

中文摘要 本計畫執行精神在於協助環保局於加強民眾屢次陳情案件巡查輔導及追蹤改善,避免單一案件依再重複陳情,加強改善率並削減陳情案件數。執行期間分別就屢次陳情案件、近年告發裁處案件進行追蹤加強巡查頻率並提出改善建議,部分案件並委請專家學者進行現場輔導,以提升輔導改善成效。並依環保局需求於特殊專案管制案件,成立專案小組協助進行地區派駐加強巡查,以利即時消弭污染。並針對主要陳情之污染行業別辦理相關的法規說明會,以增加法規符合度,以免污染行為造成民怨而轉為屢次陳情案件。計畫執行期間依環保署公害陳情系統、及環保局建議迄今共計列管有314件屢遭公害陳情案件當中以工業(廠)最多,並依其污染影響情形與陳情案件數分為A、B、C三級加強管制,執行期間並巡查輔導972件屢次公害陳情案件。經本計畫協助環保局輔導管制下已有316件屢次公害陳情案件改善完成,進一步分析廠家改善方式,異味污染改善方式以增設/更新污染防制設佔42.9%為最大宗,配合專案巡查佔15.4%,屬仁大、本洲工業區專案巡查名單;噪音污染改善方式以增設防制設備佔68.6%為最高,以固定動力噪音為主,其次為污染源消失為再者;而環境衛生及空氣污染屢次陳情案件,經本計畫輔導後污染源也已派工修繕、或未再有污染情形,可見經本計畫輔導後,業者已多能所改善,並減低該區域之污染陳情數量,提升市民生活品質。
中文關鍵字 屢次陳情,異味,噪音,環境衛生


專案計畫編號 經費年度 101 計畫經費 13955.999 千元
專案開始日期 2012/06/01 專案結束日期 2014/05/31 專案主持人 許浩洋
主辦單位 高雄市政府環境保護局 承辦人 蘇憶貞 執行單位 立境環境科技股份有限公司


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 101暨102年度高雄市屢次陳情暨告發處分追蹤改善計畫-成果報告.pdf 0MB 101暨102年度高雄市屢次陳情暨告發處分追蹤改善計畫-成果報告
英文摘要 The execution spirit of the Plan lies in assisting the Environmental Protection Bureau (EPB) to reinforce inspection, guidance, tracking and improvement of repeated petition cases of the public, in order to prevent repeated petitions of a single case, strengthen the improvement rate and cut down on the number of petition cases. During the execution period, reinforcement on the tracking and inspection frequency of repeated petition cases and cases prosecuted and handled in recent years was made, and improvement suggestions were also proposed. Authorized experts and scholars were also invited to provide on-site guidance for some of the cases, in order to promote the guidance improvement effect. A specific task team for special project control cases was further established to assist regional assignment and reinforced inspection according to the demands of the EPB, so as to facilitate the immediate prevention of pollution. Relevant laws and regulations explanation workshops for major pollution industry categories petitioned were held to increase the regulatory compliance and prevent the pollution behavior from causing social grievances and turning it into repeated petition cases.During the Plan implementation period, there have been 314 repeated petitioned cases on environmental pollution listed according to the environmental pollution petition system of the Environmental Protection Administration and the suggestions of the EPB, among which industry (manufacturers) makes up the greatest percentage; the cases were categorized into Levels A, B or C according to the pollution influence and number of petition cases, to facilitate control reinforcement. 972 repeated petition cases were inspected and guided during the implementation. The Plan has assisted the guidance and control of the EPB and completed the improvement of 316 repeated petition cases on environmental pollution. Through further analysis of the improvement methods of the manufacturers, in terms of odor pollution improvement methods, it can be found that the dominant method is addition/upgrading of pollution control facilities, which makes up 42.9%; coordination with specific case inspection took up 15.4%, with Renda Industrial Park and Benjhou Industrial Park on the specific case inspection list. Concerning the noise pollution improvement methods, the addition of control facility accounts for 68.6%, the highest, with fixing dynamic noise being the main method; followed by the disappearance of the pollution source. With respect to the repeated petition cases on environmental health and air pollution, the pollution source has been repaired after guidance by the Plan, and there have been no pollution situations afterwards. So it is clear that through the guidance of the Plan, most manufacturers are able to make improvements concerning environment protection and reduce the number of petition cases on pollution within the regions, thus promoting the living quality of the citizens.
英文關鍵字 Repeated Petitions,public nuisance statements,statistical analysis,noise,environmental sanitation