

中文摘要 摘 要 屏南工業區目前設廠家數共83 家,其中屬固定污染源列管的有41 家(自行停工2 家)、未列管37 家(自行停工5 家)、暫時停工4 家及設置 中1 家。 本計畫共執行三季6 點次空氣品質監測,除O3 於99 年5 月24 日 13~21 時之間之八小時平均值有高於空氣品質標準之情形外,其餘監測 項目均符合空氣品質標準,空氣品質狀況大致介於96 年與97 年之間, 而O3 之濃度變化情形主要是受到區域性空氣品質變化之影響。 周界空氣中戴奧辛4 次測值平均0.071 pg I-TEQ/m3(約相當於0.077 pg W-TEQ/m3)低於96 年度同測點4 次測值平均0.104 pg I-TEQ/m3,亦低 於日本環境品質空氣標準年平均0.6 pg W-TEQ/m3,但高於97 年度同測 點4 次測值平均0.033 pg I-TEQ/m3,濃度範圍與2004 年義大利焚化廠興 建前之農業區周界及2005 年宜蘭利澤垃圾焚化廠周界等地點濃度範圍 相似。生物中戴奧辛平均值0.331 pg I-TEQ/g.w.w.低於96 年度平均值 0.903 pg I-TEQ/g.w.w.,但高於97 年度平均值0.172 pg I-TEQ/m3,歷次 分析結果均低於國內衛生署公佈魚貝類戴奧辛限值4 pg W-TEQ/g.w.w.。植物中戴奧辛平均值2.788 pg I-TEQ/g.d.w.,濃度範圍與 2002 年盧森堡都會區之苔蘚及2009 年苗栗縣焚化廠周界榕樹葉較相 近。以17 項特徵物種主成份分析、群集分析與指標物種法進行分析,可 知各介質中戴奧辛含量應非單一污染源貢獻,而戴奧辛污染源中鋁二次 冶煉在本地區影響較為明顯。 為建置工廠臭異味來源基本資料,本計畫亦針對屏南工業區內製程 原物料包含「應優先建置之高風險物種」之四家工廠與工業區污水處理 廠,進行臭異味物種與周界VOCs 之檢測,結果發現各廠臭異味物種均 未檢出或僅檢出微量濃度,而周界VOCs 檢測結果中除申豐與宏萊分別 有丙烯腈與甲基丙烯酸甲酯超過嗅覺閾值外,其餘各廠各測值均遠低於 嗅覺閾值。
中文關鍵字 戴奧辛、空氣品質、屏南工業區、揮發性有機物


專案計畫編號 經費年度 099 計畫經費 4010 千元
專案開始日期 2010/02/21 專案結束日期 2011/02/22 專案主持人 蕭友琳
主辦單位 屏東縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭智元 執行單位 仲禹工程顧問股份有限公司


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期末報告 摘要.pdf 0MB
英文摘要 ABSTRACT Currently, there are eighty- three factories in the Pingnan Industrial Park. Among them, forty-one factories are regulated under the “Stationary Pollution Source Installation and Operating Permit Management Regulations” (three of them are suspended voluntarily). Thirty-seven factories are not regulated under the “Stationary Pollution Source Installation and Operating Permit Management Regulations” (five of them are suspended voluntarily). Four factories are temporarily suspended. The other factory is under construction. This project is conducted air quality monitoring for 6 times at three consecutive quarters. The results of the air quality monitoring indicate that only the average concentration of O3 between 1 to 9 pm on the 24th of May, 2010 is higher than maximum allowable limits, the rest of the results of the air quality monitoring are lower than maximum allowable limits. The air quality is between the ones assessed in year 2007 and 2008, and the changes of the O3 concentration might be due to the changes of the regional air quality. In this survey, the average concentration of dioxin (from eight samples at four consecutive quarters) is 0.071 pg I-TEQ/m3 (which is 0.077 pg I-TEQ/m3) lower than the average 0.104 I-TEQ/m3 sampled at the same area in 2007. It is also lower than the Japan’s 0.6 pg I-TEQ/m3 maximum allowable limits, but is higher than 0.033 pg I-TEQ/m3 at the same area in 2008. The concentration range of dixion is similar to the concentration range before the construction of incinerator in the agricultural surroundings in Italy as well as the similarity of surrounding areas of the Letzer Incineration in Yilan in 2005. The average concentration of dioxin sampled from the aquatic species in 2010 is 0.331 pg I-TEQ/m3, which is lower than 0.903 pg I-TEQ/m3 (the average concentration sampled in 2007), but is higher than of 0.172 pg I-TEQ/m3 (the average concentration sampled in 2008). The overall average concentration of dioxin sampled from the aquatic species is lowerthan the maximum allowable limits of 4 pg I-TEQ/g.w.w. set by the National Department of Health. The overall average concentration of dioxin sampled from the plant is 2.788 pg I-TEQ/g.d.w., the result range is similar to the average concentration of dioxin sampled from moss of urban areas in Luxembourg and as to the average sampled from the leaves of Banyan at the surrounding areas of Miaoli Incineration. In addition, This project also analyzed the the results of dixion survey by using the principal component analysis and cluster analysis and target species analysis. Based on the findings of the three analysises mentioned above, among all the pollutants of dixion, the secondary aluminum smelting has influenced the surroundings of the Park significantly. Hence,this project aimed at the four factories which produce the materials containing “high-risk species that should give priority to filing” and the industrial district sewege treatment plants to conduct the examinations of the odor species and surrounding VOCs. The findings of the study found that no pollutants above the maximum allowable limits of odor species or only a trace of concentration. As for the surrounding VOCs, other than Shin Foong and Hsinhwa and Kao Hsing Chang’s propylene nitirle and methyl methacrylate higher than the odor threshold value, the average concentrations of the rest of the factories are far lower than the odor threshold value.