中文摘要 | 本年度工作執行目標期許以「整合」、「維護」、「加值」、「安全」,四大標的來建置、維護資源回收管理資訊系統。 系統整合項目為建立責任業者應收帳款、查核計畫及法務執行之案件e化流程控管整體作業。 系統維護,因應縣市合併及升格,全面調整本署資源回收管理資訊系統相關功能及表單,另針對「資源回收網」、「基管會行政業務與外部推廣宣導管理系統」、「地方環保機關成果管理系統」、「回收處理作業管理系統」、「責任業者管理系統」各項功能進行維護。 系統加值,本年度除評估導入OLAP資料處理技術外,並建立資源回收各列管業者GIS圖層資訊,及建置資源回收管理資訊系統操作手冊線上瀏覽功能,以提升系統加值服務功能,另配合環保署及各縣市環保局擔任系統操作說明會之講師約11場次,並於資源回收管理資訊系統提供會議簡報資訊。 系統安全,除了提供及維護自然人憑證登入驗證機制,另協助環保署辦理資安演練作業。 本計畫依照的4項目標建置、維護資源回收管理資訊系統,確實達成包含三個層面績效指標:提高決策作業品質,快速提供前置作業所需資料、作業流程全電子化,案件品質優化管理及提昇環保署作業電子化的績效。 | ||
中文關鍵字 | 資源回收;資訊系統整合;資源回收管理資訊系統(RRMS);廢機動車輛報廢回收系統;受補貼機構管理子系統;稽核認證管理 |
專案計畫編號 | EPA-100-HA14-03-A038 | 經費年度 | 100 | 計畫經費 | 7350 千元 |
專案開始日期 | 2011/02/22 | 專案結束日期 | 2011/12/31 | 專案主持人 | 王志文 |
主辦單位 | 回收基管會 | 承辦人 | 苑守成 | 執行單位 | 環資國際有限公司 |
類型 | 檔名 | 檔案大小 | 說明 |
期末報告 | epa-X0-1007993180-06-04.pdf | 0MB |
2011 Project on Full-Scale Online Promotion and Operation Maintenance of the Resources Recycling Man
英文摘要 | The project this year aimed to strengthen and maintain the Resources Recycling Management Information System (RRMS) with emphasis on “integration”, “maintenance” “value-addedness”, and “security” System integration focused digitizing the processes of control and monitoring of accounts receivables of responsible vendors, checking plans, and legal execution cases. All the functions and forms of the RRMS were adjusted in response to city-county consolidation and upgrade. System maintenance was also conducted for the Recycle website, Recycling Fund Management Board Administration and Promotion Management System, EPB Performance Assessment System, Resources Recycling Process Management System, and Responsible Vendor Management System. For value-addedness, an evaluation was carried out to assess the possibility of introducing OLAP technology for data processing. GIS layers of the listed resource recycling operators were produced, and the operational guide of the RRMS was made available online to provide more value-added services. Eleven briefing sessions were held with members of the project team serving as speakers to provide guidance on system operation of the RRMS for EPA and local EPB staff. And the PowerPoint presentation files were released on the website. The function of Digital Citizen Certificate login verification was provided and maintained to protect system security in addition to the information security exercises. Focusing on the 4 aspects to improve and maintain the RRMS, the project succeeded in achieving the performance goals of increased effectiveness in decision-making by quickly providing the data needed and digitizing all work processes, optimal management of case quality, and greater efficiency in EPA’s e-services. | ||
英文關鍵字 | Resources Recycling, Information System Integration;Resources Recycling Management Information System (RRMS);Waste Vehicle Recycling Management System;Subsidized Facilities Management Subsystem;Auditing and Certification Management |