

中文摘要 本年度「離島工業區空氣污染物資訊整合計畫」自101年4月2日起開始執行,本年度主要工作項目包含針對離島工業區揮發性有機廢氣(含有害空氣污染物)進行調查並將結果建置指紋資料庫,對於已建置之環境監控系統持續更新維護並擴充其功能,運用緊急應變系統模擬演練,達到試系統功能及反應,並建立各單位溝通聯繫管道。最後將彙整離島工業區內各公司空氣污染防制自主管理相關減量計畫或承諾辦理等事項之執行進度追蹤及改善成果,並提供雲林縣環保局針對離島工業區空氣污染物相關稽查管制計畫提供教育訓練與技術訓練。 本年度計畫各工作項目執行成果,主要如下: 一、建置島工業區環境監測資訊連線 (一)在建置離島工業區環境資訊連線上,經由即時資料轉換擷取系統建置,本年度計完成: 1.環保署四座空品測站(連線測項包括二氧化硫、一氧化碳、臭氧、懸浮微粒、二氧化氮)。 2.六輕工業區自設三座空氣品質測站(連線測項包括二氧化硫、二氧化氮、氮氧化物、一氧化氮、一氧化碳、臭氧、非甲烷、碳氫化物、甲烷、PM10、TSP、風速、風向、溫度、濕度、大氣壓力、雨量)。 3.環保局自設五座氣象測站及兩輛空氣品質監測車((連線測項包括風速、風向、二氧化碳)即時測值連線,並即時連線數據儲存至中央監控資料倉儲內,進行加值運用。 (二)在CCTV即時影像連線作業上,為讓環保局能即時監控離島工業區內管道排放現況,本計畫亦完成CCTV即時影像建置作業。CCTV分別架設於六輕工業區南端K棟宿舍(樓高11層)及北端H棟宿舍(樓高5層),在傳輸線路上,則分別採用8M ADSL 線路及50M光纖線路搭配37倍可變焦式防爆攝影機及遠端DVR監控系統進行影像傳輸。在局端影像資料儲存上則透過2T硬碟進行歷史影像資料保存,目前設定採用高畫質影像儲存(解析度720X480),約可保存1個月歷史影像資料。 (三)在提供使用者遠端讀取影像功能上,已經由兩種途徑進行遠端及時查看,分別為1.電腦端網頁瀏覽功能、2.手機或平板電腦瀏覽功能,使用者可以遠端透過裝置進行即時影像調閱、攝影機遠端控制(變焦及360度移動)、歷史影像調閱及畫面擷取及儲存功能。 (四)在提供便民資訊上,本計畫運用與六輕工業區連線至各項監測資料,建置離島工業區環境監測網站,提供一般民眾查詢離島工業區各項相關環境監測資料及環保相關訊息。網站並整合至中央連線監控伺服器,並定期進行更新維護。網站主要架構分為四大功能,分別為環境及時監測數據查詢、CCTV影像即時資訊、環保相關資訊、相關網站。此外結合智慧型手機,開發完成離島工業區空氣品質查詢系統,提供民眾可經由智慧型手機,何時何地都能及時查閱離島工業區空氣品質現況。 二、建置緊急應變行動資料庫系統及熟稔緊急應變作業流程 (一)為防範當發生意外災害事故時,環保局人員能迅速瞭解事發環境現況、縮短時間的掌握及適當的應變。本年度計畫亦完成建置可攜式平板電腦緊急應變行動資料庫系統開發,透過該系統運用,當意外災害事件發生時,可經由應變系統及應變諮詢平台,協助災後除污與原因調查工作。 整體緊急應變系統,主要整合原離島工業區環境監控系統資料庫,包含固定污染源資料庫、CEMS連續自動監測資料庫、空氣品質監測站監測資料(包含環保署、六輕及環保局架設測站)、陳情案件資料庫、污染指紋資料庫、MSDS資料庫(GHS資料庫)、CCTV即時影像相關資訊,並提供多維度緊急應變複合查詢功能。 (二)在圖資數化作業中,本計畫亦將過去六輕各列管廠區所提供之廠區配置圖、毒性化學物質存放位置圖等,經由數化過程為統一繪製成AUTOCAD格式,並套疊於GIS圖資中,以利供緊急應變時可快速瞭解地圖上的資訊,目前已完成離島工業區內列管21廠圖資數化作業。 (三)除緊急應變系統功能外,為讓緊急事故發生時,現場人員可透過現況回報功能將現場情況及座標透過平板電腦回傳到系統中,本計畫亦完成建置緊急應變現況回報功能,使用者可經由緊急應變系統內的緊急應變現況回報按鈕,使用現況回報功能。使用者在進行事件回報資料時,系統會自動抓取目前位置座標,一併將所抓取的位置座標傳回系統資料庫中。緊急應變小組便可利用此回報資料做為參考資料,系統會以Google Map方式展示地理位置及回報資料以供局內緊急應變小組參考現場情況及事故相關地理資訊。 (四)環保局空噪科空氣污染事件緊急應變組織架構、應變小組任務分工及處理流程皆已規劃完成,並且配合緊急應變查詢系統順利完成一場緊急應變室內模擬演練,透過本次演練已確立各個應變流程的作業模式及各應變小組成員的任務分工,對於未來空氣污染事件的緊急應變處理方式,將依本次演練結果辦理。 三、更新維護離島工業區中央監控資料倉儲整合系統 (一)為確保資料倉儲內資料庫能與實際現況資料庫達到一致性,因此本計畫亦定期針對在各資料來源近進資料同步更新作業。因倉儲內大部分外來資料庫分散於各地,如環保署、委辦公司、離島工業區監測中心、外點測站等等。也因各類資料庫更新頻率不同而訂定不同更新時程及更新方式,包括1.網路資料庫直接連線、2. FTP 定期資料庫上傳、3. 手動資料庫更新、4. 線上系統輸入等。 (二)在擴充及更新維護中央監控系統功能上,依據環保局需求客製畫開發完成計13項環境監控系統功能擴充包括1.廢水處理廠及油水分離池資料、2.裝載場資料、3.儲槽資料、4.污染源設備資料、5.固定源許可首次頁附件電子化建置及查詢、6.CEMS資料查詢、7.六輕自設之空氣品質及氣象測站即時監測值、8.擴充原環保局設置之氣象站資料查詢、9.許可排放量(整廠與許可證)統計、10.特徵污染物查詢、11.六輕固定源稽巡查記錄建檔功能及每月呈核表單、12.六輕Cems稽巡查記錄查詢(含建檔功能及每月呈核表單)、13.六輕Voc稽巡查記錄查詢(含建檔功能及每月呈核表單)。在舊功能擴充部份,則修正氣象測站的查詢條件,由固定每日資料查詢更改為可自行定義查詢時間區段,另外加入了兩輛監測車的氣象資料及風花圖繪製功能,在污染指紋查詢的部份,則新增特徵污染物完整名稱查詢與模糊查詢功能。並將功能整合於中央監控系統,讓系統查詢功能更為完善。 (三)本年度在硬體設備擴充上,則購置乙部遠端備份伺服器,透過既有兩部伺服器進行異機備份及乙部遠端異地備份伺服器異地備份構成完整的備份機制。在系統資訊安全防護上,則運用實體防火牆、入侵偵測系統及嚴謹的稽核原則定義,進行網路不當入侵行為的防範,並委託專業資訊安全維護廠商,針對本網路系統進行安訊安全測試,經由測試結果進行更嚴謹的資安漏洞修補,以確保資訊安全無虞。 四、空氣中揮發性性有機化合物(含有害空氣污染物)調查 (一)本年度空氣中揮發性有機化合物調查分為四次採樣共檢測68點,總計分析出183種揮發性有機化合物,其中有害及有毒空氣污染物種有59種,佔總物種數32%,另由總物種次來看計有311種次,其中有害及有毒空氣污染物種數有114種次佔總物種次數37%,從各次檢測物種數來看以第四次採樣檢出92種最多,而第四次採樣區域位於海豐區,其次為第二次採樣83種其採樣點分佈於台塑MMA、AN、C4、AE、塑化OL-1、台化AROMA-1、PTA、PS、HAC,而各次採樣有害及有毒空氣污染物種數檢出最多的則是第二次採樣有41種佔當次檢出物種比例49%,其次為第一次採樣26種。從檢測濃度分析,各點均符合管制標準,但於1,4-丁二醇廠#8及鹼廠#10分別檢出1,2,4-三甲基苯及苯乙烯超過臭味閾值,另於AROM3#11亦出現甲苯及1,2,4-三甲基苯超過臭味閥值,由各區域採樣所分析出之主要流佈物種雖然同質性很高,但依區域性不同仍有其主要特徵物種,如第一次採樣出現丙烷、2-甲基戊烷、丁烷,第二次採樣出現一氯二氟甲烷、二氯二氟甲烷、氯甲烷、氯甲苯、間,對-二甲苯、鄰-二甲苯,第三次採樣出現氯乙烯、正己烷,第四次採樣出現異戊烷、壬醛,而六輕主要原料乙烯共檢測46點,檢出36點且最高濃度686ppb。 (二)在指紋資料庫建置上,本年度計畫針對指紋資料庫來源主要來至於兩大部分,包括工廠自行煙道檢測資料,一共建置7989筆及各廠特徵污染物資料一共建置785筆,並將建置之指紋資料庫整合於中央監控系統及緊急應變系統內,提供使用者進行逆向查詢功能,使用者可以透過輸入物種名稱經由系統篩出污染物可能來至於那些公場管道排放出,便於事件發生時能快速掌握污染排放來源。 (三)離島工業區廠商自行檢測的污染指紋資料,目前已建置99年至101年的污染指紋檢測資料,共計232根410筆,建置率為98%,其中A級有58根佔25%,B級有62根佔27%,C級112根佔48%。 五、彙整六輕四大公司空氣污染改善自主管理辦理情形 台塑工業園區內各公司空氣污染防制自主管理相關減量計畫或承諾辦理等事項,已借由4月10日、7月13日、10月30日共三場次之六輕工業區污染管制檢討會中,請六輕針對100年度三次檢討會委員意見暨會議結論辦理情形做總結說明,並對101年度預期改善目標與新修正法規辦理情形做專案報告,會中諮詢委員所提意見已經由第三次污染管制檢討會請六輕說明辦理情形,環保局各相關業務單位也針對本年度所查核之管制缺失提出說明,未來仍透過本項會議持續追蹤檢討污染減量及缺失改善情形。 六、提供本局現有離島工業區空氣污染物相關稽查管制計畫之諮詢訓練與技術轉移 本計畫第一次教育訓練已於101年6月29日辦理完成,本次訓練邀請專家學者針對環境監、檢測結果數據分析與應用做說明,俾期離島相關計畫所產生大量的監、檢測結果數據能加值應用,提供大量的資訊作為環保局擬訂各種管制策略的重要參考依據。第二場次教育訓練則於10月29日辦理完成,訓練目的主要針對「緊急應變系統」使用操作說明,希望在緊急事故發生時,在緊急應變流程中快速取得工廠相關資訊及掌握現場狀況。
