in the world, substidy for the wastewater treatment plant for new precess installation, promting the bio-energy technology.
英文關鍵字 bio-gas;anaerobic digestion;food wastes;biomass wastes;3E assessment