

中文摘要 本計畫目的在於規劃與發展適合國內的電動車營運與電能補充方式,並推動示範運行,藉由示範運行成果,驅動未來大規模的電動車輛與相關服務的正式營運。期間將以「電動車營運與電能補充服務策略聯盟」作為產官研跨單位溝通平台,藉此促成業者參與電動車示範運行,並推動國內建置電能補充基礎設施。 本計畫重要執行成果包括: –完成可電池交換電動二輪車潛在使用者調查及後續推廣建議 –完成西螺果菜市場電動蔬果運輸車補助辦法草案,以不增加使用者負擔及營運商能永續經營為主要考量 –三輪柴油拖板車電動化換裝方案提升使用意願 –租賃10輛電動蔬果運輸車辦理示範運行,行駛總里程超過35,202km,並完成1輛可電池交換電動蔬果運輸車開發及設備建置,做為審驗規範研擬依據 –租賃1輛可電池交換慢速電動車,於金門完成60趟次示範運行,並完成『工程及審驗規範』與『型式審驗替代基準』草案 –完成電動小汽車電池交換系統調查報告 –完成電動車預約後台監控系統,可運用作為電動公務車管理參考 –舉辦15場聯盟會議及一場國內研討會 –完成可交換共通電池整車定位鎖附及連接器加載振動耐久測試,以作為共通電池審驗測試實施參考 –完成電動二輪車共通電池審驗規範草案,以建立共通及可互換之介面標準
中文關鍵字 電動車;電池交換;營運


專案計畫編號 EPA-101-FA13-03-A226 經費年度 101 計畫經費 25965 千元
專案開始日期 2012/07/26 專案結束日期 2013/06/30 專案主持人 林宇洲
主辦單位 空保處 承辦人 連杉利 執行單位 財團法人工業技術研究院


類型 檔名 檔案大小 說明
期末報告 20130724_電動車營運與電能補充服務規劃_期末報告_定稿本.pdf 14MB

Plan of Electric Vehicles Operation and Recharging Service

英文摘要 The objective of this project is to plan and help develop the suitable operation and recharging models for electric vehicles (EV). Besides, it also aims to promote pilot runs of EV so as to push the development of the real large-scale EV and service operation in the future. The “Strategic Alliance of EV Operation and Recharging Service”, a communication platform between industry, government and research institutes, is organized to encourage the industry to participate pilot runs and to promote the installation of recharging infrastructure. The main outcome of the project includes: –Complete a survey of potential users of battery-swappable electric two-wheelers and suggestions for follow-up promotion. –Complete a subsidy plan of electric delivery tractor in 西螺果菜市場 aiming not to increase the cost of the users nor the operators. –Increase the interest of electrifying the three-wheel diesel trucks. –The project has successfully leased 10 electrified delivery trucks for pilot runs. The accumulated mileages is about 35, 202km. It has also converted one battery-swappable electric truck and installed related facilities, which can be used as a reference for drafting relevant evaluation regulations. –The project has successfully leased one battery-swappable low speed vehicle. The vehicle has completed more than 60 round trips in Kinmen Island. A draft of “engineering and evaluation regulation” and “model evaluation alternative standard” is also finished. –Complete an investigation report of the battery swap system for light electric vehicles. –Complete a monitor system for EV booking, which can be used as a reference for the management of public EV in the future. –Complete 15 alliance meetings and one seminar. –Complete the loaded vibration and durable test of the locking mechanism and connector of the swappable standard batteries in a vehicle. The data can be used as a reference for future implementation of the evaluation and testing of the standard battery. –Complete a draft of the evaluation regulation of E2W standard batteries, which can be used to establish the interface standard for communication and interchange.
英文關鍵字 Electric vehicle;Battery exchange;Operation