

中文摘要 本計畫主要工作內容包括:戴奧辛排放源查核及文件審查作業、排放清冊及排放量更新與建置、排放管道戴奧辛稽查檢測、周界環境空氣污染物監測、及支援環保案件等,主要工作成果說明如下: 戴奧辛排放源查核作業,目前已清查72家次-100根次,其中有三家不符合法規、分別為光炫環保科技股份有限公司、台塑能源科技股份有限公司台灣中油股份有限公司煉製事業部桃園煉油廠-P033,後續至前述廠家複查均已完成改善。 以100年度各戴奧辛排放源之年度總進料量,推算100年度焚化爐(電弧爐)、輔助燃料及固定污染源戴奧辛年排放量,100年總年度排放量為6.061 g-TEQ/year,以煉鋼業電弧爐為最主要排放源。 排放管道戴奧辛及重金屬稽查檢測部分各自完成16根次及15根次,戴奧辛及重金屬稽查檢測各有1家超過法規標準。宇鴻科技股份有限公司排放管道P001於100年7月11日進行戴奧辛稽查檢測,檢測濃度為0.181 ng-TEQ/Nm3,超過中小型焚化爐污染源戴奧辛排放標準0.1 ng-TEQ/Nm3之規定,桃園縣環境保護局對該廠家進行告發處分罰鍰45萬元,並要求限期改善完成,該廠於101年2月1日提送符合排放標準之檢測報告;執行之宇鴻科技股份有限公司排放管道P003鉛排放管道於濃度100年11月3日進行重金屬稽查檢測,鉛及化合物檢測濃度為0.675 mg/Nm3,不符合「處理量未達4公噸/小時以上之廢棄物焚化爐空氣污染物排放標準」之鉛排放限值0.5 mg/Nm3,桃園縣環境保護局對該廠家進行告發處分罰鍰15萬元,並要求限期改善完成,該廠於101年5月11日提送符合排放標準之檢測報告。 高污染潛勢工業區周界空氣戴奧辛空氣污染物現況調查,觀音工業區、大園工業區及中壢工業區於100~101年分別進行4次及2次,其100年監測年平均值分別為0.060、0.061及0.042 pg TEQ/Nm3,均低於日本周界空氣戴奧辛環境品質基準年平均值0.6 pg TEQ/Nm3。 高污染潛勢工業區周界空氣重金屬現況調查,100~101年觀音工業區TSP重金屬濃度介於22.6 ~ 393 ng/m3,大園工業區TSP重金屬濃度介於14.1 ~ 428 ng/m3,中壢工業區TSP重金屬濃度介於28.1 ~ 351 ng/m3,低於勞工作業環境空氣中有害物許可濃度1/50推估值。 高污染潛勢工業區揮發性有機空氣污染物監測,利用FTIR於觀音工業區(樹林國小、白玉村村辦公室)、大園工業區(潮音國小、內海國小)及中壢工業區(內定國小、忠福國小)六處敏感受體所進行之揮發性有機有害空氣污染物監測,以忠福國小所偵測到之11種化學物質最多,而濃度有出現高於嗅覺閾值的包括乙酸乙酯、丙二醇單甲基醚等2種物質;其次則為樹林國小之10種化學物質,主要為乙酸乙酯、甲苯、及二甲基甲醯胺濃度會超過嗅覺閾值。
中文關鍵字 環境監測、戴奧辛、重金屬、揮發性有機物、排放係數、戴奧辛排放量


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 10050 千元
專案開始日期 2011/07/01 專案結束日期 2012/06/30 專案主持人 杜敬民
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳明星 執行單位 國立清華大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 計畫成果報告摘要(詳細版).pdf 0MB
英文摘要 The scope of work for this project includes: 1) inspection of dioxin and metal air pollutants from stationary pollution sources and examination of documentation; 2) testing for stationary emission; 3) monitoring the ambient environment; 4) reviewing the control strategy. We have completed the compliance inspection of 72 companies/100 stacks. Among these companies, 4 companies /4 stacks(GuangXuan Environmental Engineering Technologies Co., Ltd., Rui Da Hung Technology Materials Co., Ltd., JETCOAT Co., Ltd., Executive Yuan, R.O.C, and Yee Fong Chemical & Industrial CO.,LTD.)have not conform to the laws and regulations. All violated companies have completed improvements on due time. A total ambient air dioxin emission data from 68 stationary pollution sources were collected into the database. The Taoyuan County annual dioxin emission from incinerator, plants using auxiliary-fuel, electric arc furnaces, and stationary polluting sources is 6.061 g-TEQ/year We have completed the inspection and testing of stack dioxin from 16 companies. A total of 48 dioxin samplings and analyses were carried out. One company (Yu-Hong Technology Co., Ltd.)violated the dioxin emission standard and was fined NT$ 450,000 respectively. We have completed the inspection and testing of stack metal from 15 companies. One company (Yu-Hong Technology Co., Ltd.)violated the lead emission standard and was fined NT$ 150,000 respectively. All violated companies have completed improvements on due time. We have sampled ambient air samples for dioxin testing in GuanYin industrial park, DaYuan industrial park and ChungLi industrial park. The monitoring frequency during 2010-2011 is 6 times in GuanYin industrial park, 8 times in DaYuan industrial park, and 4 times in ChungLi industrial park, respectively.The average concentration of ambient air dioxin is 0.060 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in GuanYin industrial park, 0.061 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in DaYuan industrial park, and 0.042 pg-TEQ/Nm3 in ChungLi industrial park, respectively. All other monitoring results are lower than the Japan‘s ambient air dioxin standard (0.6 pg TEQ/Nm3). We have sampled ambient air samples for heavy metals testing in GuanYin industrial park, DaYuan industrial park and ChungLi industrial park. The heavy metals concentration in ambient air TSP range was 22.6 ~ 393 ng/m3 in GuanYin industrial park, 14.1 ~ 428 ng/m3 in DaYuan industrial park and 28.1 ~ 351 ng/m3 in ChungLi industrial park. All other monitoring results are lower than the 1/50 ambient air heavy metals standard in laborer job environment. We have targeted 6 sites around major pollution sources. in GuanYin industrial park, DaYuan industrial park, and Gueishan industrial park for VOCs analysis. The results revealed that Shu-Lin elementary school and Jhong-Fu elementary school were affected by the pollutants from nearby industrial park.
英文關鍵字 Environmental Monitoring, Dioxin, Heavy metal, VOCs, Emission factor, Dioxin emission