

中文摘要 桃園縣政府環境保護局為落實資源回收體系上游責任業者登記、申報、繳費之執法公平性與一致性與下游販賣業者回收管道之暢通,及推動資源回收形象改造及物業整合管理工作計畫,訂定「100年度桃園縣推動資源回收形象改造及物業管理計畫暨資源回收責任業者與販賣業者管理重點稽查取締計畫」(以下簡稱本計畫),委託綠信環境科技股份有限公司,協助執行計畫工作項目,編制計畫經理一名,三名專案工程師及一名駐局工程師派駐環保局共同推動本計畫。 本計畫執行期程為自簽約日100年5月22日至100年12月31日止,約8.3個月。主要工作為推動資源回收形象改造工作,輔導查核列管責任業者與販賣業者依法應盡權利義務,協助彙整審查興辦事業計畫書及回收處理業相關審查工作資料,及辦理相關資源回收輔導與宣導業務,統計至11月30日止量化成果說明如下。 (一)完成辦理1638家連鎖性販賣業者回收物流向調查,廢容器類回收物主要交付給清潔隊、總公司、民間團體等,補助設置回收設施包含廢照明光源、廢乾電池、廢光碟、廢手機及座充等回收桶,及部分連鎖性便利商店設置廢體溫計回收盒。 (二)10月25下午1時~5時,假勞工育樂中心101會議室辦理完成,當日議程包含「加強查緝民生竊盜廢電纜線計畫、交通安全宣導、消防安全管理、勞工安全衛生、土地合法使用說明、營運管理規範與推動形象改造說明、社區資源回收站經營經驗交流」等,共計123人參與本會議。 (三)推動社區、村里或大廈資源回收站形象改造與物業整合之連鎖經營示範工作,於簽約後1個月內(100年6月22日前)提交示範回收站篩選原則至環保局核備。10月29日提報篩選名單為大溪鎮仁善里、仁武里、南興里、平鎮市新榮里及桃園市中正綠園邸,同時完成整編輔導50位個體業者進入仁武里等8處資源回收站。 (四)協助辦理「非都市土地申請變更為應回收廢棄物回收業設施使用之興辦事業計畫」審查資料彙整及進度追蹤,統計至11月30日共計彙整追蹤131件興辦計畫書案件,其中17件為同意變更或同意展延,5件駁回申請案,26件逾期未辦理申請案件,其餘案件為完成各項申請辦理狀態。 (五)協助辦理應回收廢棄物回收處理業登記申請相關審查作業,統計至11月30日共計協助彙整追蹤59件申請案件,其中有回收業46件,處理業13件。 (六)販賣業者稽查輔導作業,完成彙整統計13公所稽查成果為3,117家,及本計畫完成現場稽查輔導販賣業者895家,統計本縣列管業者為4,783家。 (七)7月19日下午1時~5時,假縣政府13樓公務人力培訓中心辦理完成,當日議程包含廢棄物清理法及推動一次用外帶飲料杯源頭減量及回收獎勵金實施方式公告,另針對本縣轄內從事複合型營業之大賣場、量販店及百貨公司等業者對象一併進行教育宣導等,共計50人參與本會議。 (八)責任業者查核輔導成果包含協助辦理年度環保署函請案件79件;協助辦理其他縣市移請案件辦理67件;主動查緝轄內賣場違規責任商品計100件;覆核轄內公所年度提報案件701件,核可件數521件,不符退件180件。 (九)辦理輔導相關輔導及宣導業務工作,有關公所稽查人員之責任業者與販賣業者稽查輔導作業在職教育訓練說明會,6月20日上午9:30至下午4:00在勞工育樂中心101會議室辦理完成,當日議程包含100年度資源回收責任業者與販賣業者管理重點稽查取締計畫、責任業者與販賣業者現場稽查作業實務、廢棄物相關法規、新增修正公告及今年重點輔導對象、「應設置資源回收設施之電子電器物品販賣業者範圍、設施設置、規格及其他應遵行事項」法規說明及實務作業說明等,共計177人參與本會議。 (十)辦理輔導相關輔導及宣導業務工作,有關10月11日提報「重點回收物回收宣導單張」及「推動老街溪整治工程目標宣導」,利用平鎮市及中壢市地區的民眾家戶台電帳單搭載宣導單張,共計寄送240000戶;運用10處重要交通要道的LED電子看板宣導政策,宣導內容以「廢乾電池回收重要性」及「廢體溫計回收兌換活動」共計播放宣導四週。10月6日提報宣導品採購規劃為環保自然及節能減碳之生活用品「茶籽粉」及「環保矽膠杯蓋」。
中文關鍵字 資源回收、形象改造、責任業者、販賣業者


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 5450 千元
專案開始日期 2011/05/22 專案結束日期 2011/12/31 專案主持人 葉秋容
主辦單位 桃園市政府環境保護局 承辦人 劉亭亭 執行單位 綠信環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 執行成果摘要.pdf 0MB

Taoyuan environment authorities to ensure fairness and consistence of thorough and proper registration, declaration, and pecuniary imposition with regard to upper stream businesses.

