

中文摘要 計畫緣起   水污染防治法於80年修正公告後,納入許可制度誠實申報之管理精神,此制度之建立有助於掌握水污染源基本資料,以做為事業廢水施政管制依據,同時為有效管理許可資料及相關資訊,亦逐年建立及開發事業水污染源管理資訊電腦系統,做為有效管理水污染源之基礎,對國內事業廢水污染管制具有正面積極的意義。   宜蘭縣政府環境保護局(以下簡稱環保局)為改善轄內各河川流域污染之情況,提高轄內河川流域水質品質,過去對於河川主要排放源事業及社區下水道的管制工作,主要著重於由進入河川前之放流水水質稽查取締管制面著手,期望藉由行政管制措施以減少污染物注入河川。然而稽查取締僅為被動的污染防治手段,如何減少事業及社區污水下水道系統污染物的排放,需藉由持續實施河川污染源之巡查,以掌握是否有不法之情事,並加以遏止,另須強化污染源之列管與輔導,以確保各污染源之廢水處理設施皆已正常操作,實為現階段較為有效之策略。   本(100)年度環保局為落實排放許可制度、加強水污染源稽查管制、廢水處理設施功能評鑑、暗管拆除或封閉以及執行河川水質、生態調查及北部海域水質監測等重點工作,以完善整體水污染防治績效,遂提出「100年度宜蘭縣水污染源稽查管制及北部海域水質監測計畫」。 計畫目標   本計畫之執行重點在於協助環保局推動轄區內水污染源稽查管制工作以及水質監測工作,因此本計畫將依據甄選須知公告內容所預定之計畫目標、工作事項、內容及時程,進行相關作業之規劃與資料建置,以完成資料整合統計與分析,確實掌握宜蘭縣轄區內水污染源之水污染防治現況,透過計畫之稽查管制工作,督促轄內列管之事業單位落實水污染防治設施之操作維護,達成轄內各流域測站水質改善之目標。 工作內容 一、協助水污染源列管事業稽查工作 二、辦理水污染防治相關許可文件資料庫管理、建置、維護、更新作業 三、協助辦理各項水污染防治計畫及許可審查、核發等相關作業 四、協助暗管或不明管線清查、拆除或封閉工作 五、水污染源廢水處理設備功能評鑑工作 六、辦理相關法規說明(或宣導)會及教育宣導活動 七、定期執行河川及湖泊水質監測作業 八、執行指定河川水域生態調查 九、統計分析河川水質監測資料及水污染負荷推估作業 十、規劃執行水污染事件緊急應變工作 十一、執行北部海域(包括台中市、苗栗縣、新竹縣、新竹市、桃園縣、新北市、基隆市、宜蘭縣及花蓮縣等9縣市)水質監測工作 十二、辦理水污染防治業務及海洋監測之網頁更新維護作業 十三、協助彙整水污染及海洋污染防治相關業務考核資料 十四、研提各項作業規劃及成果報告 預期效益   「幸福立縣」是宜蘭縣的縣政總目標,就是希望建設宜蘭成為一座幸福城市。在縣府施政目標中,環境保育發展策略主要從自然保育政策重在事先防範、公害防治政策重在有效防治、環境規劃政策著重資源永續利用、災害防救著重嚴謹迅速的應變機制等四大層面著手進行。本計畫將針對河川有效污染預防、水污染災害應變、以及自然保育為主要執行效益。   河川水質保護之著重於防治水污染,確保水資源之清潔,以維生態體系,改善生活環境,增進國民健康,故規劃以監測結果估算削減污染來源、減輕水體負荷的成果依據;已稽查管制事業單位污水排放,改善水體水質、清潔水體環境為目的。在政策推動上,將採源頭污染管制並藉由整合各方資源,落實管考機制,營造優良水生態環境、降低社會經濟活動對環境之衝擊,以期早日達成幸福城市之永續發展目標。另本計畫於臺灣北部海域選定適當的水質監測點,進行定期的海域環境監測工作,藉以建立海域之背景資料,作為未來重大開發 案評估及對照參考,並依據監測結果檢討水質現況,釐清並追蹤污染來源,以掌握污染處理時機,進而採取適當之防治及應變改善計畫,本計畫預期執行可達的成果有下列各項: 一、加強水體水質監測工作,確保水源區內各河段水質狀況反映飲水源之安全性,掌握水質之變化,作為污染管制之重要指標。 二、推動許可及申報制度,實施事業單位排放水及污泥量審查工作,結合上網申報,進行異常分析及全面查核。 三、建立污染源基本資料、測站資料詢、流域現況分析,以提供環保局確實掌握宜蘭縣境內各污染源之現況,並明確訂立未來防制策略。 四、藉由水域的海水水質監測,建立海域背景資料,作為未來重大開發案評估及對照之依據及推動海域生態保育之參考。 五、海域預警系統建立之基礎。 六、掌握北部海域水質變化情形,執行北部各縣市海域水質監測作業,以達到環境監測及防止污染之目的。 七、藉由海域水文環境、水質及生態敏感區之建立,發揮環境變動之預警功能,掌握環境與生態污染處理時機。 八、建立區域海洋監測資料庫,以達到區域內資料共享目的。 九、確立本縣海洋及水污染事件應變體系,加強對油污染事件之應變能力及通報連繫工作,調查整合相關單位之海洋油污染處理設備器材能量,減少意外事故引發之災害損失。 十、落實執行商港、工業港、漁港,航行船舶及海洋污染稽查管制工作。
中文關鍵字 水污染防治


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 7123 千元
專案開始日期 2011/03/18 專案結束日期 2011/12/15 專案主持人 趙嘉雍
主辦單位 宜蘭縣政府環境保護局 承辦人 蕭培元 執行單位 康廷工程顧問企業有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 宜蘭水污-期末報告.pdf 95MB

Year 100 Yilan County water pollution sources investigation control and the northern marine water quality monitoring plan

英文摘要 Plan Introduction  With the gradual formation of global village life style, environmental problems have become international common issues. The responding measures have been changed from the past passive pollution treatment to active prevention planning in advance. The objectives are for sustained utilization of resources, prosperous advancement of the two major issues: economic development and environmental protection. Thus, how to create economic development while take care of living environment quality has become an important issue for the government. Water pollution, with its characteristics of having immediate affect on the living quality of people, is the environmental issue with top priority. It also becomes the priority items in pollution improvement for the government..... Plan Origin   Since the public announcement of 1991 revised Water Pollution Control Act, it has been bringing the management spirit of honest report into permit system. This improved permit system is greatly helpful in collecting and controlling the basic information of the water pollution sources to offer the industrial wastewater administrative control standards. Furthermore, aiming to efficiently manage the permit data and relevant information, the MIS (Management Information System) of industrial water pollution has been gradually established and developed in recent year, to provide the foundation for the efficient management of the water pollution sources. These improvements have been actively contributing to the control of the industrial wastewater pollution in an extremely positive way   In the past years, to improve the pollution situation and promote water quality within variety of rivers areas of the administrative area, Environmental Protection Bureau, Yilan County Government (EPB, Yilan) emphasized on the implementation of