

中文摘要 本計畫自100年4月8日開始執行, 至100年12月31日截 止。針對未定檢機車進行攔、巡查作業,逾期未定檢的機車 即給予限期改善通知單,截至12月31日止未定檢機車攔、巡 查作業共計完成3,855輛次,平均回覆率為69.4%。攔檢機車 1603輛次, 不合格率為19.0%, 未定檢車公函催檢通知合計 237,337 件, 回覆75,685輛次, 回覆率為31.89%。整體車牌 辨識通知26,564輛, 回覆11,614輛, 回覆率為44%。為服務 偏遠鄉鎮民眾, 會定期提供民眾免費機車定期檢測服務工 作,共完成42點次1097輛次之移動式定檢站免費檢測作業。共計完成743家次檢驗站查核。標準氣體比對其各站偏 差值均在3%範圍內, 完成32家次檢驗站秘密實車查核。並 於100年10月7日及12月27日辦理第兩場次定檢站專職人員 訓練,每場訓練時數為4小時,累計共為8小時,使各機車檢 驗站業者能對檢驗站管理、相關法令、及配合事項等有全盤 了解。另今年進行「保檢合一」推廣活動,由定檢站提供更 換濾網折抵50元優惠活動及10項免費健檢服務。截至12/31 止共計超過300名民眾折價更換。檢測結果發現CO污染值下 降了將近3倍,HC亦有下降將近1500ppm, 對於污染物質有 明顯改善。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源、氣狀污染物、低污染


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 10797 千元
專案開始日期 2011/04/01 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 許智雄
主辦單位 彰化縣環境保護局 承辦人 林順良 執行單位 春迪企業股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 100移動污染源機車排氣稽查管制計畫期末報告電子檔.pdf 12MB

2011 Mobi le Pol lut ion Inspect ion Cont rol

英文摘要 This Project was executed f rom Apr i l 8th, 2011to December 31s t , 2011. It aimed on stop and pat rol inspect ion of the motorcycles have not been inspected and issue improvement not ice wi thin a t ime l imi ted to those pass inspect ion due date. Unt i l December 31s t , there were 3,855 motorcycles inspected and the average reply rate was 69.4%; wherein, 1603 motorcycles were stopped for inspect ion, the rejected rate is 19.0%. 237,337 government issued inspect ion not ices to the uninspected motorcycles; 75,685 motorcycles responded and the responded rate was 31.89%. The overallplate recognition notices were 26,564 vehicles; wherein, 11,614 vehicles responded and the responded rate was 44%. In order to provide service to people living in the remote areas, periodically free motorcycles inspection was provided to the public. It completed with 42 moveable stations and 1097 motorcycles inspection. 743 inspection stations have completed the inspection. The standard gas ratio offset of each station was within 3%. 32 inspection stations have completed secretly genuine vehicles inspection. Two inspection staff trainings were held in October 7th and December 27th, 2011. Each training section was 4 hours; accumulating training hours were 8. The purpose was to let motor vehicle inspection station owners understand the inspection managing, related regulation, and corporation matters. In addition, “maintenance and inspection” promotion has been carrying out this year. The inspection stations provide 50 dollars deduction on filter replacement and 10 free inspection services. Calculated until December 31, over 300 people have made the replacement. The inspection results found that the CO pollution value has decreased nearly 3 times and HC has reduced near 1500ppm. It has prominent improvement on the pollutants. One promotion activity had been held until December 31st. accumulated to date, 3,600 motorcycles have completed the replacement subsidies. 6,381 reported cases; wherein 6,321 cases have been approved and noticed. 5,456 motorcycles have been re-inspected; wherein, 2,361 ones have passed. The subsidies offering rate was 43.3%. This Project aimed on the stop and patrol inspection of the motorcycles passed inspection due date and the plate recognition inspection. 14,299 motorcycles were urged tocomplete the inspection, which raised the inspection rate to 2.3%. It promoting the establishment of current customers’ profiles and notify for the inspection, the inspection rank has moved two places to number 10 from number 12.
英文關鍵字 Mobi le source, Gaseous pol lutant ,