
100 年度推動全民參與節能減碳行動計畫專案工作計畫

中文摘要 目前世界各國均面臨全球暖化、氣候變遷的嚴峻考驗。因此,也使得溫室氣體減量,成為近年來國際共同關注的焦點;然而,如何兼顧經濟發展與低碳永續,也成為目前各國共同面臨的課題。根據2009年我國二氧化碳排放量統計資料顯示,與民眾生活耗能密切相關的運輸、商業、住宅等部門的二氧化碳排放量即占42.4%。因此,要達成國家自願減量目標,除了積極改變國內能源供給結構及其運用效率外,由全民共同改變生活習慣落實低碳生活,應為最快速、立即可行且成本最低的方式。 本計畫重點將以持續加強民眾節能減碳之意識,並激勵社會企業、民眾將節能減碳概念化成行動,落實於企業文化及民眾日常生活當中,即為本計畫之首要目標。本計畫中將積極透過國際環保局日舉辦節能減碳創意活動,喚起民眾對此議題之注意力,並宣導節能減碳及氣候調適之重要性。同時辦理節能減碳行動標章申請活動,建立政府部門與國內企業、民間團體及社區之節能減碳教育與宣導之合作機制,透過標章之認證,肯定國內企業、民間團體及社區對於落實節能減碳行動之努力,並激起節能減碳績優單位之榮譽感,引導更多民間單位發起自願性節能減碳行動,進而帶動社會上節能減碳、氣候調適之風氣,而獲獎單位亦可提供環保署及公眾未來實踐及行動節能減碳的參考依據。
中文關鍵字 節能減碳;減緩與調適;全球暖化


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-FA11-03-A099 經費年度 100 計畫經費 2600 千元
專案開始日期 2011/06/29 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 彭啟明
主辦單位 溫減管理室(停用) 承辦人 林佑蓉 執行單位 天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA100FA1103A099.zip 103MB

The Plan of Protection of Public Action in Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction in 2011

英文摘要 Climate change had the potential to cause severe impact on the living environment. Its effected was global in nature. Warming trends threaten to bring sea level rise, drought and water shortage, diseases and health risks, biodiversity was loosed to the people of the world in our generation and for generations to come. This project was to strengthen the public’s awareness in energy saving and carbon reduction, encourage the communities and enterprises to put the idea into actions of daily life. On International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction 2011, this project organized a creative carnival (6000 people join the festival) to highlight the importance of mitigation and adaptation. Besides, this project was aimed at building up a cooperative mechanism among government departments, private sectors and communities through the application for certification mark on energy saving and carbon reduction. Thereby, we hoped it could bring more private associations in participating voluntarily. Moreover, the mitigation certification mark obtained units could offer EPA and the public reference for future implementation. Implementation complete of our project includes the International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction successfully increasing the visibility and publicity of the environmental certification mark and the concept of climate adaption. With a record of 142 enterprises, communities and private sectors and other units applying voluntarily for the certification mark, 81 among them had obtained the approval as a result, showed that the society put emphasis on the environmental issue.
英文關鍵字 Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction;Mitigation and Adaption;Global warming