the water quality investigation and interdiction before the discharge water into the rivers from the main pollution source industries and community sewers. By taking this administrative control measure, it looks forward to decreasing the water pollutants discharge into the rivers. However, the investigation and interdiction is only considered one of the passive pollution control methods. Thus, in order to efficiently achieve the decrease of the water pollutant discharge from the industrial wastewater and communities sewers, it requires the long-term continuous inspection tours of the river pollution sources to control and prevent the illegal actions; besides, strengthening the control and guidance of the pollution sources to ensure the routine operation of the wastewater treatment facilities, is obviously considered as an effective strategy at this present stage.   In this year 2011, to improve and perfect the performance of the water pollution control, EPB, Yilan proposes the“Year 100 Yilan County water pollution sources investigation control and the northern marine water quality monitoring plan”, including accomplishment of the discharge permit system, strengthening the inspection and control of the water pollution sources, evaluating the function of the wastewater treatment facilities, seal or removal of the hidden discharge pipeline, implementation of the water quality and ecology investigation, as well as the northern marine water quality monitoring. Plan Objectives   In the attempt to provide EPB to master the water pollution control status within country’s water pollution sources, the Plan is mainly designed for EPB in two significant promotion targets including water pollution source inspection control work, and water quality monitoring work. In accordance with the public announcement of the selection guide, such as designed plan objectives, work items, job contents, and work timetable, the Plan conduct an program of the relevant operation and database establishment in order to achieve the information integration and analysis work. In addition, the Plan’s inspection and control work offers the further supervision toward the regulated enterprises to exactly implement the operation maintenance of water pollution control facilities, and accomplish the water quality improvement within county’s variety of river area monitoring stations. Work Items A.Assisting in investigation work of the regulated water pollution source industries B.Performing of database management, establishment, maintenance, and renew work of relevant permit document of water pollution control plan. C.Assisting in conducting the variety of water pollution control plans, permit auditing, granting and the relevant operations. D.Assisting in checking, removal and seal of the hidden or unknown discharge pipelines E.Assessment of wastewater treatment facilities function of water pollution sources. F.Holding of relevant laws & regulations declaration (promotion) session and educational promotion activities. G.Execution of regular water quality monitoring work for the rivers and the lakes. H.Implementation of the ecology investigation for the designated river areas. I.Analysis of water quality monitoring data and estimation of water pollution load. J.Determination and implementation of emergency response measures in the unexpected water pollution event. K.Implementation of the northern marine water monitoring work (Including Taichung City, Miaoli County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, Taoyuan County, New Taipei City, Keelung City, Yilan County and Hualien County) L.Conduct of water pollution control work and marine monitoring website renew and maintenance works. M.Assisting in collection and management of assessment data on water and marine pollution control relevant works N.Research of various operation plans and result reports. Expected Benefit  To develop Yilan being a joyful hometown, Yilan county government has targeted “Build Yilian a happy county” as the general administrative goal of Yilan county. Based on the Yilan county administrative goals, environmental conservation development strategies are mainly be designed into four aspects of directions. They are included that nature conservation policy stresses on prevention measure, public nuisance control policy stresses on the efficient control, environmental plan policy emphasizes on resources used in a sustainable manner, and that accident prevention and response policy emphasizes on the strict and prompt response system. To sum up, the Plan is significantly carrying into effect of efficient river pollution prevention, water pollution accident response, and nature conservation.   