

中文摘要 本計畫探討在中石化台南安順廠裡不同地點土壤的微生物族群的差異。著重在開發高通量焦磷酸定序與資訊分析的技術,以及探討不同戴奧辛污染程度對土壤微生物生態及種類的影響。我們先萃取土壤中之細菌total DNA,以六組特定的引子放大16S rDNA 的6個序列片段(每片段400~500bp),然後進行焦磷酸定序。我們也開發出一資訊分析平台來組合6個序列片段成為接近全長的16S rDNA序列(約1.5kb)。我們強調過去相關利用焦磷酸定序的研究均只針對一至兩個16S rDNA 的片段,其物種鑑定的解析度只能到屬的階層。而本計畫所開發出來的實驗與分析流程可以鑑定物種到種的階層。以此計畫所建立之微生物總基因體分析可應用的範圍非常廣泛,比如: 土壤品質監控、環境污染場址菌群分析等。 本計畫分為兩個階段。第一階段旨在確認我們的焦磷酸定序與資訊分析是否可以準確地及靈敏地決定土壤中的微生物種類。我們針對環檢所提供的前三例土壤樣品進行測試。第一例樣品為「環檢所土壤添加Psedomonas、Legionella、Flavobacterium等三株品管菌株」。焦磷酸定序的分析結果顯示有Pseudomonas、Legionella、Chrysobacterium、Bacillus、Azomonas等595種菌屬。其中Pseudomonas與Legionella是添加的已知菌株,另一株Chrysobacterium與環檢所利用BioLog微生物鑑定系統鑑定出的Flavobacterium不同。為了進一步驗證,我們利用準確度較高之傳統sanger定序技術加以確認,結果確實為Chrysobacterium。我們進一步發現Flavobacterium和Chrysobacterium兩種菌屬師出同源,以前統稱為Flavobacterium,因為基因序列結構的不同而分為不同菌屬。總結來說,我們正確的找出所有添加的菌種,並得到許多土壤本身的菌株。第二例樣品為「中石化底泥添加Legionella和Bacillus二株品管菌株」。焦磷酸定序結果顯示有Sulfurovum、Bacillus和Legionella等1014種菌屬。其中Bacillus和Legionella是預期的添加菌株,其它的菌株為底泥本身的菌株。此底泥樣品有受戴奧辛汙染,因此分析結果中有幾個菌屬是已知和戴奧辛分解相關的菌屬,例:Spirochaeta、Dehalogenimonas和Desulfuromonas等。第三例樣品為「Psedomonas、Legionella、Flavobacterium和Bacillus等四株品管菌株菌液」。定序結果顯示皆有偵測到四株菌株,其中Flavobacterium也由sanger定序確認為Chrysobacterium。綜合以上,這三例樣品的測試結果顯示焦磷酸定序以及資料分析具有相當一定的靈敏度以及準確度,同時也建立了整體的實驗技術架構。 第二階段旨在探討不同戴奧辛濃度下的菌相分布情形,對環檢所提供的後七例樣品進行定序分析。其中六例樣品分別從三個有戴奧辛汙染地點:五氯酚、海水池底泥、鹼氯工廠取得。最後一例樣品是做為對照組的廠區外土壤。其中在五氯酚、海水池底泥以及鹼氯工廠三個地點各自又分戴奧辛濃度高低兩處採集。首先我們鑑定出許多與戴奧辛分解相關的菌種。在「五氯酚1:較高濃度戴奧辛」的樣品中,結果鑑定出7種Hydrogenophaga屬的菌種,其中一菌種Hydrogenophaga intermedia經文獻搜尋後得知為戴奧辛分解菌,由於此例樣品在7例樣品中為擁有最高濃度戴奧辛的樣品,因此其餘6株菌種或許和戴奧辛分解有關,是將來後續探討的方向之一。在「五氯酚2:較低濃度戴奧辛」的樣品中,共鑑定出Aeromonas、Bacillus、Hydrogenophaga、Marinobacterium、Pelagibius、Pelobacter、Pseudomonas和Rheinheimera等8種菌屬共51種菌株。經過文獻搜尋得知Hydrogenophaga intermedia、Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes和Pseudomonas stutzeri為已知的戴奧辛分解菌。在「海水池底泥」兩例樣品中,皆鑑定出相同菌種Actibacter sediminis、Desulfosarcina cetonica、Desulfosarcina ovata和Desulfosarcina variabilis。在「鹼氯工廠1:較高濃度戴奧辛」樣品中,鑑定出Acinetobacter、Bacillus、Erythrobacter、Hydrogenophaga和Marinobacter等15個菌屬共140個菌種,其中Bacillus megaterium以及Hydrogenophaga intermedia為已知的戴奧辛分解菌。在「鹼氯工廠2:較低濃度戴奧辛」的樣品中,有7種菌屬共26株菌種被鑑定出,但並無已知文獻記載的戴奧辛分解菌。在對照組「廠區外:對照組」的樣品中,鑑定出7菌屬15株菌種,同樣並無已知文獻記載的戴奧辛分解菌。未來可針對鑑定出的菌種,特別是在含有較高濃度戴奧辛汙染的樣品中,進一步探討其他菌種是否也具有戴奧辛分解之相關功用。 我們也針對同一地點不同戴奧辛濃度下的樣品做比較,旨在探討取樣地點與戴奧辛濃度對土壤菌相的影響程度。並尋找是否有在所有地點,當戴奧辛濃度較高的情形下數量也較高的菌株,結果顯示有Pyramidobacter、Fervidicoccus、Balnearium和Desulfobacca等9個菌屬符合。我們發現取樣地點是決定菌相最重要的因素,也就是同樣地點兩個樣品的菌相遠比不同地點樣品的菌相來的相似。其中海水池的兩個樣品之菌相比起五氯酚或鹼氯工廠的兩個樣品更為相似。推測是因為海水池本身是個流動的環境,因此菌相分布較為均勻。所以物種菌相的分布是未來土壤鑑定的一個可能的指標。
中文關鍵字 焦磷酸定序,戴奧辛


