

中文摘要 為了因應氣溫暖化帶來的問題,推動節能減碳目前政府是重要的政策之一,包括生態綠化、建築節能、設備節能、及再生能源等相關的措施。而有鑑於生態綠化社區之建立尚未有明確的規範及策略,因此本計畫將蒐集國內外生態綠化社區節能應用案例及改善方法,並藉由專家學者的討論以及示範社區的設置,來進行成效的分析,研提適合我國生態綠化社區推動策略及措施。 本計畫共邀集了10為在產官學界均有實績與名望的專業人士,成立生態綠化委員會。此委員會除了指導生態綠化示範區的設置細節外,也共同研商並提出社區生態綠化評鑑表與施行草案。其中綠化評鑑的部分,可以與低碳家園行動方案做結合,整合進入未來低碳家園的大架構之下。而在生態綠化示範區的設立,選定新北市萬里區野柳社區,採取在地企業、社區與指導單位共同認養的方式進行,並對後續的維護進行專業分工。在設立示範區3個月之後,舉辦社區生態綠化成果發表會,邀請各界人士分享社區生態綠化的成果,並以專題演講與心得分享的方式,推動並深化由社區自發性參與生態綠化的動機與成果。
中文關鍵字 生態綠化、低碳家園、社區參與


專案計畫編號 EPA-100-F104-02-210 經費年度 100 計畫經費 950 千元
專案開始日期 2011/12/19 專案結束日期 2012/10/31 專案主持人 林俊全
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 隋婉君 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA100F10402210.pdf 13MB
英文摘要 Global warming and environmental change had been mentioned by societies since the end of 20-th century. Especially, Carbon reduction is one of operations which responses to the possible impact for the future. In particular, applications of ecological greening, energy-saving and renewable energy are objects of the government’s current policy. However, progress of ecological greening’s action program still in the initial state. This project reviewing case study and improvement plan worldwide to formulate a prototype of action plan, rated by specialists and model community. All the feedbacks were considered to improve the plan itself. Finally, the achievement of this project will turn to be the policy of governance in the future. This project invites 10 specialists from public officers, academic researchers and private companies to constitute a commitment of ecological greening technical advisory. The commitment not only sets details of the action plan and model community, but tries to develop the assessment to check the outcome of ecological greening. In the part of assessment of greening, it could be combined with low-carbon emission communities in the future. On the other hand, this project arranged local community, local business and administrators to cooperate the management of model community in Yehliu community in New Taipei city. After 3 months testing period, with holding exhibition for the achievements, we promoted and intensified the outcome of self-progressed ecological greening action plan by community.
英文關鍵字 Eco-green, low-carbon homes, community involvement