To ensure the river water quality, the major works are to control water pollution and ensure the cleanliness of water resources in order to maintain ecological systems, enhance the living environment and advance public health. Thus, the Plan is proposed to apply the monitoring results as a standard for estimating the achievement of the decrease of pollution sources and water body load; besides, the Plan is designed to aim to inspect and control enterprise unit wastewater discharge, improve water body and water quality, and clean water body environment. In policy promotion, the Plan adopts to control the pollution sources and integrate variety of information to accomplish management assessment system, build an excellent water ecology environment, and to reduce the impact of the society and economic activities on the environment, in order to achieve the sustainable development of the happy city as soon as possible.   Furthermore, the Plan is specifying the proper water quality monitoring stations within the northern marine areas to conduct the regular marine environment monitoring and establish the marine background information, which provide the major evaluation and comparison reference for the future vital development projects; besides, the Plan is also programmed to review the current water quality condition in accordance with the monitoring results, clarify and trace the pollution sources to master the pollution treatment timing ,and take further proper control and response improvement plan. The Plan is estimated to achieve the following performance items: A.Strengthening of water bodies and water quality monitoring work to ensure the water quality condition of the rivers within the water source area, in order to reflect the security of the drinking water sources and master the updated water quality condition and its change, which would be the major guiding principle for the further pollution control. B.Promotion of permit and report system; implementation of assessment work for industrial unit discharge water and sludge volume; analysis of abnormal condition and full inspection work by combining the on-line reports. C.Establishment of pollution source databases, monitoring station information and current watershed condition analysis for EPB to hold the updated Yilan Country pollution source conditions in order to definitely determinate the future protection and control strategies. D.Establishment of marine background database through monitoring marine water quality, which would be the assessment standard for the future vital development project, and be the reference for promotion of marine ecology conservation. E.Foundation of establishment of marine area pre- warning system. F.Implementation of marine water monitoring work of the northern counties & cities and mastering of the northern marine. water quality variation to accomplish full environment monitoring and pollution control. G.Mastering of environment and ecology pollution treatment timing through the establishment of hydrological environment, water quality and sensitive ecology preserve to make full use of pre-warning function of environmental variation. H.Establishment of local marine monitoring database to provide the sharing information within the area. I.Establishment of county’s marine and water pollution event response system, such as strengthening of oil pollution emergency response faculty and notification communication, investigation and integration of relevant unit of marine oil pollution treatment facilities capacity in order to decrease the damage due to the unexpected accident event. J.Achievement of pollution inspection and control work for the commercial, industrial, fishing harbor, passage ship and the marine.