中文關鍵字 資訊整合、揮發性有機化合物、緊急應變


專案計畫編號 YLEPB-101-021 經費年度 101 計畫經費 7770 千元
專案開始日期 2012/04/02 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 王玠斌
主辦單位 雲林縣環境保護局 承辦人 郭子衛 執行單位 元科科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 101年度離島工業區空氣污染管制資訊整合計畫期末報告.pdf 41MB

Air Pollutant Information Integration in Coastal Industrial Park

英文摘要 The project “Air Pollutant Information Integration in Coastal Industrial Park” has been executed since April, 2nd, 2012. The annual project contains several tasks, including investigation of volatile organic gas/VOCs (includes hazardous air pollutant) in the air at Outlying Islands Industrial Park; building up fingerprint database for the investigated results; maintaining and expanding the functions of existent environmental monitoring system; rehearsing the emergency response system; fulfilling the functions of the system and establishing the communication channels among different units. And finally organizing the relevant reduction plans about air pollution control self-management of different companies in Formosa Industrial Park or to follow up the schedule and improve the results of committed affairs. It is to provide the Environmental Protection Bureau of Yunlin County with educational trainings and technical trainings to help them administer the relevant project of air pollution inspection and control in coastal industrial park. The results of the project execution are as follows: I. Establish coastal industrial park environmental monitoring information connection. I) In setting up the environmental information network of the coastal industrial park via the establishment of real-time data conversion capture system, the results are as follows: 1. Four air quality monitoring stations of Environmental Protection Agency (The connection measured items including SO2、CO、O3、PM10、NO2). 2. Three air quality monitoring station in Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park (The connection measured items including SO2, NO2. Nox, NO, CO, O3, NMHC, CxHy, Methane、PM10、TSP、wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure and rainfall). 3. The instant measure connection of five meteorological stations and two air quality monitoring stations set up by Environmental Protection Bureau (The connection measured items including wind speed, wind direction and CO2). Storage the instant connection data in a central monitoring data warehouse for value-added use. II) As for CCTV live video connection operation, we have completed CCTV live video establishment work in order to promptly monitor the current status of coastal industrial zone pipe emissions. CCTVs were erected at the southern port of Accommodation K (11-storey) and H (5-storey) of Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park. As for the transmission line, we applied 8M ADSL line and 50M fiber optic lines with 37 times zoom anti-explosion camera and remote DVR surveillance systems for image transmission. As for office image data storage, the historical image data were saved in 2T hard disk. We applied high-definition image storage method currently (resolution 720x480). It can have one-month storage amount. III) As referred to remote image function for users, it provides two ways to check remotely and promptly, including 1) PC web browser function, 2) mobile phone or tablet browsing capabilities. Users can do real-time video access, camera remote control (zoom and 360-degree mobile), historical image access and screen capture and storage functions by using the device remotely. IV) As for service information, we provide link between monitoring data and the