英文摘要 A project on image promotion of recycling, property management, and auditing of recycling and vending businesses conducts has been devised by Taoyuan environment authorities to ensure fairness and consistence of thorough and proper registration, declaration, and pecuniary imposition with regard to upper stream businesses. The project, contracted to Protect-Eco Technology Co., also aims at facilitating smooth channels for lower stream recycling businesses, recycling promotion, and property integration. The project is expected to be executed during the period beginning May 22 through December 31, 2011. It is primarily in charge of promoting image of recycling and making sure that all involved businesses conform to legal requirements and obligations of being monitored, providing assistance with evaluation of developing project proposals and other materials processed by recycling businesses. The quantitative findings are demonstrated as following: 1. Recycled items of 1638 chain vendors have been checked. Recycled solid waste is chiefly processed by cleaning service providers, the government contracted company, and other civil groups. The project has also funded recycling facilities such as bins for waste lighting, batteries, disks, mobile phones and their power chargers. Recycle boxes for waste thermometers are available at selected convenient stores. 2. A conference on stealth of waste cables, traffic safety, firefighting, labor security and wellbeing, legal use of land, management regulations and image promotion, community recycling points and experience took place at Conference Hall 101 of Labor Recreation Center from 13:00 to 17:00 on October 25, 2011 and saw an audience of 123 people. 3. The project facilitates image promotion for the recycling stations in different communities, villages, and condominiums and features model chain store management of integrating real estate resources. It demands submission for official auditing within one month after completion of signature, which falls on June 21, 2011. A selection list has been proposed to different villages, including Jenshan, Jenwu, Nanxin, Pinzhen, Xinjong, and Zhongzheng community of Taoyuan City. Around 50 junkmen have been introduced to 8 different recycling centers. 4. The project organizes and tracks all the materials regarding the plans for evolvement of non-urban lands into facilities of solid waste recycle. A total of 131 applications have been filed, of which 17 were granted approval or approval for extension, 5 overruled, 26 overdue, and the remaining en route of application. 5. The project evaluates applications for recycled solid waste and tracks 59 applications, of which 46 are recycle businesses and 13 are garbage processing. 6. A total of 3117 vendors have been audited and filed out of the findings from 13 local district household offices. On-site auditing has been imposed on 895 vendors in accordance with the project. The county has filed 4783 vendors in database. 7. A conference on waste disposal guidelines and promotion, plastic cup reduction and recycle awards, training advertisements designed for major shopping complexes, hypermarkets, and department stores took place at Human Resources Training Center (13th floor, Taoyuan County Hall) from 13:00 to 17:00 on July 19 and saw an audience of 50 people. 8. The results of counseling and inspection of involved businesses include 79 applications submitted to the Environment Protection Agency. 67 applications from cities other than Taoyuan were also included. Around 100 items of merchandise sold at major hypermarkets in violation of applicable norms have been inspected. The project evaluated 701 applications within the calendar year, of which 521 have been approved and 180 rejected. 9. A seminar on counseling and advertisement as well as training for civil servants took place at Conference Hall 101 of Labor Recreation Center from 9:30 to 16:00 and saw an audience of 177 attendants, conversing on 2011 inspection and evaluation plans for all registered recycle businesses, on-site inspection practice, norms about solid waste, amendments, and major targets of the year, applicable norms for electronics vendors. 10. The project engages counseling and advertisement works. The government proposes advertising flyers for target recycled items and promotion for urban renovation construction outline on October 11, using utilities bills of the local residents in Pinzhen and Zhongli as promotion flyers and LED electronic banners for policy advertisement. The policy stresses the importance of recycling waste batteries and thermometers and will be displayed publicly for 4 weeks. On October 6, a procurement proposal was submitted regarding the use of tea seed powder and silicon lids for environment and eco-friendly purposes.
英文關鍵字 Image promotion of recycling,auditing of recycling,vendors