

中文摘要 為檢討應回收容器列管範圍、研擬加強廢容器回收作法及評估回收之減碳效益,本計畫完成下列工作事項。 彙整廢容器列管與否解釋案例及回收標誌標示方式違規樣態,並建置索引及資料庫,且評估未來可增列之公告應回收廢容器責任物項目及列管效益,評估結果顯示中藥處方藥容器具備列為新增公告為容器責任物之條件。 針對易遭棄置或回收情形不佳之容器研擬加強回收措施,彙整國內應回收廢容器加強回收歷程及國外成功案例,作為研析加強回收策略比較之參考依據。並針對現行未公告應設置回收設施販賣業者中,進行納入應設置資源回收設施容器販賣業者範圍之可行性評估。 藉由實廠訪查廢塑膠容器受補貼處理廠再生料流向、再生料相關再利用業者再利用方式,以掌握國內廢塑膠容器再生料產業現況,並研提包括:改善PETG標籤對PET回收料的品質等3項方案,作為提升廢塑膠容器再生料品質或價值之參考。 完成研擬應回收容器碳排放機制及相關材質產品碳足跡之實廠盤查作業。透過盤查、推算及資料彙整方式得知PP、PET、鋁與玻璃等材質再生料之碳足跡,比較以原生料及再生料(二次料)製成應回收容器商品之碳排放差異,並得出再生料製成其他再利用產品之碳排放數值。
中文關鍵字 容器責任物、塑膠再生料、碳足跡


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-HA14-03-A054 經費年度 100 計畫經費 6150 千元
專案開始日期 2011/02/24 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 朱宏毅
主辦單位 回收基管會 承辦人 鄭秋萍 執行單位 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 公開版.pdf 65MB

System Planning of Scoping Regulation Charge Scheme on Recyclable Wasted Containers

英文摘要 In order to review the declared recycling items, propose measures to enhance recycling, and evaluate the carbon footprints of recyclable wasted containers, this project has completed the following tasks. First, the violation patterns and labeling of the declared waste containers, which are ought to be recycled, treated and reclaimed, was collected and built into a database with an index chart. Also, possibility and cost-benefit of adding new declared waste containers are evaluated. The research result shows that the waste container for Chinese herb is potential candidates to be declared as a new item. Second, regarding to enhancing the recycling rates of those declared waste containers with poor recycling rate, this project collects and analyzes many successful cases in foreign countries for reference. We also evaluate the feasibility of requesting the vendors of drugs and pesticide to set up devices to enhance recycling rates. Third, after visiting the subsidized factories to recycle, treat and reclaim various kinds of waste plastic containers, we are able to comprehend the current development of the reclamation industry for waste plastic containers. We propose three ways to improve the quality and value of recycled plastic materials: (1) to solve the labeling problem of PETG, (2) to improve the quality of recycled PP materials, and (3) to do research on PET alloys with recycled PET. Last, this project has proposed a mechanism for on-site auditing, evaluating and data assembling the carbon footprints and carbon emissions of those declared containers, including containers made of PP, PET , aluminum and glass. This project also compares the difference of carbon footprints between raw and recycled material, and calculates the carbon footprints of the products which are made of or from recycled materials.
英文關鍵字 Containers announced for recycling、 Regenerated plastics、Carbon footprint