data of Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park, establish coastal industrial park environmental monitoring sites, and assist the general public to enquire the environmental monitoring data and environmental messages of coastal industrial park. Website is integrated into the central connection monitoring server, and be updated and maintained regularly. The main structure of website is divided into four functions, including timely environmental monitoring data queries, CCTV video real-time information, environmental information and related websites. In addition, we combined functions of smartphone, developed the air quality query system of coastal industrial park. Therefore, the general public can check the air quality condition of coastal industrial park anytime and anywhere by using smartphone. II. Establish emergency action database system and be familiar with emergency response operations processes. I) In order to prevent accident disasters, the staff of Environmental Protection Bureau should quickly understand the environmental status of the incident, as well as shorten the time to master and react appropriately. We have set up portable tablet computers emergency action database system development. As an unexpected disaster happened, they may help with decontamination and investigation via response system and reaction consulting platforms. The overall emergency response system has integrated the former environmental monitoring system database of coastal industrial park, including stationary sources database, CEMS continuous automatic monitoring database, monitoring data of air quality monitoring stations (Environmental Protection Agency, Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park and Environmental Protection Bureau), petition cases database, pollution fingerprint database, MSDS database (GHS database), CCTV live video information, and multi-dimensional contingency composite query function. II) As referred to graphic information digital operation, we collected factory layout and toxic chemicals storage location map provided by Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park, drew into AUTOCAD format, and overlaid into GIS graphic information for quickly recognizing map information while emergency incident. We have completed graphic information digital operation work of 21 plants in costal industrial park currently. III) In addition to the emergency response system function, we have set up emergency status reply function in order to response on-site condition and position to the system via tablet PC. Users can operate the emergency response button within emergency response system by then. As users process the incident response information, the system will automatically grab the information of the current position and transmit it back to system database. Afterwards, the emergency response team may utilize the feedback data as reference, and the system would show the Google Map location and feedback data in order to provide on-site status and accident related Geographic Information for the emergency response team of Environmental Protection Bureau. IV) The framework of emergent air pollution response of Air Pollution and Noise Control Division of EPB, responding group tasks identification and processing procedures have been completed, as well as having had a simulated indoor emergency responding rehearsal incorporated with emergency responding query system. Certain responding procedures and responding group tasks had been set up via this rehearsal. Experiences gained from this rehearsal will be applied to future emergent air pollution events. III. Update and maintain central monitoring data warehouse integration system of coastal industrial park. I) In order to ensure that the integration system is consistent with the real