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-1502-02-01 經費年度 101 計畫經費 1050 千元
專案開始日期 2012/06/01 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 顏經洲主任
主辦單位 環檢所 承辦人 尹開民 執行單位 國立成功大學醫學院附設醫院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 期末報告定稿本EPA10115020201-1 (1).pdf 11MB

Develop the Next Generation Sequencing for 16S rDNA Gene Amplicons

英文摘要 This project aims to investigate the soil microbial diversity at different sites in China Petrochemical Development Corporation (CPDC) An-Shun. We especially focus on establishing a pipeline of the NGS experiments and data analysis. First we extracted total DNA from bacteria in soil and amplified their 16S rDNAs using six primer sets, which products were subject to pyrosequencing. We then developed a data analysis platform to assemble various fragments of 16S rDNA into almost full-length sequences (about 1.5kb). This novel strategy is better than those in previous study where only one or two fragments were sequenced and species identification was only accurate at genus level. Our method identifies species down to the specie level, which is more helpful for follow up applications. This report is split into two parts. One is to evaluate the sensitivity and accuracy of our approach. We tested three samples from Environmental Analysis Laboratory (EAL). Sample one contained Pseudomonas, Leginella and Flavobacterium. Our sequencing and analysis pipeline revealed 595 genera including Pseudomonas, Legionella, Chryseobacterium, Bacillus and Azomonas. That is, we accurately identified all three known genera except Flavobacterium in the sample. Instead, we found Chryseobacterium that is rather closer to Flavobacterium. To confirm our finding, we did Sanger sequencing, a traditional technology with high accuracy, and showed that the bacteria was indeed Chryseobacterium. Sample two from sediments in CPDC contained Legionella and Bacillus. Our results showed that there were 1014 genera, including Sulfurovum, Bacillus and Legionella. This sample was polluted by dioxin and we detected some dioxin-related genera, such as Spirochaeta, Dehalogenimonas, and Desulfuromonas. Sample three contained only Pseudomonas, Legionella, Chryseobacterium, and Bacillus. Our pipeline detected these bacterial species accurately without giving other species. That is, the false positive rate of our approach is low in this case. To summarize, we have established an approach with high accuracy, high sensitivity, and low false positives in identifying microbial species in soils. The second part is to investigate the bacterial communities under different dioxin concentrations. We got seven samples from four locations, i.e., soil containing pentachlorophenol (PCP), sediments, soil containing PVC, and soil from outside factory as a control sample from EAL. EAL staff collected two samples at the same location, which were of different dioxin concentrations. In sample PCP1, with a higher dioxin concentration, we found seven species of Hydrogenophaga. One of the species, Hydrogenophaga intermedia, is a known dioxin-degrading bacterium. Because this sample is the highest in dioxin concentration, the detected species may be dioxin-related bacteria. In sample PCP2, with a lower dioxin concentration, we found fifty-one species, including eight genera, i.e., Aeromonas、Bacillus、Hydrogenophaga、Marinobacterium、Pelagibius、Pelobacter、Pseudomonas and Rheinheimera. After paper searching, we found that Hydrogenophaga intermedia、Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes, and Pseudomonas stutzeri are dioxin-degrading bacterium. In the two sediments sample,we found many common species: Actibacter sediminis、Desulfosarcina cetonica、Desulfosarcina ovata, and Desulfosarcina variabilis. In sample PVC1, with a higher dioxin concentration, we found 140 species including fifteen genera, e.g., Acinetobacter、Bacillus、Erythrobacter、Hydrogenophaga and Marinobacter. Studies indicated that Bacillus megaterium and Hydrogenophaga intermedia are dioxin-degrading bacteria. In sample PVC2, with a lower dioxin concentration, we found twenty-six species in seven genera. In sample outside factory, we found fifteen species including seven genera. To summarize, we provided many species that they may have function related to dioxin. We investigated the bacterial community structures at different locations with different dioxin concentrations. We found nine genera highly expressed in samples with more dioxin than with less dioxin, such as Pyramidobacter、Fervidicoccus、Balnearium and Desulfobacca. We also found the bacterial community structures strongly correlate with location. The correlation between bacterial community structures at the same locations was higher than those at different locations. To summarize, we found that location determines the main structure of bacterial community. Thus, bacterial community structures may be used for specifying soil types.
英文關鍵字 pyrosequencing,dioxin