

中文摘要 本計畫期中進度統計時間自100年7月11日至12月20日,各項量化工作目標詳見表一。 預定於計畫期間稽查本市未定檢機車70,000輛,截至100年12月20日止共稽查70,788輛機車,累計進度為101.1%。其稽查方式分為巡查及車牌辨識巡查兩種,巡查方式以道路清查之方式執行;自動車牌辨識系統針對使用中車輛稽查有節省人力之效果,但後續行政作業,則需要花費較多的郵資執行通知及告發,但是巡查掛單為立即通知,回檢速率較快,因此配合人力巡查工作,減少稽查死角,兩者相輔相成,將達到最佳稽查效果,巡查未定檢車之回檢率為85.3%,車輛辨識之回檢率為71.5%。 移動式定檢車空區服務,計畫目標數為600輛機車,本計畫共完成檢測601輛機車,分別為龍崎嶇46輛車,山上區396輛車,左鎮區159輛車。路邊攔檢作業工作目標數為1,000輛車,本計畫共完成1,004輛車,其不合格率為5.78%。 原機車定檢站定期查核目標數為454次,本計畫共查核完成459次;定檢站實車查核目標數為210次,預計每月查核35次,共完成226次;定檢站之氣體比對預計每月達成35次,查核完成231次,累計進度為110%。而機車定檢站之不定期查核,計畫目標為須查核228次,預計每月查核38次,本計畫共完成231次查核,符合預定之工作目標。 規劃於計畫期間寄發定檢通知單600,000張,需寄發100年4月至101年1月之定檢通知明信片,本計畫共寄發600,070張;此外;預計寄發85,500張未到檢機車催檢通知,本計畫共寄發86,250張,符合計畫之目標。 本計畫規劃辦理2場人員教育訓練課程以及3場定檢站教育訓練會,已於7月29日及10月28日辦理2場次內部人員教育訓練會,以及於9月18日、11月7日及12月18日舉行3場次定檢站教育訓練會。 計畫期間須舉辦3場小型宣導會,已於於8月23日、8月24日於崑山大學崑山會議廳及民治市政中心南瀛堂舉辦新設定檢站說明會;9月24日在臺南市永康區的探索教育公園舉行電動車試乘宣導活動;11月22日於臺南市體育場辦理電動車展示活動;12月9日於臺南市東區自強里活動中心舉辦新設機車排氣定檢站抽籤,共計辦理4場次小型宣導活動。 本計畫共辦理3場次大型宣導活動,分別於10月16日在臺南市新營區新營綠都心廣場舉辦大型宣導活動,邀請中華汽車、山葉、三陽以及東庚等四家廠商到場進行電動車展示及試乘活動,12月4日於南投縣竹山鎮辦理機車排氣定期檢驗站業務觀摩會以及12月20日於臺南市勞工育樂中心舉辦汰舊抽大獎活動,符合計畫之目標。此外,本計畫於12月20日上午於臺南市政府永華市政中心2樓中庭辦理優良定檢站表揚大會。
中文關鍵字 移動污染源


專案計畫編號 經費年度 100 計畫經費 10150 千元
專案開始日期 2011/07/11 專案結束日期 2011/12/20 專案主持人 陳靖民
主辦單位 臺南市政府環境保護局 承辦人 陳佳宜 執行單位 瑩諮科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 100南市移污期末報告修訂稿.pdf 7MB

100Year The audit and control project for the mobile pollution sources(2010 Project of Mobile Sources of Pollution Inspection and Control in Tainan

英文摘要 Project Name: 2011 Tainan City Mobile Pollution Control Project Executing Period: from July 11th, 2010 to Mar. 20th, 2010 Authority Unit: Environmental Protection Bureau of Tainan City Government Principal Investigator: Hsu, Jen-yu Executing Unit: Envimac Technology and Consultants Corporation Appropriation: NT 10,150,000 dollar The goals of this project achieved are as the follow table, and are described as follow. The main duty of this project is to maintain the motorbike periodic inspection system. Several strategies are executed. The periodic inspection informing postcards were mailed to the motorbike owners monthly. Non-inspected motorbikes were screened by the project staff, including 2 checking ways: the on road running motorbikes are captured by Plate Auto Identify System; the parked ones are checked by the staff. All the owners of non-inspected motorbike were informed again. Otherwise, the inspectors examined the emission of roadside running by motorbikes no matter periodic inspected or not. To keep the quality of the periodic inspection stations, regular and irregular audit were run, and some stations were checked by real motorbike of by standard gas. 3 workshops were held for the inspectors training. Due to the audit results, the top stations were praised in the end of the year. This project also provided free inspection service for the colleges and the country area where there is no periodic inspection station. Several propagating activities were held-- all the advertising activities were to remind people and propagate the concept of annual inspection, promoting anti-idling and replacement of old motorcycles. There were also little game and animation cartoon advertising these topics on web. The high-pollution motorbikes which had been reported usually were recalled to inspect by opacity inspector. Some old high-pollution motorbikes were pushed to replace due to the inspection.  