database, the integration database system has been updated regularly for various data sources. It is because most resources of the external integration system are from different databases, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, consulting firms, the monitoring center of coastal industrial park and detection stations. According to different database update frequency, different update modes are set as follows: 1) network database connect directly to the FTP, 2) FTP database uploaded regularly, 3) manual database update, 4) online system input. II) As for the extension, update and maintenance of central monitoring system, we have completed the extension of 13 environmental monitoring systems according to the demand of Environmental Protection Bureau, including 1) information of wastewater treatment plant and the oil-water separator pool, 2) information of loading station, 3) information of storage tank, 4) information of pollution source equipment, 5) electronic system establishment and query of stationary source license, 6) CEMS data query, 7) real-time monitoring data of air quality and meteorological stations set up by the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park, 8) expand the original weather station data set up by Environmental Protection Bureau, 9) emissions permit statistics (whole plant & license), 10) characteristic pollutants query, 11) stationary source inspection records and monthly approval form of the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park, 12) Cems inspection record inquiry of the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park (include filing function and monthly approval form), 13) Voc inspection record inquiry of the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park (include filing function and monthly approval form). The before-mentioned functions are integrated into the central monitoring system to further improve the query functions. III) In terms of the hardware expansion, we have purchased a remote backup server. We utilize two current servers to proceed with alien machine backup, and one remote off-side backup server for off-side backup, by doing that, a complete backup mechanism would be constructed. In terms of system information security protection, we have applied the entity firewall, intrusion detection systems and rigorous audit policy to prevent internet improper intrusion. Besides, we have entrusted a professional information security company to proceed with security test of the system. By doing this, we would implement more rigorous security policies and fix security bugs to ensure that the information remains secure. IV. Air volatile organic compounds survey (including hazardous air pollutants) I) The volatile organic compounds in the air for the year survey can be divided into four samples detected a total of 68 points. A total of 183 kinds of volatile organic compounds have been analyzed, including 59 kinds of hazardous and toxic air pollutants, accounts for 32% of the total number. In addition, there are 311 kinds of times for total species, among which there are 114 kinds of harmful and toxic air pollutants, accounts for 37% of the total number. By reviewing the number of detected species, the fourth sampling which detected 92 kinds is the most. The fourth sampling region located in the Haifeng zone, followed by the second sampling of 83 kinds, the sampling points are distributed in Formosa MMA, AN, C4, AE, Plasticized OL-1, FCFC Aroma-1, of PTA, PS and HAC. As for the sampling of hazardous and toxic air pollutants species, the 2nd sampling contains 41 species, which is the most, accounts for 49% of the detected species, followed by 26 kinds for the first sampling. From the detectable concentration analysis, the points are in line with regulatory standards, however, 