

中文摘要 本二年計畫主要目的在篩選適合鋼鐵金屬工業區之高淨污及快長樹種,以供日後鋼鐵及金屬工業區綠化推薦樹種之參考依據。第一年係針對煉鋼及金屬工業區進行四項工作,包括(1) 蒐集煉鋼及金屬工業區高淨污及快長樹種相關資料, (2) 調查並篩選3個以上現有煉鋼及金屬工業區高淨污及快長樹種,(3) 實測與篩選適合煉鋼及金屬工業區具高淨污及快長樹種,(4) 綜合評估選列煉鋼及金屬工業區適合之高淨污及快長樹種。其中包括以儀器實測常見煉鋼及金屬工業區樹種淨化污染之能力,並篩選適合於濱海煉鋼及金屬工業區之淨污及快長樹種。其研究測定之污染物對象為SOX、HF、NOX三項及鹽沫一項。目前已增加相關文獻,已於2012年1至11月到五座煉鋼及金屬工業區調查常見耐污樹種,包括對高雄臨海工業區中國鋼鐵廠區、桃園觀音工業區、高雄大發工業區、彰濱工業區、中龍鋼鐵廠區等進行繞廠之樹種調查,並對各場區生長最佳之喬木群量測胸高直徑。另已經由繞廠調查台灣地區五座煉鋼及金屬工業區現有常見樹種,初步選取具優勢之樹種,包括台灣欒樹、小葉南洋杉、水黃皮、榕樹等25種喬木,以2-4年生植栽進行煉鋼及金屬工業區污染氣體SOX、HF、NOX三項之耐受性及淨污能力,另測試其耐鹽沫之能力。本計畫第二年係針對其他金屬工業區進行五項工作,除與上述前四項類似者之外,增加彙編「我國煉鋼及金屬工業區適合高淨污及快長樹種」手冊之項目。第二年將對3個以上之其他金屬工業區,進行現場比較、篩選,並同樣利用儀器實測常見工業區樹種淨化污染之能力,同時篩選適合於濱海其他金屬工業區之淨污及快長樹種。但第二年研究測定之污染物對象為(HCl、O3、C2H4)等三項及鹽沫一項。本計畫有關污染測定技術皆已成熟,故預期兩年內皆可達成預定之目標,並彙編「我國煉鋼及金屬工業區適合高淨污及快長樹種」手冊。第一年結果發現榕樹、白水木、木麻黃、黃槿等具有較高之二氧化硫吸收能力,對氟化氫則以春不老、台灣櫸、小葉南洋杉、尾葉桉、榕樹等具有較高之吸收能力,對氮氧化物之吸收能力則以木麻黃、檉柳、白水木、海棗、苦楝、榕樹等較高。而大葉山欖、小葉南洋杉、海棗、檉柳、春不老、白水木、水黃皮、木麻黃及榕樹等,則具有較高之鹽沫耐受度。綜合評選可於內陸工業區優先選擇尾葉桉、檸檬桉、台灣欒樹、小葉欖仁、苦楝、榕樹、黃槿、春不老等,而於濱海地區優先選擇木麻黃、榕樹、白水木、黃槿、小葉南洋杉、海棗、檉柳、春不老等。本計畫將可在計畫完成後,精確評估適合鋼鐵金屬工業區種植之高淨污及快長樹種,以供環保及工業區單位未來植樹造林之參考,亦可供未來各環保單位設置空品淨化區選擇樹種之參考。
中文關鍵字 鋼鐵金屬工業區、快長樹種、污染吸收


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA14-03-A041 經費年度 101 計畫經費 2400 千元
專案開始日期 2012/01/04 專案結束日期 2012/12/31 專案主持人 孫岩章
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 隋婉君 執行單位 國立臺灣大學


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 EPA-101-FA14-03-A041.pdf 8MB

Screening and Evaluation of Fast-growing and High-pollutant-uptake Trees for Steel Industrial Parks

英文摘要 The purpose of this two-year project is to screen and evaluate the fast-growing and high-pollutant-uptake trees for steel industrial parks in Taiwan. The first-year study is focusing on industrial parks with steel smelter factories. There are four major tasks in this first-year project: (1) To review all the literatures related with fast-growing and high-pollutant-uptake trees in steel industrial parks; (2) To investigate and identify all tree species growing well in at least three steel industrial parks; (3) To measure the pollutant uptake rates of major tree species belonging to fast-growing and high-pollutant-uptake group with instruments; (4) Comprehensive evaluation and grading all the fast-growing and high-pollutant-uptake trees species tested in this study for future application in steel industrial parks in Taiwan. The measurements of pollutant (including SOX、HF、NOX) uptake rates by tree species were conducted in bag branch enclosure chamber. The tolerance of these tree species to salt spray were also tested for evaluating their performance in inland or coastal areas. After a series of field investigation around five steel industrial parks in Taiwan, a total of 25 tree species were preliminarily selected and listed for detail measurements of pollutant uptake rates and salt spray tolerance. From first year’s results, we found that marabutan, silvery Messerschmidia, iron wood, and Linden hibiscus have higher uptake rates for sulfur dioxide. For HF uptake measurement, seashore ardisia, Taiwan zelkova, Norfolk island pine, Eucalyptus urophylla,and marabutan showed the higher uptake rates. To nitrogen oxides, the higher uptake rates were found on iron wood, juniper Tamarisk, silvery Messerschmidia, date palm, China berry, and marabutan. Results showed that Taiwan nato tree, Norfolk island pine, date palm, juniper Tamarisk, seashore ardisia, silvery Messerschmidia, iron wood, and marabutan are salt tolerant species. In conclusion, we recommend the better tree species for inland steel industrial parks are Eucalyptus urophylla, lemon eucalyptus, Koelreuteria elegans, Madagascar Almond, China berry, marabutan, Linden hibiscus and seashore ardisia While the better tree species for coastal steel industrial parks are iron wood, marabutan, silvery Messerschmidia, Linden hibiscus, Norfolk island pine, date palm, juniper Tamarisk, and seashore ardisia.
英文關鍵字 steel industrial park, fast-growing tree, pollutant uptake