

中文摘要 本計畫於2011年5月27日至2012年3月31期間,在金門縣內選定4種不同行業別共7個固定污染源煙道氣體進行採樣,並分析其粒狀污染物之化學與物理特性。 分析結果指出,電力業粒狀物排放量為本計畫各行業別中最高,而其粒徑主要以<2.5μm之PM2.5為主。塔山電廠係以燃燒重油引擎為發電機組,鎳(Ni)釩(V)比例為其化學成份特徵,塔山電廠燃油引擎PM2.5鎳釩比平均約為3.68遠較其他燃油鍋爐為高,經由電子顯微鏡觀察塔山電廠粒狀物外觀為呈現葡萄串狀微粒堆疊,具明顯鑑別度。酒精釀造業蒸氣鍋爐粒狀污染物粒徑<2.5μm約佔總粒狀物中43 %~53 %,而該產業蒸氣鍋爐粒狀污染物排放係數較其他產業為低,其化學成分特性則是以水溶性鈉離子明顯較其他產業為高。陶瓷製品製造業排放之粒狀物以粒徑<2.5μm的PM2.5為主,佔總粒狀物超過72%,而陶瓷業粒狀物晶相以黏土中常見的雲母等鋁矽酸鹽類結晶為該產業特徵,陶瓷業化學成分則以鋅、鉛為主要重金屬。本計畫中瀝青混凝土製造業乾燥爐以重油為燃料,故粒狀物中鎳釩比可做為其排放特性,本計畫瀝青混凝土製造業鎳釩比約為2.03,與文獻中燃油鍋爐之鎳釩比相近。 經以主成分分析法解析金門地區各行業別固定污染源粒狀物中重金屬主成分,由分析結果可知,電力供應業PM10及PM2.5中可分別以5個及3個成份因子組成解釋其重金屬成份因子變異量,酒精釀造業PM10及PM2.5中則可分別以3個及2個主成份解釋其重金屬成份因子變異量,陶瓷製品製造業及瀝青混凝土製造業則可分別以3個及2個重金屬成份因子組成說明其變異量。而經由CMB模式模擬顯示,台電塔山廠對於金水里周界大氣貢獻量約為7.28 %,而金門陶瓷廠對其周界大氣之貢獻量僅約0.35 %。 本計畫除針對四大行業別實施實廠採樣外,另針對縣內各固定污染源以原物料與燃料使用情形方式清查評估其製程風險指標,清查結果顯示,金門地區並無製程高度風險之固定污染源。而為能在空氣污染事件發生時,可迅速掌握背景資料及採取應變措施,本團隊已協助完成空氣污染事件採證工具購置,並於2011年12月14日與軍方及縣內其他各局處完成緊急應變兵棋推演及實兵演練工作。
中文關鍵字 排放特徵;排放係數;細懸浮微粒


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 5137 千元
專案開始日期 2011/05/27 專案結束日期 2012/03/31 專案主持人 吳秀東
主辦單位 金門縣環境保護局 承辦人 楊恭坤 執行單位 澤豐工程科技有限公司


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期末報告 CH0_1_摘要.pdf 0MB

“Study on characteristic of particulate emission from various industries and establishment of particulate emission fingerprint for heavy metal”

英文摘要 In this project, seven stationary sources including four different industries located in Kinmen County were selected for conducting flue gas sampling to determine the chemical and physical particulate characteristics between 27th May 2011 and 31st March 2012. The result of analysis indicates that the quantity of particulate matter (PM) emitted from stationary source of power plant is higher than other industries. In addition, PM2.5 (aerodynamic diameter of particle ≦ 2.5 μm) is predominant particulate size for the flue gas of power plant industry. Due to the electricity generation of heavy oil-fueled engine process in Ta-Shan power plant, the ratio of nickel (Ni) to vanadium (V) can be an indicator for the compositions of particles emitted from heavy oil-fueled power plant. The average ratio of Ni to V for PM2.5 is 3.68, higher than other emission from oil-fueled combustion and from diesel engine combustion process. As for the result of scanning electron microscope (SEM) shows that several tiny, almost spherical primary, particles agglomerate in Ta-Shan (heavy oil-fueled) power plant significantly. Besides, the proportion of PM2.5 to PM concentration is about 43% to 53% for the emission of diesel-fueled boiler in kaoliang distillery industry. Compared with other industries, kaoliang distillery industry has lower particulate emission factor in this project due to its diesel-fueled steam boiler. In terms of the result for chemical compositions analysis, the soluble ion: Na+ of particle emitted from kaoliang distillery industry is higher than other industries in Kinmen. Furthermore, PM2.5 is also predominant particulate size for the flue gas of ceramic industry. The proportion of PM2.5 to PM concentration is above 72%. The result of X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis indicates that the particulate matter emitted from ceramic industry has significant crystal structure such as Mica and other aluminum silicate crystallizations. Moreover, the predominant heavy metals of particulate matter are Zn and Pb respectively in ceramic industry. In Kinmen, because of heavy oil-fueled combustion process, similar to heavy oil-fueled power plant, the ratio of nickel (Ni) to vanadium (V) also can be an indicator for particulate matter in asphalt concrete industry. The average ratio of Ni to V for the compositions of particles in asphalt concrete industry is about 2.03, similar to the value from other studies of heavy oil-fueled boiler in references. According to the result of principal component analysis (PCA) for various industries’ stationary sources heavy metal emission, the power supply industry has five and three principal component factors to identify the variance of PM10 and PM2.5 respectively. The kaoliang distillery industry has three and two principal component factors to identify the variance of PM10 and PM2.5 respectively. As for the ceramic industry and asphalt concrete industry, three and two principal component factors can be identified for variance respectively. Meanwhile, the result of chemical mass balance (CMB) model calculation shows that the contribution of the ambient for Jin-Shui village from Ta-Shan power plant is about 7.28%. However, the contribution of the ambient from Kinmen ceramic factory is about 0.35%. In addition to conducting flue gas sampling for four industries’ stationary sources, the process’ risk indicator of stationary sources in Kinmen is established and evaluated by the information of raw materials and fuel usage. The result of investigation shows that non high risk process of stationary sources in Kinmen. In order to understand and handle the emergent situation of air pollution, the air pollution monitoring and sampling devices are purchased and prepared for investigating and sampling during emergency of air pollution. Furthermore, Environmental Protection Bureau of Kinmen County and other Bureau of Kinmen County as well as the army-related organizations accomplished the emergency practice of air pollution on 14th December 2011.
英文關鍵字 emission characteristics;emission factor;fine particle