1,4 - butanediol plant #8 and soda plant #10 were detected 1,2,4 – trimethylbenzene and styrene exceed the odor threshold. In addition, AROM3 #11 toluene and 1,2,4 - trimethylbenzene exceed the odor threshold. The sample analyzed by the regional flow distributed species homogeneity is high, but different regions contains species with diverse main characteristics, such as the first sampling contains propane, 2-methyl pentane, butane, and the second sampling contains a chloro-difluoromethane, dichlorodifluoromethane, methyl chloride, chlorotoluene, p-xylene, o-xylene, the third sampling contains vinyl chloride, n-hexane, the fourth sampling contains isopentane, nonanal. The main raw material ethylene of the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park detected a total of 46 points, detected 36, and the highest concentration is 686ppb. II) In terms of fingerprint database construction, fingerprint database sources mainly come from two parts, including factories self-inspection flue data (totally 7,989 records) and characteristic pollutants data of each plant (totally 785 records). The fingerprint database is integrated into the central monitoring system and emergency response system to provide users with a reverse inquiry function. By entering the name of the species, users can recognize the pollutants emissions from those public flues and quickly control air pollution emission sources as the incident happened. III) Corporations’ self-assessment fingerprint data of Outlying Island Industrial Park have been established. There are 232 smokestacks and 410 records in total recorded from 2010 to 2012, and the establishment rate is 98%. Within these records, A grade 58 accounted for 25%, B grade 62 27%, and C grade 112 48%. V. Compile the air pollution improvement and self-management situation of four major firms of the Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park. The relevant reduction plan of air pollution control self-management or the committed affairs among the companies in Formosa Industrial Park had been concluded in 3 pollution control review meetings were held on April 10th, July 13th, and October 30th, respectively. The representatives of Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park were invited to explain and conclude the committee members’ opinions in three conferences in 2011 and the project administering situations. They also made a special report for annually expected target and revised regulations in 2012. The representatives of Sixth Naphtha Cracking Industrial Park also responded the opinions of the Advisory Committee at the 3rd pollution control review meeting. The relevant units of the Environmental Protection Bureau also pointed out errors regarding the control inefficiencies of the examination for this year. We will keep checking out and reviewing pollution reduction effects and improve the inefficiencies afterwards. VI. Provide current coastal industrial air pollutants inspection and control plan consulting training and technology transfer to Environmental Protection Bureau. The first educational training workshop was completed on June 29th, 2012. Experts and scholars were invited to give a presentation on data analysis and applications of environmental monitoring and inspection within this workshop. It is expected that these data can be applied to relevant projects, and to provide the Environmental Protection Bureau with massive information as the references to develop various control strategies. The 2nd training workshop was held on October 29th, and it aimed on “emergency responding system” operation. It is expected that if emergency happens, the information of corporation and on-site conditions can be quickly controlled.
英文關鍵字 information integration, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) ,